2025-26 Phil Stewart and Amy Walsh, Co-Presidents; President Elect Lisa Simmons
2026-27 Amy Walsh and Lisa Simmons, Co-Presidents; President Elect John Feudo
2027-28 John Feudo, President; President Elect (this could be you)
If anyone is interested in assisting with Club leadership, please reach out to President Phil. In addition, we are always looking for people willing to serve on the board and as chairs of our committees. So please don't be shy to step forward.
Two of the more persistent issues facing Rotary clubs in North America (as well as other volunteer organizations) are (1) declining membership and (2) leadership succession planning. We are very fortunate to have a solid leadership plan to give out club stability over the next few years.
If anyone has any questions, objections or the like, please contact President Phil.
Thank you!