Help Desperately Needed

Posted by Tim Kelley on Sep. 06, 2024
Our biggest event the Reading Fall Street Faire is this Sunday, September 8.  We are short of volunteers, especially in the Children's Area.  Please reach out to friends and family to help if they can.  It takes so many to make this event run.
Here's the volunteer sign up link.  We really need our members and friends to turn out on Sunday.
See you all at the Faire!
Help Desperately Needed Tim Kelley 2024-09-06 04:00:00Z 0

Member Profile:  Amy Walsh

Posted by Tim Kelley on Aug. 19, 2024
This Member Spotlight is on Amy Walsh.  Amy is Branch Manager for The Savings Bank in North Reading.  Amy first joined Rotary as a member of the North Reading Club and joined Reading Rotary in 2022.
How long have you been in Rotary: 6 Years
Rotary positions held:  I was a member of the North Reading Rotary and was then the President of the North Reading Rotary. North Reading Rotary merged into the Reading Rotary and I became a Board Member. I am now President Elect for the next Rotary year.  This means I am in line to serve as President of Reading Rotary after Phil Stewart, the current President.
Reason you joined Rotary:  I joined Rotary because I saw other co-workers in other clubs and wanted to see what it was all about.
Favorite things about Rotary:  I love getting to know other people in the community by volunteering and doing community activities.
Why should someone join Rotary:  If you like to volunteer this is a great first step to take. There are so many different opportunities to go after. There are small behind the scenes tasks and greater opportunities.
What is something people may be surprised to learn about you?  I was named Miss FSC (Framingham State College) 2003 in my College’s Talent Pageant.  I played the College Hymn on the violin.
Share something special about your Rotary journey/experience.  I am a very quiet and to myself person and this Club has allowed me to share my talents and come out of my shadow.
You can find Amy at the North Reading branch of The Savings Bank –  The Savings Bank also can be found on Instagram and Facebook.
Member Profile: Amy Walsh Tim Kelley 2024-08-19 04:00:00Z 0

Fall Street Faire is Fast Approaching

Posted by Tim Kelley on Jul. 19, 2024
Our major fundraiser and event is coming!  The Reading Fall Street Faire is September 8.  Our RFSF Committee is working in earnest.  Please spread the word to potential vendors and sponsors.  Many of you may have been sponsors.  Prior sponsors should have received an email from Sheila Clarke and Jenn Rogers.  Sponsorship information can be found here
Upcoming planning meetings are August 7, 14, 21 and 28 at 5 pm at the Reading Public Library.  All are welcome to attend and become involved.
Fall Street Faire is Fast Approaching Tim Kelley 2024-07-19 04:00:00Z 0

Samantha's Harvest Golf

Posted by Lisa Gibbs on Jul. 19, 2024
Samantha's Harvest Golf Tournament is coming.

23rd annual Golf Tournament
Friday, Sep 20, 2024
Four Oaks Country Club
1 Clubhouse Ln., Dracut MA
Lunch and registration 11:30
Tee off 1:00


Samantha's Harvest Golf Lisa Gibbs 2024-07-19 04:00:00Z 0

Hope to See you All at the Club Installation

Posted by Tim Kelley on Jul. 19, 2024
Our Club Installation Dinner to install President Phil Stewart and the officers and directors of Reading Rotary 2024-25 is Monday, July 22 at 6 pm at Cafe Escadrille, 26 Cambridge St., Burlington, MA 01803.
For any last minute additions or changes, please reach out to Past President Sheila.
Hope to See you All at the Club Installation Tim Kelley 2024-07-19 04:00:00Z 0

Member Spotlight:  Sheila Clarke

Posted by Tim Kelley on Jul. 08, 2024
This Member Spotlight is on Sheila Clarke.  Sheila is our Immediate Past President, having just finished serving 2 years as Club President.  Sheila served as Co-President in 2022-23 with John Douglass and again as President in 2023-24.  Sheila is on the Board of Directors and the Reading Fall Street Faire Planning Committee.  Outside Rotary, Sheila runs her own Interior Design business M&H Interiors.
How long have you been in Rotary: 6 years.
Reason you joined Rotary: When Rotary agreed to take over running the Reading Fall Street Faire from the Town, some members reached out to me to assist in running it.  I had previously served on the Town’s Economic Development Committee, the committee that originated the RFSF.
Favorite thing about Rotary: You really get to see the impact the group has on the community.
Why should someone join Rotary: Volunteering is a very personal decision.  We are all pulled in many directions.  I think Rotary gives you the ability to be as involved in whatever is important to you and to whatever extent you want to be involved.
Something people may be surprised to learn about you:  I failed my driving test twice!  Although, I actually thought it should have been only once 😊
Share something special about your Rotary journey/experience. 
I have met the most wonderful, generous people throughout all levels of Rotary.  The friendships that have come out of my membership have been fantastic and unexpected.
You can find Sheila’s business M&H Interiors here:
Member Spotlight: Sheila Clarke Tim Kelley 2024-07-08 04:00:00Z 0

Public Image Webinar

Posted by Tim Kelley on Jul. 02, 2024
I have a Regional Leader role as Assistant Rotary Public Image Coordinator (ARPIC) for Zone 32.  Our PI team will be hosting a webinar on July 29 at 7:30 pm on 3 Actions to Impact Public Image Today!
I would love it if some club members would support me and sign on the to webinar.  We will talk about things Rotary clubs can do immediately to enhance their Public Image.  Rotary does so much.  Telling the stories of the great things is key to building awareness and attracting members.  I hope you can attend.
Meeting ID: 816 9761 2476
Passcode: 271897
Public Image Webinar Tim Kelley 2024-07-02 04:00:00Z 0

It's a New Rotary Year

Posted by Phil Stewart on Jul. 01, 2024
It was a great District Installation Dinner this past Thursday at Danversport.  Congratulations to AG's Peter, John and Tim for their new and/or expanded District role.  You exemplify the Rotary motto "Service Above Self" and are a great representative of the Reading Rotary Club.
Having a full table of Reading Rotarians at the event speaks well for the future of our Club.   Amy Walsh will serve as this year's Vice President and next year's Co-President.  
I have seen Sheila's smile over the past year, but never as wide as it was after I was sworn in.  You are going to be a hard act to follow.
I hope to see all club members attend our Club Installation Celebration on July 22 at 6 pm at Cafe Escadrille.  I appreciate all the work you all do for our community and am looking forward to a great year of Service and Fun.
It's a New Rotary Year Phil Stewart 2024-07-01 04:00:00Z 0

More Member News

Posted by Tim Kelley on Jun. 27, 2024
Richie Lombardi and wife Patty sent in this update on June 21:  "We have been busy attending our granddaughter's graduation at Duke University. She just got a job at Space X in California as a rocket propulsion engineer. Patty and I are now in Dublin Ireland on a cruise. Headed to Paris for a few nights after the cruise. Hope to see everyone soon."
If you have news to share, please send updates to Tim.
More Member News Tim Kelley 2024-06-27 04:00:00Z 0

Member Spotlight:  John Feudo

Posted by Tim Kelley on Jun. 25, 2024
From time to time we will feature a profile on our members.  Our first spotlight is on John Feudo.
John is Executive Director of the Burbank YMCA and has been in Rotary for over seven years.  He is the past and current Chair of the Reading Fall Street Faire and a club Board Member.
Reason you joined Rotary: I love everything Rotary Stands for and giving back to the community.
Favorite thing about Rotary: It’s the friends I have made.  I also love doing the Greater Boston Food Bank runs.  If feels good and very mission based.
Why should someone join Rotary: It’s a great way to get networked in the community while giving back. 
What is something people may be surprised to learn about you?  I don’t eat fish.  Everyone thinks all Italians eat fish, well this one does not.
Share something special about your Rotary journey/experience.  I have made some deep friendships with people I only knew as acquaintances.  I have, on numerous occasions, called upon other Rotarians for support or ideas.
How to find John:
Members can find a member profile form here.  Please return completed form to Amy or Tim.
Member Spotlight: John Feudo Tim Kelley 2024-06-25 04:00:00Z 0

Member News

Posted by Tim Kelley on Jun. 20, 2024
If you have any news to share about your work, your family, other events you want posted on our Calendar, please let Tim know.
Here is some news about our members:
Dick Haggerty has been hospitalized with pneumonia.  According to his son Rich, Dick has been released to rehab and is making progress.  Best wishes to Dick on a steady recovery.
Graduations.  Congratulations to Jenn Rogers on her son Nathan's graduation from Dracut High.  Nathan is heading off to Northeastern U.  Congrats to John Feudo on his son Ryan's graduation from Shawsheen Tech.  Ryan studied to become an electrician.  Congrats to Pooja Parson on her daughter Meera's high school graduation.  Brian Tobin's son Michael finished a post Bachelor's year at UMass while dominating Division 1 lacrosse.  Michael is headed to the US Army this summer for Officer Candidate School.
Member News Tim Kelley 2024-06-20 04:00:00Z 0

Street Faire Prep is in Gear

Posted by Tim Kelley on Jun. 20, 2024
The Reading Fall Street Faire is September 8, from noon to 5 pm.  Registration as officially opened for Vendors.  See our RFSF So please spread the news to your networks.
If you or your organization would like to sponsor, please see the website OR contact Sheila Clarke or Jenn Rogers for options.
We need help in so many areas.  Please be prepared to lend a hand.
Our next RFSF meeting is June 26 at 5:30 pm at the Reading Public Library.
Street Faire Prep is in Gear Tim Kelley 2024-06-20 04:00:00Z 0

Welcome, new Rotarians Rob and Chris

Posted by Tim Kelley on Jun. 20, 2024
Reading Rotary officially welcomed two new members at our meeting on Monday, May 17. 
Rob Minor is the new Executive Director of the Reading North Reading Chamber of Commerce.  Rob was previously with the Bedford Chamber of Commerce and had worked closely with former RNR Chamber head Lisa Egan.
Chris Kowaleski is the Elder and Human Services Administrator with the Town of Reading.  Chris' office is located in the Senior Center on Pleasant Street.  Chris has been in this role for some time.  Before Reading Chris was in a similar position with Somerville.
John Douglass presided over the induction ceremony assisted by President Elect Phil Stewart and Margaret O'Sullivan.
The meeting was held at Cafe Capri due to a last-minute scheduling change.  We must say that Capri was very accommodating.  In 2024, Rotary must be willing to adapt!
Welcome, Rob and Chris!
Welcome, new Rotarians Rob and Chris Tim Kelley 2024-06-20 04:00:00Z 0

District Installation Dinner: June 27

Posted by Tim Kelley on Jun. 20, 2024
Come one, come all to Rotary District 7930's Installation of Presidents and District Leaders at Danversport, 161 Elliot St., Danvers, MA 01823, Thursday, June 27 starting at 6 pm.
A big get for our District is Rotary Director Drew Kessler will be in attendance.
Tickets are still available for our Happy Rotary New Year Celebration at Danversport Yacht Club. The fun starts at 6 pm. Along with fun and laughter, a full Chinese food buffet will be served.

