Posted by Amy Walsh on Jan 29, 2025
As part of the District Competitive Polar Plunge this year, we are going to "Get Movin to End Polio" at the Burbank YMCA in Reading.  
Event Date:  Tuesday, Feb. 11
Time:  6:45 to 8 pm
Who can attend:  EVERYONE!  Please bring your friends, spouses, families, neighbors and Interact.
Events:  Novice Zumba, Spin Bikes, Treadmills, Ellipticals, Basketball, Swimming.  
We have created a Raise for Rotary fundraiser page for our challenge. Please use and send the link below for people donate on your behalf.  All donations will automatically be sent to The Rotary Foundation and credited to the Club.  Donation Link.
Register here to let us know you'll be there.  Contact President Phil with any questions.
Please (1) Come on Feb. 11; and (2) Donate and/or spread the word for donations. 
If you can't make it to the Burbank Y then, do your own "Plunge" activity another time and place.  We look forward to a fun evening to support one of our core Rotary initiatives.