Posted on Jun 12, 2017
The Reading Fall Street Faire planning has begun.  We need all Rotarians to help.  If you have not yet signed up to help on a subcommittee, please do so.  The subcommittees and Chairs are:  Sponsorship (Meghan Young/Tim Kelley); Food (Kathi Spurr); Marketing/Outreach (John Doherty; Road Race (Lori Haverty); Entertainment (Bob Beckman); PR (Priscilla Gottwald); Children's Area (Lisa DeLeo); Logistics (Gregg Johnson); Registration/Website (John Feudo/Sheila Mulroy); Volunteers (Kristin Bonazoli).  You can speak with anyone one the RFSF Committee or contact Chair Sheila Clarke to put your talents to work.  Sheila is a new Service Member and was RFSF Chair when it started.  Thank you, Sheila!
We can especially use help now in seeking Sponsorships.  Our success in obtaining sponsorships will determine if this event will be an effective fundraiser.