Please come out to support Phil Stewart as he is installed as Club President.  We also have 3 members in District Leadership to be inducted:  Peter Majane, AG Coordinator; John Douglass, AG and Tim Kelley AG and Governor's Aide. It would be great to have a big contingent from Reading there!
Do not miss out on the celebration! Register online here.  Our Club will reimburse Rotarians for their registration.
District Installation Dinner: June 27 Tim Kelley 2024-06-20 04:00:00Z 0

Support Rotarians' Upcoming Events

Posted by Sheila Clarke on Apr. 30, 2024
Just wanted to make you aware of some upcoming events that you can participate in to support your fellow Rotarians!
May 1st - John Feudo is hosting a Kentucky Derby event at Austin Prep on behalf of the Burbank YMCA's Best Summer Ever Program to send kids to summer camp.  Please email John directly regarding ticket sales at JFeudo@ymcaboston.orgEvent/ticket info here.  Direct link to online auction.
May 7th - Amy Walsh is hosting a fundraiser on behalf of the TBS Lifesavers.  Please dine in or take out at the Main Street Grille & Tap House in Wakefield and 20% of the sales will be donated. You MUST bring the flyer attached.
May 17th - John Douglass is hosting a Music Bingo Night at the Wakefield Elks to benefit Peps Peddlers.  You can purchase tickets here.  Please email John at with questions.
June 9th - Lisa Gibbs is hosting the Samantha's Harvest Family Walk/Run. Online registration happening now!  She needs volunteers to make sure everyone is Alec at if interested, put Road Race Volunteer in subject line.  Click the link to REGISTER NOW
Support Rotarians' Upcoming Events Sheila Clarke 2024-04-30 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Readers was a Big Success

Posted by Tim Kelley on Apr. 22, 2024
Reading Rotary just completed its Rotary Readers project during the Read Across America month of March. Rotary Readers is an annual literacy project where reading books and a backpack are given to each Reading Public Schools student in kindergarten. This year over 300 literacy bags were delivered by Rotarians to local elementary schools. In addition, Rotarians read to each Kindergarten class as part of Read Across America.
This literacy project has been adapted from Rotary’s previous dictionary and thesaurus giveaways. Teachers expressed their preference to have the younger students receive reading books. Basic Education and Literacy is one of Rotary International's Areas of Focus. This particular project was adapted from a Girl Scout Gold Award literacy project by Mary Kate Kelley, who is a Past President of RMHS Interact and one of its Charter Members.
Pictured here is Rotarian Margaret O'Sullivan with happy kindergartners.
Rotary Readers was a Big Success Tim Kelley 2024-04-22 04:00:00Z 0

Service Above Self Scholarship 2024

Posted by Sheila Clarke on Mar. 18, 2024
High school seniors are invited to apply for Reading Rotary's Service Above Self Scholarship.  Download application here.
Service Above Self Scholarships from Reading Rotary will be awarded to selected outstanding high school seniors who demonstrated the following:
• Leadership and volunteerism that personify Rotary’s motto of Service Above Self, whether in the school or other areas of the community.
• Consistent effort and commitment toward improving the quality of life for others.
• An awareness of and action toward raising awareness or addressing humanitarian needs in the immediate community or elsewhere in the world.
• A commitment to dedicating him- or herself to these ideals even into college and professional life.
• Interest in Interact and Rotary throughout high school.
Service Above Self Scholarship 2024 Sheila Clarke 2024-03-18 04:00:00Z 0

Jenn's Pancreatic Cancer Fundraiser

Posted by Tim Kelley on Feb. 26, 2024
Our own Jenniffer Rogers will be participating in a fundraising walk for pancreatic cancer research.  Jenn's dad, Paul, was recently diagnosed with this terrible disease.  The Board voted to donate $1,000 to Jenn's walk.
Donations can be made online here.  Please keep Jenn and her family in your thoughts and prayers.
Jenn's Pancreatic Cancer Fundraiser Tim Kelley 2024-02-26 05:00:00Z 0

Have News?

Posted by Tim Kelley on Jan. 25, 2024
Do you have news to share?  Do you have an upcoming event you would like shared on our bulletin or website?  We'd love to include any members' big news regarding whether it be regarding your business, other organizations you participate in, family happenings or other newsworthy items.
Please let Tim know to include it in this space.
Have News? Tim Kelley 2024-01-25 05:00:00Z 0

Leadership Planning

Posted by Tim Kelley on Jan. 25, 2024
It's that time of year that our President Elect Phil Stewart will be constituting his leadership team for 2024-2025.  Phil will be attending PETS (President Elect Training Seminar) in March.  PETS is required for all Club Presidents and is a fantastic learning and networking opportunity.  And it's a lot of fun, too.
If you are interested in serving in some capacity, please reach out to Phil.  Phil has been coordinating the Food Bank Run and will be looking for someone to take that task on as he becomes President.
Positions to be filled are Officers and Directors and Committee Chairs.  
Leadership Planning Tim Kelley 2024-01-25 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Readers Coming in March

Posted by Tim Kelley on Jan. 24, 2024
March is Read Across America month and we will be doing our Rotary Readers program with the kindergarten classes.  We will be preparing the literacy bags at our February 26 meeting, that is, stuffing the bags with books etc.
We will be looking for Rotarians to volunteer to read to the K classes in March.  Stay tuned for the dates after we arrange that with the schools.
Rotary Readers Coming in March Tim Kelley 2024-01-24 05:00:00Z 0

Chief Clark Visits

Posted by Tim Kelley on Jan. 24, 2024
On January 22, Reading Police Chief David Clark was the speaker at our dinner meeting at RCTV.  Chief Clark gave a comprehensive overview of the RPD and how they are adapting to changing times and needs.  
Some highlights are that due to recent hires, RPD has Officers that speak Spanish, Arabic, Greek and Portuguese.  RPD Officers are trained in and emphasize de-escalation techniques.  RPD now has a motorcycle and has hybrid cruisers, the mountain bikes are returning in 2024.  On the upcoming Town Meeting agenda will be the requested purchase of a new dispatching system to replace the existing system from the early 1980's.  
Chief Clark offered to host a future meeting at the Police Station and to have other RPD staff available to speak and answer questions.
Chief Clark Visits Tim Kelley 2024-01-24 05:00:00Z 0

Get Movin' to End Polio

Posted by Sheila Clarke on Jan. 19, 2024
In lieu of the Polar Plunge this year, we are going to "Get Movin to End Polio"  at the Burbank YMCA in Reading.  
Event Date:  Tuesday, January 30th
Time:  6:30 arrival for photos and sign waiver/Events begin at 7:00
Who can attend:  EVERYONE!  Please bring your friends, spouses, families, neighbors and Interact.
Events:  Spin Bikes, Treadmills, Ellipticals, Basketball, and Pickle Ball (modified).  Please use the link below to RSVP for your preferred activity. 
We have created a Raise for Rotary fundraiser page for our challenge. Please use and send the link below for people donate on your behalf.  All donations will automatically be sent to The Rotary Foundation and credited to the Club. 
Please let me know if you have any questions
Please (1) Sign up and come on Jan 30; and (2) Donate and/or spread the word for donations.  I look forward to a fun evening to support one of our core Rotary initiatives.
Get Movin' to End Polio Sheila Clarke 2024-01-19 05:00:00Z 0

Happy New Year!

Posted by Tim Kelley on Dec. 29, 2023
Happy New Year from Reading Rotary.
With our friends beside us,
And no person beneath us,
With the bonds of Rotary between us,
And our worries behind us,
With our goals before us,
And no task beyond us,
With a thirst for knowledge,
And a dream of a Polio free world,
We are thankful for our Rotary friends, partners and neighbors. 
Happy New Year! Tim Kelley 2023-12-29 05:00:00Z 0

Happy Holidays from Reading Rotary

Posted by Tim Kelley on Dec. 22, 2023
Wishing all Rotarians, community partners and friends the happiest Merry Christmas and Season's Greetings.  Thank you for all you do for Rotary and the community.  We appreciate all you do!
We hope you all are able to take time to spend time with family and friends during this time.
Best Wishes to All and continue to Create Hope in the World!
Happy Holidays from Reading Rotary Tim Kelley 2023-12-22 05:00:00Z 0

Happy Birthday, Reading Rotary

Posted by Tim Kelley on Dec. 07, 2023
Reading Rotary was chartered on December 7, 1923. Today we celebrate 100 years of Club Service to our local and global community.
Joining Rotary is a great way to give back to your community and make a difference in the world. Rotary International is a global organization that brings together people from all walks of life who share a common goal of making the world a better place. As a member of a Rotary Club, you will have the opportunity to connect with other community members who share your passion for service and work together to create lasting change.
Some of the benefits of joining Rotary include:
Friendship: Rotary Clubs provide a platform for members to make new friends and build lasting relationships with like-minded individuals.
Community Service: Rotary Clubs are dedicated to improving the lives of people in their communities through various service projects and initiatives.
Personal Growth: Membership in Rotary can help you develop your leadership and professional skills, as well as your personal character.
Networking: Rotary Clubs provide an excellent opportunity to network with other professionals in your community and beyond.
International Connections: Rotary International has over 1.4 million members in more than 35,000 clubs worldwide, providing opportunities for international connections and collaborations.
Fun and Entertainment: Rotary Clubs organize various social events and activities that provide members with opportunities to have fun and enjoy themselves while making a difference in the world.
Let us know if you'd like to join or for more info.
Happy Birthday, Reading Rotary Tim Kelley 2023-12-07 05:00:00Z 0

Adopt-a-Family:  Thanksgiving Edition

Posted by Tim Kelley on Nov. 22, 2023
Tuesday, November 21 was a busy day for Rotary.  Sasha DiPietro organized Rotary's participation in Adopt-a-Family distribution day at the DPW garage.  Reading Rotary works with ReadingCares and the Town to coordinate the Adopt-a-Family program.  Donors are paired with families in need.  During the early morning drop off session, donors deliver fixings for Thanksgiving dinner for an anonymous family.  Along with Sasha, John, Lacy and Sean Douglass were representing Rotary during this shift.
During the later morning pick up shift, recipient families pick up the donations.  In addition to Sasha were Rotarians Peter Majane, Amy Walsh and Tim Kelley.
ReadingCares is an organization out of the Congregational Church.  Many volunteers from ReadingCares were on hand all morning as were Town of Reading volunteers.
Shout out to all the families and organizations who donated to this great community program.
If you could not help for Thanksgiving, please consider volunteering for the Christmas distribution day.  Sasha will be sending out a sign up for that one soon.
Special thanks to Sasha for heading up this project!
Adopt-a-Family: Thanksgiving Edition Tim Kelley 2023-11-22 05:00:00Z 0

RMHS Interact Winter Donation Drive

Posted by Tim Kelley on Nov. 22, 2023
The Reading High Interact Club is organizing a drive to benefit homeless families.  See the items they need in the attached photo.  While doing your holiday shopping, consider picking up items on the list.
Items will be collected through December 15.  
RMHS Interact Winter Donation Drive Tim Kelley 2023-11-22 05:00:00Z 0

Happy Thanksgiving from Reading Rotary

Posted by Tim Kelley on Nov. 22, 2023
As we observe Thanksgiving this year, may we stay focused on the objectives we have for the world: Peace. Tranquility. A true Family of Humanity.  Freedom from hunger, from oppression, from sickness.  The freedom to choose our own destinies. 
We reaffirm our commitment to our simple Rotary Four Way Test for all we do and support: Is it the truth?  Is it fair to all concerned?  Will it build good will and better friendships?  Will it be beneficial to all concerned?  We reaffirm our commitment to high ethics in all we do. And we give thanks for this gathering of our community and for all the blessings, opportunities and responsibilities that befall us as Rotarians.  We continue in this new millennium with optimism, renewed energy, and a commitment to service to each other and to all our fellow men and women.
Happy Thanksgiving to all!
Happy Thanksgiving from Reading Rotary Tim Kelley 2023-11-22 05:00:00Z 0

Joint Thanksgiving Meeting

Posted by Tim Kelley on Nov. 22, 2023
Stoneham Rotary hosted the traditional Joint Thanksgiving Luncheon at Bear Hill Golf Club this Tuesday.  In attendance were Rotarians from Stoneham, Town and school officials and the captains and coaches from the football and cheer teams of both high schools.
As is the custom, the athletic directors, coaches and football captains gave speeches about the upcoming Thanksgiving game.  Stoneham hosts the game on Thursday at 10:15 am.
The Stoneham Club also honored Sharon Iovanni with a Paul Harris Fellow recognition.  Sharon organizes the joint event for Stoneham each year.
Happy Thanksgiving to all!
Joint Thanksgiving Meeting Tim Kelley 2023-11-22 05:00:00Z 0

Update Your Clubrunner Info

Posted by Tim Kelley on Nov. 22, 2023
All Rotarians are respectfully invited to log into our website and update the information on your Membership Profile to make sure your information is up to date.  Extra Bonus Points if you add a photo to your profile.  If you have trouble logging in, you can contact Tim
ClubRunner is our website and our membership database.  There are a lot of utilities available there.  For instance, if you are ever looking to contact another member, you can contact them directly through the website and find their phone numbers, address, etc.
Also check out the ClubRunner mobile app for your mobile device.  With the ClubRunner app on your mobile device, your fellow Rotarians' contact info is at your fingertips.
You are also able to check your dues account balance and pay your bill through ClubRunner.
Sync our Club Calendar with your phone.  Do you want the Rotary events to appear magically on your calendar?  You can subscribe to the website Calendar so that our club calendar automatically syncs with your phone.  Follow the instructions there to subscribe to the Calendar.
Next meeting is December 4 at the Residence at Pearl.  Our Speaker will be Simone Payment from the Food Pantry.
Update Your Clubrunner Info Tim Kelley 2023-11-22 05:00:00Z 0

Ray Couture Passes

Posted by Tim Kelley on Nov. 02, 2023
We are sad to report longtime Rotarian and Past President Ray Couture passed away on October 30, 2023.  Ray was a well-respected, local attorney with his office at 22 Woburn Street until he moved after a fire to Salem Street. Ray was Club President in 1972-1973 Rotary year.
Ray was a Navy veteran rising to the rank of Rear Admiral in 1980.  He served in both World War II and the Korean Conflict.  He was highly decorated and served in active duty and then in the Reserves.
A funeral service will be held Saturday, November 4 with visitation on November 3.  Services will be held at Barile Funeral Home on Linden Street, Reading, MA.  Further information is available here.
Ray Couture Passes Tim Kelley 2023-11-02 04:00:00Z 0

Reading Rotary to Honor Gen. Jack Hammond

Posted by Tim Kelley on Oct. 06, 2023
President Sheila Clarke is delighted to announce that Reading Rotary will make a special Paul Harris Fellow presentation to Reading native General Jack Hammond, US Army Ret., Executive Director of Home Base at the 100th Anniversary Celebration on November 2nd. 
Home Base is a national nonprofit dedicated to healing the invisible wounds of war for Veterans of all eras, Service Members, Military Families and Families of the Fallen through world-class, direct clinical care, wellness, education and research – all at no cost to them – regardless of era of service, discharge status or geographical location.  Home Base organizes the Run to Home Base (. Run to Home Base – Red Sox Foundation  ) event at Fenway Park.  President Clarke said, “Home Base provides amazing support to Veterans in need.  We are so happy to be able to honor General Hammond at our Gala.  His service and leadership are so inspirational.  You won’t want to miss it.”
Reading Rotary was chartered on December 7, 1923.  Over the years we have evolved from a weekly lunch meeting of business leaders to a robust community service organization with expanded membership, including a greater representation of our community. 
Reading Rotary to Honor Gen. Jack Hammond Tim Kelley 2023-10-06 04:00:00Z 0

100th Anniversary Celebration

Posted by Tim Kelley on Oct. 03, 2023
You're invited to Celebrate 100 YEARS OF SERVICE
Thursday, November 2, 2023
Meadow Brook Golf Club, 292 Grove St., Reading, MA 01867
6:00 pm Cocktail Reception
7:00 pm Dinner
$50 per person
RSVP/PURCHASE TICKETS. No later than October 26th
Paul Harris Honoree:  Jack Hammond, Brigadier General USA Ret., Executive Director, HOME BASE.  
Home Base is a national nonprofit dedicated to healing the invisible wounds of war for Veterans of all eras, Service Members, Military Families and Families of the Fallen through world-class, direct clinical care, wellness, education and research – all at no cost to them – regardless of era of service, discharge status or geographical location.
100th Anniversary Celebration Tim Kelley 2023-10-03 04:00:00Z 0

Dues Invoices on ClubRunner

Posted by Tim Kelley on Aug. 24, 2023
We all want to thank Jenniffer Rogers for taking on the role of Club Treasurer.  (Big thanks to Mike Bonsey for his time as Treasurer.)   There is a lot to learn as a new Treasurer, especially with ClubRunner and with My Rotary websites.
Invoices for member dues have been generated in ClubRunner.  You should have received an email.  You can view and pay your account balance on ClubRunner.  Payments made through our ClubRunner website are much easier for our Treasurer to track and will be greatly appreciated.  Payment may of course be made by check, too.
To view and/or pay your dues balance, go to our website (a/k/a ClubRunner) and log in.  Then go to Member Area, then My Clubrunner, then My Account Balance.  The annual balance will be shown.  You may choose to pay in installments or pay the entire balance at once.  If you have questions, contact Jenniffer Rogers or Sheila Clarke.
Dues Invoices on ClubRunner Tim Kelley 2023-08-24 04:00:00Z 0

Club Updates

Posted by Sheila Clarke on Aug. 24, 2023
Reading Fall Street Faire:  All hands on deck needed on Sun., Sept. 10.  All Rotarians are asked to attend and volunteer.  Many will be there all day starting before 7 am and ending whenever we get everything stowed away.  Please sign up to help.  We have well over 100 booths, entertainment on 3 stages, lots of amusements, food, cornhole, beer garden, games, and lots of fun.  

Cornhole at the RFSF:  Cornhole teams needed.  Teams of 2.  Please invite your friends and neighbors.  Sign up here.
Cornhole boards.  Order a custom cornhole board for your business or family.  The board will be played on at the tourney and it’s yours to take home.

Meeting Volunteers.  We will be asking for the following volunteers for each meeting:  Greeter; Fines; Raffle; Set up/Clean up; Reflection.  Duties for 9/18.  Set up:  Jean K; Greeter: Phil S; Reflection: Peter M; Fines: Dick H; Clean up: Tim K.  Duties for 10/2.  Set up:  Jean K; Greeters:  Lisa S & Sue B; Reflection: volunteer needed; Fines: volunteer needed; Clean up: volunteer needed.  Contact Sheila to volunteer.

New Member Application:  This is official notice that we have a new member application from John McCoy of Northern Bank.  If anyone has any feedback, please contact Membership Chair Lisa Gibbs.

District Governor Visit on Sept. 18, at 6 pm at RCTV.  Please mark your calendar so we will have a big turnout for DG Lori’s visit.  Note there is no lunch meeting in September because of the RFSF on 9/10.
Rotary Road Trip.  President Elect Phil Stewart is organizing visits to nearby Rotary meetings.  If you want to join Phil and Sheila at an upcoming visit, contact Phil.
Club Updates Sheila Clarke 2023-08-24 04:00:00Z 0

Faire Volunteers Needed

Posted by Tim Kelley on Aug. 24, 2023
We're off to a good start for volunteers for the RFSF, but we need more help.  The areas of concern are: booth markers, traffic directors and the first shift at the children's area.  I believe Encore Dance will help with the last two children's area shifts and the Boy Scouts will help with the tent set up/take down.
Thanks so much!!! Here's the link.
Thanks, Mike Collins, RFSF Volunteer Coordinator
Faire Volunteers Needed Tim Kelley 2023-08-24 04:00:00Z 0

Cornhole Challenge at RFSF

Posted by Tim Kelley on Aug. 24, 2023
Here's your challenge to complete in the Cornhole Tournament Reading Fall Street Faire on September 10. 
Grab a friend to enjoy our new beer garden and entertainment during the best event in Reading!  Register here
Bags Fly at 2 PM
$60 Per Team
Cash Prizes Top 2 Teams (but it's really about bragging rights)
Haven Street, Reading.
You can also order a custom cornhole board with your company or personal design to use during the event and take home and keep.  Contact Sheila Clarke for details.
There are still vendor and sponsor openings available.  Act now.  Click here for more information. 
Reading Rotarians are all asked to share this announcement with your contacts.
Cornhole Challenge at RFSF Tim Kelley 2023-08-24 04:00:00Z 0

Congrats to New Rotary Leadership

Posted by Tim Kelley on Aug. 24, 2023
On July 20 we officially celebrated the new Officers and Directors at a dinner at the Lanam Club in Andover.  President Sheila was installed by District Governor Lori Karas.  Rounding out the Board are:  President Elect Phil Stewart, Treasurer Jenn Rogers, Secretary Jeanne Borawski, Directors Mike Collins, Sasha DiPietro, Lisa John Feudo, Lisa Gibbs, Amy Walsh and Tim Kelley. 
Reading Rotary also awarded scholarships to 4 graduating high school seniors.
Congrats to New Rotary Leadership Tim Kelley 2023-08-24 04:00:00Z 0

Become a Street Faire Fan

Posted by Tim Kelley on Jul. 31, 2023
Street Faire Fan Sponsorship. It takes a lot of community support to stage the Reading Fall Street Faire. Please support Rotary and our RFSF by becoming a Fan.
For your $100 donation you will be an official Fan and we will deliver this lawn sign to your home or business. Donation via our website here go to Booth Registration and choose "Street Faire Fan Sponsorship."  
Or contact Jenniffer Rogers to become a Fan.
Become a Street Faire Fan Tim Kelley 2023-07-31 04:00:00Z 0

Improved RFSF Website is Here

Posted by Tim Kelley on Jul. 31, 2023
Reading Rotary is proud to present the 15th Annual Reading Fall Street Faire on Sunday, September 10.  It’s back and better than ever!  Drawing thousands every year to downtown Reading, it’s one of the most beloved and largest events in the area.  If you want to be a part of it, now is the time.  Sign up now before it's too late!
We have just launched a brand new and improved website for vendor registration and all the details of the event.
Sponsorship opportunities still available including:  Premiere Sponsor; Inflatable Zone; Acoustic Corner; Custom Cornhole Boards; Amusement Park; Family Fun Zone; Beer Garden; Lamp Post Banner; and Street Faire Fan Signage for Business and Residents.  Sponsors should contact Jenniffer Rogers for further information.
This year’s Fall Street Faire will include:
 Live entertainment on three stages
 More than local vendors, clubs, and non-profits
 Cornhole Classic Tournament
 Dedicated children’s area with games and activities
 Amusement zone with inflatables
 Delicious food choices
 Beer garden and tailgate area to watch the NFL on a big screen
Support this beloved community event.  See for details.  We hope to see you there!
Improved RFSF Website is Here Tim Kelley 2023-07-31 04:00:00Z 0

Reading Fall Street Faire is Coming Fast

Posted by Tim Kelley on Jul. 12, 2023
Our Reading Fall Street Faire team has been meeting regularly for months and we are in the thick of preparations.  
For Sponsorship Opportunities, please contact Jenniffer Rogers, our Sponsorship Chair.
The RFSF website is being updated and will soon have all this information.
Please spread the word.  The RFSF is Sunday, September 10 from noon to 5 all over Reading's Downtown. 
Reading Fall Street Faire is Coming Fast Tim Kelley 2023-07-12 04:00:00Z 0

Create Hope with President Sheila

Posted by Tim Kelley on Jul. 12, 2023
On July 1 Sheila Clarke assumed the role as Club President after having served as Co-President with John Douglass for the past Rotary year.  Thank you to John Douglass for his leadership.
Pictured here is John, Sheila and President Elect Phil Stewart at the District Installation celebration held at Danversport on June 21.  We are very thankful to this leadership team in being at the helm of Reading Rotary.  
Please come to show your support Sheila and her team as we embark on a new Rotary year.  Join us on Thursday, July 20, 2023, at 6:00PM, as we induct our 2023-2024 incoming President and Officers at the Lanham Club, 260 North Main Street, Andover.
Click here to register.  Please RSVP by July 12.
This will be a fun evening of great Rotary fellowship to celebrate our new leadership team.  See you there.
Create Hope with President Sheila Tim Kelley 2023-07-12 04:00:00Z 0

Reading Rotary Scholarship Deadline Extended

Posted by Tim Kelley on Jun. 30, 2023
High school seniors are invited to apply for Reading Rotary's Service Above Self Scholarship.  Each scholarship will be for an amount up to $1,000 award to the selected candidate (the final number of candidates and scholarship amounts will be determined by the Club).  We hope that this scholarship will foster a lifelong association between Rotary International and the recipient!
Service Above Self Scholarships from Reading Rotary will be awarded to selected outstanding high school seniors who demonstrated the following:
• Leadership and volunteerism that personify Rotary’s motto of Service Above Self, whether in the school or other areas of the community.
• Consistent effort and commitment toward improving the quality of life for others.
• An awareness of and action toward raising awareness or addressing humanitarian needs in the immediate community or elsewhere in the world.
• A commitment to dedicating him- or herself to these ideals even into college and professional life.
• Interest in Interact and Rotary throughout high school.
Each applicant must complete the attached application and submit an essay addressing his/her leadership in demonstrating Service Above Self during their lives.  The essay must focus on those elements of service in the candidate’s background and not on GPA and courses of study.  Tailoring the essay to the qualifications listed above is strongly recommended.
Please complete the application available here and sign the certification document.  For scholarship qualifications and details see attached application. 
Submit the completed application by email to no later than midnight on July 15, 2023 (extended deadline).   
Reading Rotary Scholarship Deadline Extended Tim Kelley 2023-06-30 04:00:00Z 0

Cheering Station for Pride Parade

Posted by Tim Kelley on Jun. 12, 2023
On Saturday, June 17 starting at around 3:00 pm, the Reading Public Library is organizing a Pride Car Parade.  It will begin at the Library and end at the Common.  At around 3:30 there will be at the Common a celebration with games, prizes, and speakers to celebrate Pride in Reading. 
Rotary will be hosting a Cheering Station at 30 Cape Cod Ave.  Please come join the Kelley family there to cheer on the parade.  We will be setting up at around 2:45 pm.   If you can stop by to help cheer, we will have some refreshments and enthusiasm.
This is toward the beginning of the parade route from the Library.  Cape Cod Ave runs from Middlesex Ave but the Library driveway exit to Lowell Street.
We'd love to have other Rotarians come by.  Shoot Tim an email if you can come by.  Thanks to Betsy Kelley for offering her house for the Rotary Cheering Station.
Cheering Station for Pride Parade Tim Kelley 2023-06-12 04:00:00Z 0

Town Delivers ARPA Funds to Reading Rotary

Reading Rotary is deeply appreciative to the Town of Reading for its appropriation of $25,000 in ARPA funds toward expenses of the Reading Fall Street Faire.  Reading Rotary runs the annual event, having taken on its management seven years ago.  The 15th annual RFSF will be held on Sunday, September 10 from noon to 5 pm in Reading’s downtown area.
The Reading Fall Street Faire is the largest annual event in Reading and draws vendors, community organizations, food sellers and fair goers from all around the region.  Reading Rotary expects up to 15,000 people to attend.   
According to Reading Rotary President Sheila Clarke:  “The Fall Street Faire offers so much excitement and fun for the community.  This year we will be unveiling some changes to keep things fresh.”  The RFSF will continue many great traditions including community organizations and vendors for food, goods, services; live performers on three stages; children's area with games; large area with amusements; NFL tailgate; and Corn Hole Tournament.
Vendor booth registrations have opened at this link. For sponsorship opportunities, contact Jenniffer Rogers .  
Pictured here is the Reading Rotary Board accepting the ARPA funds from Town officials. From left to right are Phil Stewart, Tim Kelley Sheila Clarke, Town Manager Fidel Maltez, Select Board Member Chris Haley and daughters, Select Board Member Mark Dockser, Kathy Kinney and Lisa Gibbs.
Town Delivers ARPA Funds to Reading Rotary Tim Kelley 2023-05-26 04:00:00Z 0

Fall Street Faire 2023 Planning Underway

Posted by Tim Kelley on May 23, 2023
Spring has just sprung, but Reading Rotary has already started the planning for the Reading Fall Street Faire, 2023 version.  the RFSF will be on Sunday, September 10, always the Sunday following Labor Day.
We are redesigning our RFSF website (  It will be updated with new branding and easier registration processes.  We anticipate moving some of the areas around, but the footprint will remain essentially the same as in recent years.  Until our RFSF website is updated, you may direct questions to
The RFSF entails an incredible amount of work for Reading Rotary and our volunteers.  If you would like to be involved in the planning, let us know.  Closer to the event, we will have an online signup for volunteers for Faire day.
If you have any questions about the Faire or about Rotary, contact us here.
Fall Street Faire 2023 Planning Underway Tim Kelley 2023-05-23 04:00:00Z 0

Live RYLA a Big Success

Posted by Tim Kelley on May 17, 2023
The RYLA weekend was successfully run this past weekend for the first time in person since COVID struck.  RYLA stands for Rotary Youth Leadership Awards.  It is a conference where teens learn leadership and team building.  It was back at Camp Rotary in Boxford after having been moved to a camp in NH for several years before the pandemic.  Camp Rotary has completed renovations and the RYLA team was happy to be able to run the weekend locally.  
Reading is proud to have sponsored 6 RYLA participants:  4 from Austin; 1 from North Reading High; and 1 from Reading High.  In addition, we sponsored two returning "seniors," former RYLARIANS who help run the show.  Those were Allie Foley and Katherine Growney.
Christina Harris, Rotarian from Ipswich-Rowley, is the RYLA Chair for our District.  There was so much work that went into this year's RYLA.  It was a struggle to get it back on its feet after pandemic-related shutdown. 
We are inviting the RYLA students to come to a meeting to tell us about their experiences.  We look forward to hearing from them.  If anyone in the club finds this of interest, the RYLA and Interact (Rotary for high school aged students) teams are looking for help.  Let Sheila, John or Tim know and we'll put you in touch with the right people.
Live RYLA a Big Success Tim Kelley 2023-05-17 04:00:00Z 0

Last Call to Register for the 100th Gala

Posted by Tim Kelley on May 05, 2023
This weekend is the last chance to register for the Multi Club 100th Gala on May 13 at the Ipswich Country Club on Saturday, May 13, 2023, at 6:00 PM! The cost to attend is $80 per person. Payment via credit card is required at the time of registration.
I encourage all to register.  Note that our Club will reimburse you for the cost of the member to go.  (You will need to register and pay first.)
We would really like to have a good turnout, but the numbers were low.  Please join us.
Last Call to Register for the 100th Gala Tim Kelley 2023-05-05 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Supports Scouting

Posted by Tim Kelley on May 05, 2023
At our meeting on May 1, Reading Rotary presented a donation of $500 to BSA Troop 702 to help defray the costs of the Scouts High Adventure trip to Colorado.  BSA Troop 702 is out of the Old South Church.  Pictured here are Co-President John Douglass and Donations Committee Chair Pat Calley with Karl Weld, representing Troop 702.
Reading Rotary has long supported Scouting in town.  Rotary has adopted a policy of donating $200 toward any approved Eagle Scout Project or Girl Scout Gold Award Project.  Rotary and Scouting both place service to the community as a paramount value of their organizations.
Scouts from Reading each year help with the set up and take down of our Reading Fall Street Faire.  In addition to Troop 702's regular local camping trips, every several years, it will plan a High Adventure trip for older Scouts.  As part of their planning, the Scouts need to raise funds.  In the recent past Troop 702 Scouts have experienced the High Adventure trip to Sea Base in the Florida Keys.
Rotary Supports Scouting Tim Kelley 2023-05-05 04:00:00Z 0

Burbank Y's Best Summer Ever Luau

Posted by Tim Kelley on Apr. 28, 2023
You're invited to our 2023 Best Summer Ever: HULA FOR CAMP
The Best Luau Ever! Ua kono 'ia 'oe!
This is an evening of "fun-raising" for the Burbank YMCA’s Summer Camp. The Burbank Y will award over 500 weeks of our five amazing summer camps to those kids and families that need it the most! Let’s ensure ever kid gets the experience of Summer Camp! LUAU TICKETS
$75 per person $125 for two  
TEXT BurbankBSE23 to
Burbank Y's Best Summer Ever Luau Tim Kelley 2023-04-28 04:00:00Z 0

Don Your Fanciest Hat for Kentucky Derby Event 

Posted by Tim Kelley on Apr. 27, 2023
Reading Rotary will host a fun filled Kentucky Derby event to benefit Pep's Peddlers and Pan Mass Challenge.  So, corral all of your friends, put on your best Derby attire, and trot on down to the Wakefield Elks.  Pep’s Peddlers is a local bicycle team that fundraises for multiple sclerosis.  Riders in the Pan Mass Challenge raise funds for Dana Farber.
The afternoon event on Saturday, May 6th will include DJ, streamed races, derby themed games, best hat/attire prizes, raffles & more.  Doors open at 3:30. Races begin at 4:00.  There will be appetizers and a cash bar.  Register online here.
Sponsors for the event include:  Salem Five; M&H Interiors; Carlsberg; Leader Bank; Dracut Window and Door; Elle Salon; Jeanne Borawski; Tycon Development; Lee Kimball; Douglass, Edgerly & Bessom Funeral Home; Reading Cooperative Bank; The Savings Bank, Davis, Clark & Latham Insurance; and Attorney Timothy J. Kelley.  Those interested in sponsoring the event may contact Sheila Clarke. 
Rotary President Sheila Clarke said: “This event is a perfect partnership of Rotary and two other world class non-profits.  In Rotary we help people; it’s what we do.  We are excited to run a fun event to benefit both the MS Society and Dana Farber.  Our Rotarian families are very involved in raising money for both MS and for cancer research.  We hope this event will raise awareness and we’ll have fun, too.”
For questions about this event contact Sheila Clarke ( or Rosemary Murphy (
Pictured here are Irene Collins, Lisa DeLeo, Kathi Spurr and Sheila Clarke in their Kentucky Derby hats.
Don Your Fanciest Hat for Kentucky Derby Event   Tim Kelley 2023-04-27 04:00:00Z 0

Membership Initiative Rollout May 15

Posted by Tim Kelley on Apr. 27, 2023
Don't miss our next Reading Rotary meeting on Monday, May 15 at 6 pm at RCTV.  Membership Chair Lisa Gibbs will be our featured speaker.  The topic is New Member Mentorship Program.  We are excited about this new initiative.  Special shout out also to Peter Majane who will be instrumental as a Trainer in this program.  Peter is currently the District Assistant Governor Coordinator and Chair of the District Membership Committee.
Note the change from the original date.  See you there!
Membership Initiative Rollout May 15 Tim Kelley 2023-04-27 04:00:00Z 0

Global Grant in Amman, Jordan

Posted by Nadia Haddad on Apr. 17, 2023
Reading Rotary has exciting news.  We are joining forces with the Rotary Amman Citadel in Jordan in an International Project to combat the increasing problem of obesity in Amman.
Two decades ago the obesity rate in Jordan was 27%. Currently, the obesity rate in Jordan is at 35.5% and growing.  This represents the largest increase in obesity rate of any country in the world. It has also led to a 15.4% rate of diabetes and other health issues that their country is unequipped to handle.  Combined with very little emphasis on physical activity and a lack of sporting facilities, the issue is real and trending in the wrong direction.
The Rotary Club of Amman has designed a project that addresses the growing problem and will have a sustainable effect on their youth.  This project starts with a healthy living awareness campaign which includes social media, posters, flyers, workshops and lectures. It also includes the organization of local sports and activities. The final step is to construct a public, open-air sports facility or playground complex for local children to play outdoors.
Due to the difference in the cost of living, the total budget for this project is $35,000.  Reading Rotary has agreed to sponsor the project and has authorized $5,000.  We are asking each Club in our district to help us raise the additional funds.  With your club’s donations and the matching grants from our district and RI, we hope to achieve the goal of $35,000. 
We can use help from Reading Rotarians on our committee and with visiting other Rotaries to discuss this project to gain their support.  Thanks for your consideration. Contact Nadia Haddad or Mike Collins with questions, invite us to speak at your club or for further information.  
Global Grant in Amman, Jordan Nadia Haddad 2023-04-17 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Readers Literacy Project

Posted by Tim Kelley on Apr. 05, 2023
Reading Rotary just completed its Rotary Readers project.  Rotary Readers is an annual literacy project where reading books and a backpack are given to each Reading Public Schools Kindergartner.  This year over 275 literacy bags were distributed to the five Reading elementary schools.  In addition, Rotarians read to each Kindergarten class as part of Read Across America. 
This literacy project has been adapted from Rotary’s previous dictionary and thesaurus giveaways.  Reading teachers expressed their preference to have the younger students receive reading books.  Basic Education and Literacy is one of Rotary International's Seven Areas of Focus.  This project was adapted from a Girl Scout Gold Award Project of one of our RMHS Interact Charter Members.
Rotary would give a special acknowledgement to Liz Whitelam of Whitelam Books for supplying these books at a generous discount.  Whitelam Books was so helpful in sourcing level appropriate books.
Rotary Readers Literacy Project Tim Kelley 2023-04-05 04:00:00Z 0

100th Anniversary Joint Party Registration is Open

Posted by Tim Kelley on Mar. 30, 2023
Registration is now open for the 100th Anniversary Party!  It will be at the Ipswich CC on May 13.  The cost to attend is $80 per person. Payment via credit card is required at the time of registration.
Please click here to go to the online registration page. There is only a limited number of seats available due to the size of the event venue, so please register as soon as possible. Tickets are sold on a first-come, first-served basis. Deadline for registrations is May 1st.
If you want to do a bulk-registration for multiple members of your club, please contact District Registrar Terry Rezendes Curran or District Governor Alexander Falk.
Note that the registration is first come first served.  There are limited seats and 7 Rotaries participating.  Please do not wait to register.
100th Anniversary Joint Party Registration is Open Tim Kelley 2023-03-30 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Readers Work Crew

Posted by Tim Kelley on Mar. 23, 2023
Thanks to the great crew of workers who stuffed around 300 literacy bags for our Rotary Readers project.  We will be visiting all the Kindergarten classrooms and reading to the students.  Each K student will receive a literacy bag including 2 early reading books.
Thanks to Amy, Sherilla, Gina, John and Brenda.  Not pictured Peter and Tim.
Rotary Readers Work Crew Tim Kelley 2023-03-23 04:00:00Z 0

Spread the Word about RYLA

Posted by Christina Harris on Mar. 23, 2023
Rotary District 7930 is actively searching for qualified high school sophomore, junior and senior candidates to attend this year’s Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) Conference, which will be held from May 12-14 at the Camp Rotary in Boxford, MA.  The Annual RYLA Conference offers participants an opportunity to live, work and interact together in an atmosphere of cooperation and growth.  The program is designed to challenge participants to utilize and improve their skills and accept the responsibilities of leadership.  The entire cost of the program, aside from a $25 application fee provided by applicants, will be covered by the Rotary Club in your area.
Participants will be selected who have exhibited leadership abilities and who are currently in their sophomore, junior and senior years of high school. RYLA is now contacting high school Interact clubs, Rotary clubs, guidance counselors, youth organizations and other sources for nominations of conference participants.
Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) is an intensive leadership experience organized by Rotary clubs and districts where students develop their skills as a leader while having fun and making connections.
Here’s what students experience at RYLA… 
  • Explore and practice new concepts of leadership and citizenship
  • Discover creative approaches for resolving family, social and professional conflicts
  • Experience the joy and the value of learning teamwork to get an advantage for the future
  • Challenge participants to exhibit “Service Above Self” in their communities and lives
Applications are now live and are available at as well as on our RYLA linktree found at:
For additional questions or resources, contact RYLA Chair Christina Harris at or Reading Rotary Co-President Sheila Clarke at
Spread the Word about RYLA Christina Harris 2023-03-23 04:00:00Z 0

Dr. Phil Haydon Returns to Speak on Epilepsy

Posted by Tim Kelley on Mar. 14, 2023
Reading Rotary will welcome back Dr. Philip Haydon as a speaker at its meeting on March 20 at 6 pm at RCTV.  Philip Haydon is an internationally recognized neuroscientist, and Professor and Chair of the Department of Neuroscience at Tufts University School of Medicine. He runs an active laboratory researching a multitude of neurological disorders, including epilepsy.
Dr. Haydon founded Sail 4 Epilepsy, with a mission to use sailing to inspire people with epilepsy, their families, and their caregivers to take One More Step towards living a fuller life, with the necessary safety measures in place.  Dr. Haydon has had trauma induced epilepsy since he was 15.  Roughly ten years ago, he decided to start talking about his epilepsy to promote greater understanding. 
Dr. Haydon is an impressive and inspirational speaker and who previously spoke to Reading Rotary in April 2022.
Sail For Epilepsy posts photos, videos, and blogs and broadcasts live while underway, but this project is about more than sailing.  During in-port events, Phil and his crew engage with the local community to share his story and hear about ways others are living a fuller life, despite epilepsy. He gives presentations with the goal of educating the public about epilepsy and seizure first aid.
The public is invited to attend.  For questions, please contact John Douglass ( or Sheila Clarke (  
Pictured here is Co-President John Douglass with Dr. Phil Haydon.
Dr. Phil Haydon Returns to Speak on Epilepsy Tim Kelley 2023-03-14 04:00:00Z 0

Kentucky Derby Day Event

Posted by Sheila Clarke on Mar. 06, 2023
Saturday, May 6th at the Wakefield Elks Club
63 Baystate Road
Wakefield, MA 01867
Doors open at 3:30 
Races begin at 4:00
Appetizers and Cash Bar
Reading Rotary is hosting what is sure to be a fun-filled event on behalf of Pep's Peddlers and Pan Mass Challenge.  So, corral all of your friends, put on your best Derby attire, and trot on down to the Wakefield Elks.
Afternoon to include DJ, streamed races, derby themed games, best hat/attire prizes, raffles & more!
Kentucky Derby Day Event Sheila Clarke 2023-03-06 05:00:00Z 0
Donate to Prez John's Polar Plunge Tim Kelley 2023-03-06 05:00:00Z 0

Fidel and Ben Visit

Posted by Tim Kelley on Feb. 28, 2023
On Feb. 27, Town Manager Fidel Maltez attended our meeting to introduce Ben Cares, the new Director of Economic Development in Reading.  Ben was our speaker and talked about the many exciting things going on in the Town and what he has been working on since his arrival toward the end of 2022.
Ben has already been working with our Reading Fall Street Faire Committee and plans on working on with Rotary on this hugely popular event.
Fidel and Ben Visit Tim Kelley 2023-02-28 05:00:00Z 0
Donate to President John's Plunge Tim Kelley 2023-02-28 05:00:00Z 0

Disability Inclusion Workshop

Posted by Tim Kelley on Feb. 24, 2023
We have been invited by Dr. Sudeshna Chatterjee to attend a community workshop on disability inclusion.  Sudeshna is Reading's Director for Equity & Social Justice and was recently spoke at our meeting.  She is hosting this workshop with Reading SEPAC on March 30, 5:30 to 7:30 PM at RPL Community Rooms.  Reading like many municipal and school districts have long struggled with disability inclusive recreation and services for the youth and seniors alike.  In a first of its kind community workshop/training, the goal is to bring together community members including residents, advocates and employees in the interest of inclusive culture development in town, geared specifically towards collaborative learning and inter community trust building.  Partner include Reading Schools, the Y and Pleasant St Center for this program.
Dr. Chatterjee has specifically extended an invitation to all Rotarians to attend.  Registration link is here:
Disability Inclusion Workshop Tim Kelley 2023-02-24 05:00:00Z 0

Polar Plunge in East Boston

Posted by John Douglass on Feb. 23, 2023
Join the Belle Isle and Parkway Rotary Clubs on March 4th, 2023, to raise funds to End Polio Now.
Join other Rotarians at the East Boston Yacht Club and dip into the Boston Harbor "Bay of Pigs."
Arrive any time after 10:00 am.  Plungers will be going down the ramp at 11:00 am.
After the dip, come on and join the hosting Rotaries inside for coffee, cocoa and a cash bar.  There will also be a potluck to warm us up.
Donations go into the District Raise for Rotary.
Or use the Donate Button on the RI home page to donate directly to Polio Plus.
RSVP to Tom Hankard at Belle Isle or Terry Curran at Parkway Rotary.  Please let them know if bringing Interactors.  Download the flyer here.
Reading Rotarians interested in joining in, can contact John Douglass.
Polar Plunge in East Boston John Douglass 2023-02-23 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Info on the Go

Posted by Tim Kelley on Feb. 21, 2023
Keep our schedule of meetings and events at the tip of your fingers.  You can sync the Club Calendar on with Outlook, Google Calendar or Apple Calendar on your personal device.  Go to this page, click subscribe and follow the instructions. 
Also, did you know that ClubRunner has an app for your phone?  ClubRunner is our Club website and membership managment platform/utility. 
Download the ClubRunner app now from the App Store or Google and check it out.  You'll love the ease of having our Club information in the palm of your hand.  This includes member contact info, our calendar, our website and our District website.
Rotary Info on the Go Tim Kelley 2023-02-21 05:00:00Z 0

Meet the New Economic Dev Director on 2/27

Posted by Tim Kelley on Feb. 20, 2023
Note our next scheduled meeting is Feb. 27 at 6 pm at RCTV.  Featured with be Reading's new Economic Development Director, Ben Cares, along with Town Manager Fidel Maltez.
We pushed our monthly evening meeting to the 4th Monday due to the Presidents' Day Holiday.
Ben and Fidel will be our speakers.  Ben is taking over the position formerly held by Erin Schaffer.  We anticipate Ben will also take an interest in the Fall Street Faire as did Erin before him.  
Please attend if you are able.  If anyone from the public is interested in attending, we ask you to email Sheila Clarke if you can.  However, all are invited to attend for this dinner meeting.
Note that we get back to our regular schedule (1st Monday lunch at Residence at Pearl & 3rd Monday dinner at RCTV).  We have interesting speakers for both March meetings.  Please spread the word and bring guests.
Meet the New Economic Dev Director on 2/27 Tim Kelley 2023-02-20 05:00:00Z 0

100th Anniversary Multi Club Gala

Posted by Tim Kelley on Feb. 20, 2023
Reading Rotary is turning 100 years old in 2023.  We will be participating in a Multi Club Gala on May 13 at the Ipswich Country Club, so please save the date.  More information will be coming regarding pricing and how to reserve tickets.
There is a working group from 9 Clubs also turning 100 this year.  If you are interested in helping out with the details, please contact Prez John or Prez Sheila.  This group has been meeting on Zoom approximately once per month.  The next meeting is Wed., Feb. 22 at 6:30 pm.  Anyone interested, contact Tim and I'll send the Zoom info.
In addition, the Club will be hosting a separate event in the fall. 
Reading Rotary was chartered December 7, 1923.
100th Anniversary Multi Club Gala Tim Kelley 2023-02-20 05:00:00Z 0
Today's Meeting Canceled Due to Snow Tim Kelley 2023-01-23 05:00:00Z 0

Celebrate MLK Day with Community

Posted by Tim Kelley on Jan. 09, 2023
The town of Reading celebrates Martin Luther King, Jr. Day on Monday, January 16, at the Reading Memorial High School (RMHS) Performing Arts Center.
The day starts with a joyous community breakfast at 9:30 am and is followed by an Interfaith Invocation by Reading Clergy Association, performances by the RMHS Jazz Band, Mixed Choir, and other student groups. There will be a Trees of Peace interactive art exhibit and more. The guest speaker, Lynnette Marshall, is the co-founder and Director of Learning and Collaboration for The Flourish Collective, a racial and social justice organization based in Danville, CA. This year’s program theme is “True peace is the presence of justice.” Everyone is welcome to attend this commemoration of the life and work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and his ongoing influence in the world.
For more details, contact the Reading's Office of Equity & Social Justice,
It would be great to have a Rotary showing at the event.  We look forward to seeing you there!
Celebrate MLK Day with Community Tim Kelley 2023-01-09 05:00:00Z 0

Christmas Adopt-a-Family

Posted by Tim Kelley on Dec. 21, 2022
Each year Reading Rotary partners with ReadingCares and the Town of Reading and many community donors partner to run the Adopt-a-Family project for Thanksgiving and Christmas.  The Christmas distribution day was December 21. 
These community partners coordinate this long-standing community giving program.  Receiving families are matched anonymously with donor families and/or groups to provide meal and gifts at Christmas and meals at Thanksgiving.  Donors drop off in the first shift, then recipient families pick up their food and gifts during a later shift. 
This year there were approximately 60 families in need and donor families/groups were matched to provide Christmas gifts and holiday meals to these families anonymously.  Reading Rotary’s efforts were coordinated by Rotarian Sasha DiPietro.  Special thanks to Betsy Schneider of ReadingCares and Kerry Valle of Reading’s Elder and Human Services Department for their work in organizing this program. 
This is a truly inspirational and humbling event to see the community come together to help others.  The generosity of the donors is overwhelming as evidenced by the many smiling faces as well as some tears of thanks.  Reading Rotary is proud of and grateful for its partners ReadingCares and the Town of Reading in this community giving event.  A huge thank you to all the donor families and groups. Their generosity makes this all possible.  Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all!
Christmas Adopt-a-Family Tim Kelley 2022-12-21 05:00:00Z 0
Christmas Adopt-A-Family Tim Kelley 2022-12-10 05:00:00Z 0

Lighting the Menorah on the Common

Posted on Dec. 10, 2022
Join us on the Town Common for Reading Public Menorah Lighting on Monday, December 19 at 5:30 pm.  (Before our Holiday Party at 6 at RCTV.)
Reading Rotary is one of the partner/sponsors along with Reading North Reading Chamber, Clergy Association and CATO.
This is a part of Town Hall's statement of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and being welcoming to all.
Lighting the Menorah on the Common Tim Kelley 2022-12-10 05:00:00Z 0

Holiday Party/Yankee Swap

Posted on Dec. 10, 2022
Our Holiday Party will be on Monday, 12/19 at 6:00 pm at RCTV, guests/spouses are welcome.  Please use the following link to RSVP by Monday, 12/12 for catering
We will have a Yankee Swap.  To participate bring a wrapped gift.  Value of $25.
A few notes:
  • John Douglass is conducting a coat drive, please bring any gently used coats for donation ( all genders/sizes needed)
  • We will be making a donation to the Reading Food Pantry - please bring one or more of the following requested items:
  • Spam - Low sodium
  • Raspberry jelly or jam
  • Apricot jelly
  • Orange marmalade
  • Instant decaf or regular coffee
  • Cheerios - any variety
  • Cookies
  • Spaghetti sauce with meat
  • Laundry detergent
We look forward to seeing everyone there to celebrate a wonderful year.
Thank you,
Sheila & John
Holiday Party/Yankee Swap Tim Kelley 2022-12-10 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Donates $6K for Food Pantry Community Garden

Posted by Jeanne Borawski on Dec. 06, 2022
At their meeting on December 5, the Reading Rotary Club was delighted to hear a presentation from Reading Community Garden steering committee member Cathy Zeek and Reading Food Pantry Board Member Simone Payment.  The women shared plans for a planned expansion of the Community Garden on public land at the Mattera Cabin site next spring.  Their presentation focused on the creation of a large garden that will produce vegetables dedicated to clients of the Reading Food Pantry.  This garden plot will be tended by local volunteers and all produce will be given away to residents struggling with food insecurity.
Reading Rotary Co-President Sheila Clarke says, “This is such an exciting project for Rotary to be part of.  We are thrilled to have a meaningful impact on improving access to healthy, fresh food for all residents.”  Co-President John Douglass agrees: “The Rotary Club not only plans to support this project financially to buy supplies and materials, but our members will also be out there this spring getting our hands dirty actually building the garden.”
At the end of the meeting, the Reading Rotary co-presidents presented the two women with a symbolic check for $6,000, representing the money the Rotary has committed toward this project in spring 2023.
Rotary Donates $6K for Food Pantry Community Garden  Jeanne Borawski 2022-12-06 05:00:00Z 0

Denise Eaton is Our Community Hero

Posted by Tim Kelley on Nov. 29, 2022
Reading Rotary is pleased to announce that Denise Eaton is the recipient of the Club's 2022 Hero Award. Denise was honored as part of Rotary District 7930’s Robert C. Wood Heroes Celebration at its Foundation Dinner held on November 10 at Danversport Yacht Club.  Reading Rotary selected Denise as an extraordinary person in our community who puts others before herself and is dedicated to helping others in need, truly embodying the Rotary motto: “Service above Self.”
Reading Rotary presented Ms. Eaton with a Paul Harris Fellow Award, one of the highest honors Rotary can give to an individual.  In addition to the recipient's recognition exemplifying the highest ideals of Rotary, Clubs or Rotarians recognize Paul Harris Fellows from donations made to The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International which supports Rotary’s world-wide programs.  Paul Harris was the founder of Rotary International.
Denise exemplifies Rotary’s value of selfless service.  In particular, Reading Rotary decided to honor Denise for her years of being a crucial volunteer for the Reading Fall Street Faire.  Denise has worked on the Faire since its inception in 2009 and has continued to do so since Rotary took over management of the Faire in 2017.  Denise masterfully heads the enormous task of plotting out vendor locations along the Faire route.
Denise Eaton is Our Community Hero Tim Kelley 2022-11-29 05:00:00Z 0

Happy Thanksgiving from Reading Rotary

Posted by Tim Kelley on Nov. 26, 2022
Happy Thanksgiving from the Thanksgiving Day Shack Shack crew of Rotarians and family!
Special shout out to Mike Collins for managing the hectic Shack Shack season.  Lots of fun and spreading the good will of Rotary.  
Happy Thanksgiving from Reading Rotary Tim Kelley 2022-11-26 05:00:00Z 0

Thanksgiving Traditions Continue

Posted by Tim Kelley on Nov. 22, 2022
 This Monday, Stoneham and Reading Rotary Clubs met jointly for the 46th Annual Thanksgiving Luncheon.  It was held at St. Agnes Parish Center and catered by our great friend Laurie Rizzo of Laurie's 909.  The luncheon is a traditional run up to the Reading-Stoneham Thanksgiving Day game.  Reading is home team this year.
Among the crowd were the football captains, cheer captains, coaches, athletic directors, town manager, superintendent of schools, fire and police chiefs, school administrators and, of course, Rotarians.  Shown here are the captains and head coaches holding the trophy sponsored by Stoneham Bank and Reading Cooperative Bank.
The program included football captains addressing the crowd with their thoughts on football, teamwork and leadership.  Both teams have had very successful seasons.  The Rockets were undefeated into the playoffs, before being knocked off by Bishop Feehan, whose defensive coordinator is none other than Patriot legend Tedy Bruschi.  The Spartans have made it to play in their Division Superbowl in Gillette Stadium.
The Thanksgiving game is 10 am at Reading Memorial High School.  Rotary Shack Shack will be open for business.
Thanksgiving Traditions Continue Tim Kelley 2022-11-22 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary's Learning Center

Posted by Tim Kelley on Nov. 04, 2022
Have you ever asked, how can I easily learn about all the offerings of Rotary?  Have you wondered where you can find out answers to many questions about all things Rotary?
Well, you are in luck.  Rotary International has a Learning Center which offers many online courses/modules with information about all aspects of Rotary.
All these courses are E-Learning.  They consist of videos that you can review from the convenience of your computer.  Catalog areas include:  
About Rotary
Club Leadership
District Leadership
Professional Development
Public Image
Rotary Foundation
The Learning Center can be found here.  You will need to login with your My Rotary login.  If you do not already have one, you can follow the prompts to register.  This is different from your Clubrunner login.
Rotary's Learning Center Tim Kelley 2022-11-04 04:00:00Z 0

DG Alexander's Official Visit

Posted by Tim Kelley on Oct. 27, 2022
We welcomed DG Alexander Falk for his official club visit on October 17 at RCTV.  Alexander gave a wonderful presentation about the goings on in District 7930 and Rotary International. 
Here Alexander holds a Tutu desk, which is a project to provide lap desks to African students.  Co-President Sheila will be speaking more to the club about a possible donation for them.
DG Alexander's Official Visit Tim Kelley 2022-10-27 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Donation to Support Community Garden for Food Pantry

Posted by Jeanne Borawski on Oct. 24, 2022
Recently Reading Rotary voted to donate $6,000 to support the expansion of the Reading Community Garden located at the Mattera Conservation Area. This approval comes after two months of collaboration between the Reading Rotary Club and the Community Garden Steering Committee.
Reading Rotary is applying for a districtwide grant to help fund this project.  Rotary districtwide grants support projects that promote the seven focus areas of Rotary: promoting peace, fighting disease, providing clean water and sanitation, saving mothers and children, supporting education, growing local economies, and protecting the environment.  Sheila Clarke, Reading Rotary Co-President, explains, “I reached out to Town Manager Fidel Maltez to ask if there were local projects that might fit these focus areas.  He was kind enough to connect us with the Community Garden Steering Committee and we began to have discussions to see if Rotary could help.”
Community Garden Steering Committee member Cathy Zeek explains, “We have a local volunteer who maintains a small garden bed that provides fresh produce for clients of the Reading Food Pantry.  This garden plot was able to provide produce for Food Pantry clients this past year but we would love to create a much larger garden plot, fully run by volunteers, to be able to provide a larger amount and greater variety of produce to support the more than 120 households who use the Reading Food Pantry. We currently don’t have funds to buy the supplies to make that happen.”
Rotary Donation to Support Community Garden for Food Pantry Jeanne Borawski 2022-10-24 04:00:00Z 0

Rotarians Making the Best of a Stinky Situation

Posted by Tim Kelley on Oct. 19, 2022
Please check out our own Jeanne Borawski being interviewed on WBZ TV regarding Reading's ongoing trash mess.  Jeanne and President John brought refreshments to the DPW on behalf of Rotary to show appreciation for all the extra work the Town workers have done to deal with the failings of the Town's trash contractor.  Details are available in the video linked here (or in the many reverse-911 calls from Town Hall advising residents of the trashy goings on).  In a nutshell, the former trash collector was bought by Republic who is very bad at picking up trash.
Thanks to Jeanne and John for doing this and representing Rotary so well.  Town Manager Fidel Maltez and the entire DPW team are working hard to resolve this literal mess.
Rotarians Making the Best of a Stinky Situation Tim Kelley 2022-10-19 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Tackles the Snack Shack

Posted by Tim Kelley on Oct. 17, 2022
We are in the midst of running the Snack Shack at Reading High's home football games.  
We have had 2 fun-filled games so far.  Upcoming dates are:
Fri., Oct 28 and Thanksgiving, Nov. 24.
There are likely additional playoff games to be added.
The pizza, burgers, candy and hot chocolate won't sell themselves, so sign up to help.
If you can help this week sign up here:  Snack Shack: SNACK SHACK 10/28 (
Rotary Tackles the Snack Shack Tim Kelley 2022-10-17 04:00:00Z 0

Town Beer Garden on Oct. 22

Posted by Tim Kelley on Sep. 27, 2022
The Town is organizing another Beer Garden on the Common on October 22 from 1-7.  If you haven't checked out the previous ones, you should.
Town Manger Fidel Maltez has asked us to help spread the word.  So, come on down and bring a few friends.  Also, please spread the word as you can, on social media, email, word of mouth, etc.
There will be beer and non-alcoholic refreshments, food vendors and games for children.  It is a family friendly event and it would be great for Rotarians to support it.
Town Beer Garden on Oct. 22 Tim Kelley 2022-09-27 04:00:00Z 0

KC's Fish Story

Posted by Tim Kelley on Sep. 26, 2022
Our own KC Latham has bagged himself a huge tuna.  Earlier this month, KC caught a 107 inch bluefin tuna on his boat.
Aside from running his insurance agency, Davis, Clark and Latham, KC is known for his love of fishing and the sea.  Over the years we ran the Auction, KC donated dozens of charter boat excursions.  KC's secret Rotary classification is Fisherman.
Congrats, KC, on landing the big one!
KC's Fish Story Tim Kelley 2022-09-26 04:00:00Z 0

Ed Fitzgerald is a Paul Harris Fellow

Posted on Sep. 26, 2022
Congratulations to Ed Fitzgerald on his Paul Harris Recognition.  Shown here is Co-President John Douglass presenting the PHF to Ed.
We ask each Rotarian to make a voluntary Sustaining Member contribution of $100 to the Rotary Foundation.  The Paul Harris Fellow recognition acknowledges individuals who contribute, or who have contributions made in their name, of $1,000 to The Rotary Foundation.
Rotary established the recognition in 1957 to encourage and show appreciation for substantial contributions to what was then the Foundation’s only program, Rotary Foundation Fellowships for Advanced Study, the precursor to Ambassadorial Scholarships. 
Many notable figures have been named Paul Harris Fellows, including Mother Theresa, former President Jimmy Carter, Russian President Boris Yeltsin, U.S. astronaut James Lovell, UN Secretary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar, and polio vaccine developer Jonas Salk.
Ed Fitzgerald is a Paul Harris Fellow Tim Kelley 2022-09-26 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary After Dark

Posted on Sep. 26, 2022
Our new schedule is officially underway.  We held our first regular dinner meeting on September 19 at RCTV.  We had a good crowd.  Lots of fun to get together after work and bask in the success of the Street Faire.  The group was especially chatty.  We even had a Street Faire Volunteer attend to check us out.  Overall, a great success.
Next meeting is Monday, October 3 at 12:15 at the Residence at Pearl.
Rotary After Dark Tim Kelley 2022-09-26 04:00:00Z 0

Reading Achieves RI Presidential Citation

Posted by Tim Kelley on Sep. 07, 2022
Congratulations to Immediate Past Prez/Current Co-Prez John Douglass for leading Reading Rotary to achieve the RI Presidential Citation for 2021-22.
Reading is one of 9 clubs in District 7930 who are being so recognized.
The Rotary Citation recognizes the hard work clubs do throughout the year.  This Citation is awarded to Rotaries that set and achieve goals in areas such as membership, service projects and annual fund giving.  Taking action toward achieving the citation goals helps clubs engage their members, stay relevant in their communities, and run more efficiently.  A welcoming and engaging club also reflects the values of Rotary.  
Reading Achieves RI Presidential Citation Tim Kelley 2022-09-07 04:00:00Z 0

Street Faire is this Sunday!

Posted by Tim Kelley on Sep. 06, 2022
The day we've all been waiting for all year is coming this Sunday, Sept. 11.  Don't miss the excitement in Downtown Reading.
There will be vendors, food, car show, amusements, kid's area, entertainment on 3 stages, community groups, dunk tank, cornhole tournament, NFL tailgate.
Stop by the Rotary booth to say hi and grab a cotton candy.
Volunteers can still sign up.  Register ahead of the Faire for the Cornhole Tourney.
All info is available on our dedicated Reading Fall Street Faire website.  Come out have a great time and celebrate our Town.
Street Faire is this Sunday! Tim Kelley 2022-09-06 04:00:00Z 0

Samantha's Harvest Golf:  Oct. 14

Posted by Lisa Gibbs on Sep. 06, 2022
We know, we one wants to talk about the summer coming to an end but Samantha's Harvest Tournament is something we all look forward to! 
We will again be holding our annual golf tournament at the Members Only Championship Course at Thomson Country Club in North Reading!
Our fun-filled day kicks off with lunch and registration at 11:30am and we will tee off promptly at 1pm.  There will be many tastings and contests throughout the course for your enjoyment and dinner will be held right at the clubhouse!
We'd love to have your assistance as a volunteer for the day and if so, you will be our guest for lunch and dinner. We will be honoring some folks at dinner who have gone above in beyond in helping us to realize our mission. If you can't join us for golf, please consider joining us for dinner for this and the auction!
Samantha's Harvest Golf: Oct. 14 Lisa Gibbs 2022-09-06 04:00:00Z 0

Revamped Meeting Schedule

Posted by John Douglass on Aug. 15, 2022
At our last board meeting we went over several topics one of which is our meeting days and times.  Starting after the RFSF, we are going to hold club meetings the first and third Mondays of every month.  We will meet:
1st Monday:  Residence at Pearl in Reading at 12:15
3rd Monday:  RCTV at 6pm.  All lunches and dinners will be catered. 
Our Board Meetings will now be held on the 4th Monday of every month.  The first meeting after the RFSF will be Monday, September 19 at RCTV at 6PM. We are hoping that with the changes in time and location will allow us to accommodate all the members and their busy schedules.
I encourage everyone to check our Calendar on our website.  Please subscribe to the Calendar to sync to your computer and phone.  Any questions please reach out to Sheila or me.
Revamped Meeting Schedule John Douglass 2022-08-15 04:00:00Z 0

3rd Annual Cornhole Classic at RFSF

Posted by Jeanne Borawski on Aug. 10, 2022
It’s become a tradition at the Reading Fall Street Faire – the Cornhole Classic Tournament. Every year the Fall Street Faire Committee invites interested residents to enter and compete to be named the best Cornhole player in Reading.  All players are invited to enter – from casual backyard players to hardcore Cornhole enthusiasts.  Organizer and Rotarian Sheila Clarke says, “The great thing about Cornhole is pretty much anyone can play.  It’s fun and easy and always a good time.”  Last year father/daughter team “Daddy’s Girl” took home the crown after facing down impressive competition.  There’s some excitement to see if they return and can repeat their victory.
The Cornhole Classic Tournament, now in its third year, is held on lower Haven Street.  It is part of the Reading Fall Street Faire Tailgate area that includes the Patriots game streaming on a big screen and a beer garden (for those 21 and older).
Cornhole Classic registrations are now open The Cornhole Classic is tournament style and professionally run by Wicked Cornhole. Registration begins at 1, and bags fly at 2. There is a $60 fee to enter a two-person team. The top two teams win cash prizes, but Ms. Clarke says what everyone is really playing for is bragging rights. Register for your spot to play at
Sponsorship opportunities. For a $500 sponsorship, local businesses and organizations can have a professional set of Cornhole Boards made up with their name/logo. These boards will be used throughout the tournament and sponsors get to take them home at the end of the day. They are a great addition to corporate events, backyard BBQs, in an employee break space, or even in a customer area to bring a little fun to your business. See for more information on how to become a Cornhole Classic Sponsor.
All proceeds from the Cornhole Classic will go to the Reading Rotary Club and the Fall Street Faire.
Follow Reading Fall Street Faire on Facebook and Instagram to stay up to date on all the fun.
3rd Annual Cornhole Classic at RFSF Jeanne Borawski 2022-08-10 04:00:00Z 0

Town Beer Garden Aug. 20

Posted by Tim Kelley on Aug. 10, 2022
Looking for a fun time in Town?  Come to the next Beer Garden on the Common!
Sat., Aug. 20, 2-8 pm.
Featuring WHBC X Scott Bros
Pizza World of Reading
Plus:  music, games, etc.
Bring your kids!
ID required for Beer Garden.
Town Beer Garden Aug. 20 Tim Kelley 2022-08-10 04:00:00Z 0

Calling for Street Faire Sponsors

Posted by Tim Kelley on Jul. 23, 2022
The RFSF Committee is in full swing.  If you want to Sponsor the event, contact Jenn Rogers or Pat Calley.  Levels of Sponsorship can be found on the RFSF website.  If you are sponsoring, we prefer you pay by check to avoid the service charge.  Please coordinate with Jenn Rogers.
Booth and volunteer sign-ups are also on the RFSF website.  Please plan on being available to help on September 11.  This is our biggest fundraiser and event and participation of all (plus many dozens of other volunteers) is needed to pull it off.
Any questions about the RFSF can be directed to Chair John Feudo and/or Co-Chair Jeanne Borawski.
Calling for Street Faire Sponsors Tim Kelley 2022-07-23 04:00:00Z 0

Volunteer Sign-Up for RFSF is Live

Posted by Mike Collins on Jul. 20, 2022
The Reading Fall Street Faire is quickly approaching, and the committee is hard at work.  As our major fundraiser of the year, it is important that all Reading Rotarians get involved.  The volunteer website is now active and here is the link.
Please sign up for one or more slots.  Also, please forward the link to anyone or any group that may be interested in volunteering.  If you have any questions or find any problems with the website, please let me know.  I'd prefer an email outside of the Rotary website or the Sign Up Genius website.  My direct email is
Thanks, Mike Collins
Chair, Volunteer Committee
Volunteer Sign-Up for RFSF is Live Mike Collins 2022-07-20 04:00:00Z 0

New Co-Prez in the House

Posted by Tim Kelley on Jul. 20, 2022
On July 12 we gathered to celebrate the installation of Sheila Clarke as new Co-President of Reading Rotary.  She is sharing the role with Co-President John Douglass.  Pictured here is Sheila with some Board Members, Directors Phil Stewart, Kathy Kinney, Pat Calley and Lisa Gibbs and Secretary Jeanne Borawski.
Sheila and husband Phil also graciously hosted the event in their yard.  It was a wonderfully fun time and we are looking forward to another great, service-filled Rotary year.
Imagine Rotary!
New Co-Prez in the House Tim Kelley 2022-07-20 04:00:00Z 0

Reading Featured in District Webinar

Posted by Tim Kelley on Jul. 20, 2022
Reading Rotary is one of three top clubs in our District in growing membership.  You all have received information about the District Membership Webinar on August 17 on Zoom.  We will be on a panel discussion and it would be great for Reading Rotarians to participate in the Zoom webinar.
To register follow the link in this District story (by our own Peter Majane, District Membership Co-Chair).  A direct link to register can be found here.
Pictured here is Co-President Sheila accepting a certificate for 2nd most net growth along with Presidents of Arlington and Lynn and Peter Majane.
Congratulations to our entire Club for this achievement and especially John Douglass (President '21-'22) and Membership Chair Lisa Gibbs.  
Reading Featured in District Webinar Tim Kelley 2022-07-20 04:00:00Z 0

Club Installation Celebration

Posted by Tim Kelley on Jul. 07, 2022
We are looking forward to ringing in the new Club leadership with Co-Presidents, Sheila Clarke and John Douglass.
Our Club event is coming:
Date: Tuesday, July 12, 2022
Place:  Sheila Clarke's home
            536 Haverhill St.
            Reading, MA 01867
Time:   6-6:45 cocktails
            6:45-7:30 Dinner
            7:30 Installation of Officers and Board of Directors.
This is for all members and their spouses/significant others as well. 
PLEASE RSVP to Kathy Kinney by Friday July 8.
Pictured here is Sheila accepting a District Membership Award.  Reading is number 2 in District 7930 in increasing membership this past year.  Presenting the award is Past District Governor Terry and our own Peter Majane, District Membership Chair.
Club Installation Celebration Tim Kelley 2022-07-07 04:00:00Z 0

Lombardos Celebrate Golden Anniversary

Posted by Tim Kelley on Jul. 06, 2022
Big congratulations to Richie Lombardo and his bride Patty Lombardo who recently celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary.
They look too young to believe they are celebrating 5o years of marriage.  
You can't find a nicer couple than Richie and Patty.  Congrats and many more!
Lombardos Celebrate Golden Anniversary Tim Kelley 2022-07-06 04:00:00Z 0

Congrats, New Leadership!

Posted by Tim Kelley on Jul. 06, 2022
On a beautiful night at Danversport Yacht Club, new Co-President Sheila Clarke, along with Presidents from the other 45 District Clubs, was installed to lead Reading Rotary for 2022-2023.  Sheila will be taking the reins with John Douglass as the other Co-President.  
Reading had a large group of Rotarians supporting Sheila.  Thanks to all who came out!
In addition, our Club is represented in District leadership.  Peter Majane will continue as an AG (Assistant Governor).  Peter is also the AG Coordinator for 7930, a role he has filled for several years.  Peter is a multiple time AG and a Past President of North Reading.  Tim Kelley was installed as a first time AG, too.
Next up is our Club Installation event on July 12.  Hope to see you all there.
Congrats, New Leadership! Tim Kelley 2022-07-06 04:00:00Z 0

Gearing Up for 2022 Fall Street Faire

Posted by Jeanne Borawski on Jun. 23, 2022
Although it is just the beginning of summer, one group of Reading residents is already looking ahead to autumn.  The Reading Rotary Club is gearing up to host the 14th annual Reading Fall Street Faire on Sunday, September 11.  Members of this committee are hoping to host the biggest, best Fall Street Faire yet.
Under the leadership of YMCA Executive Director, Rotarian and Fall Street Faire Chair John Feudo, the fourteen-person committee has already started meeting and planning for the town’s biggest annual downtown event.  According to Feudo, “This would be way too much work for one person to do alone.  We have an incredible team.  Some of the members are relatively new and bring great energy and enthusiasm.  Some of the members have been doing this for years and just know how to get the job done.  At the end of the day, we’re all proud to be able pull off an event of this scope for the whole town to enjoy.”
Among the challenges are the logistics of closing down several blocks of downtown Reading for an entire Sunday to accommodate food vendors, multiple stages with live entertainment, amusements, activities, games, and more than one hundred booths. Rotarian Gregg Johnson of Lee Kimball Design and Build has been involved in planning logistics for the Fall Street Faire for years.  He says, “It would be impossible without the partnership we enjoy with the Town of Reading.  We work well with the Town Manager, Department of Public Works, and Police and Fire Departments to ensure this huge e event is fun and safe.”
The Reading Fall Street Faire is offering corporate sponsorships at various contribution levels for local businesses that want to support this fun community event that draws thousands every year. Registrations are also now open for local businesses, clubs, non-profits, or organizations that want to reserve a booth at the Faire.  All information can be found at Residents are encouraged to follow Reading Fall Street Faire on Facebook and Instagram.
Gearing Up for 2022 Fall Street Faire Jeanne Borawski 2022-06-23 04:00:00Z 0

Save these Dates

Posted by John Douglass on Jun. 14, 2022
District Installation:  June 30.
Club Installation:  July 12
Please note the other dates in the Calendar.  In June we will not have another regular lunch meeting.
Please consider going to the District Installation on June 30 at Danversport Yacht Club 6 pm (doors open at 5:30).  Our weekly meeting is canceled to encourage people to attend the District Installation.  It would be great to have a good crowd supporting Sheila as she takes the co-reigns as Co-President.  Please email Jeanne Borawski if you can attend.  The Club will pay for members to attend.  I will be away on vacation.   Also, Peter and Tim will be installed as Assistant Governors.
Our Club Installation event will be on the evening of July 12.  Exact time and place to be announced shortly. 
Thank you all for what you do for Reading and the community!
Save these Dates John Douglass 2022-06-14 04:00:00Z 0

Reading Achieves DEI Citation

Posted by Tim Kelley on Jun. 14, 2022
District 7930 Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) Committee has created a Citation for clubs to achieve progress toward DEI.  In reviewing the Citation requirements (25 suggested action steps, Club must achieve 13 of the 25 for certification) Reading has already taken many of the action steps suggested by the Committee.  With a few additional modest steps, we have achieved the requirements.  Our DEI Tracker can be viewed here.
Rotary values a commitment to individual and Club efforts to build respect, dignity, fairness, caring, equality and self-esteem.
Reading Achieves DEI Citation Tim Kelley 2022-06-14 04:00:00Z 0

Fall Street Faire In the Works

Posted by John Feudo on Jun. 14, 2022
The Reading Fall Street Faire Committee has begun regular meetings.  The date is set for September 11.  If you want to get involved in the planning, please contact John Feudo.  Or come to one of our planning meetings.  Many hands make light work.
Please block out the day of September 11.  We need all Rotarians and many additional community volunteers to help.  We will have more details, but we will be working that day starting around 7 am through breakdown and clean up.  All Rotarians will be expected to take a shift during the day.
Our next planning meeting is June 21 at 5 pm at Reading Library.
Fall Street Faire In the Works John Feudo 2022-06-14 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Representing at Town Day

Posted by Sheila Clarke on Jun. 13, 2022
We had a good crew of Rotarians at Reading Lion's Friends and Family Day at Birch Meadow on June 11.  We spun and gave out cotton candy and distributed informational flyers to all vendors about our upcoming Fall Street Faire (Sunday, September 11).  The cotton candy line was long and steady all day, until we ran out of product.  Lots of goodwill on display all day.
In addition, we were one of the Sponsors of the event.
The Reading Rotary cornhole boards (not pictured here) were also on display.
Congrats to the Lions Club on ramping up this event after the pandemic derailed it in recent years.
It was such a great family and community event.  Thanks to all the members who came out to work and support Rotary!
Rotary Representing at Town Day Sheila Clarke 2022-06-13 04:00:00Z 0

District DEI Citation

Posted by Tim Kelley on Jun. 13, 2022
District 7930 Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) Committee has created a Citation for clubs to achieve progress toward DEI.  In reviewing the Citation requirements (25 suggested action steps, Club must achieve 13 of the 25 for certification) Reading had already taken many of the action steps suggested by the Committee.  With a few additional modest steps, we have achieved the requirements.  Our DEI Tracker can be viewed here.
Rotary values a commitment to individual and Club efforts to build respect, dignity, fairness, caring, equality and self-esteem.
A top priority for Rotary District 7930 is growing and diversifying our membership to make sure we reflect the communities we serve and are inclusive of all cultures, experiences, and identities.
To help us achieve our goal, the Rotary International Board of Directors passed a diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) statement, which was just recently updated and expanded in the summer of 2021:
District DEI Citation Tim Kelley 2022-06-13 04:00:00Z 0

Samantha's Harvest 5k Returns June 12

Posted by Tim Kelley on May 31, 2022
Samantha's Harvest 5K Run and Walk is Back!
SH's race is back in person after a two-year virtual hiatus. Lisa and team put in an order for another beautiful day and hope you will join the fun on Sunday, June 12!
IMPORTANT! There is a change of registration and finish line location due to construction on the stadium field at RMHS.  Registration will be located at the locker room doors behind the field house at RMHS, right next to the stadium.  The route will also finish there and they will have plenty of volunteers throughout the course to tell you exactly where you need to go! 
Registration starts at 8am and the race begins promptly at 9.  The race will be officially timed, they will have a pacer on a bicycle and the first male and female finishers in their age groups will receive prizes!  Families come out and walk with us! 
Please sign up or volunteer! Email Zack at or call at 781.354.0544 if you have any questions or if you would like to volunteer.
Samantha's Harvest 5k Returns June 12 Tim Kelley 2022-05-31 04:00:00Z 0

Burbank Y Fundraiser

Posted by Tim Kelley on May 31, 2022
Come out and support fellow Rotarian John Feudo at Burbank Y's Best Summer Ever Celebration on June 2 from 6:30 pm to 10 pm at Austin Prep.
The event is golf themed and the live auction has already opened.  Check it out here.
Burbank Y Fundraiser Tim Kelley 2022-05-31 04:00:00Z 0

Open House a Big Success

Posted by Tim Kelley on May 25, 2022
On May 23 we had a Membership Open House at RCTV.  It was well attended with lots of good fellowship.
President John also inducted several new members, including Sherilla, Phil, Allain and Reading Cooperative Corporate members Veronica, Jessica and Jean.
Local dignitaries included Rep. Brad Jones and Select Board Chair Mark Dockser.
It was also wonderful to see quite a few prospective members who attended to learn more about Rotary.
Well done, Lisa Gibbs and team, who planned the Open House.
Open House a Big Success Tim Kelley 2022-05-25 04:00:00Z 0

Fun Times Cleaning up Ipswich River

Posted by Tim Kelley on May 25, 2022
We had a lot of fun cleaning up several landings on the Ipswich River as part of Rotary 7930's District Wide Day of Service.
There are four landings in or around the headwaters of the Ipswich.  The Ipswich River originates in our area.  These landings include:  Jenks Bridge, Woburn Street, Wilmington; Mill Street, Reading; Central Street, North Reading; and Shopping Center, North Reading.
Mike Bonsey, Gregg Johnson, D7930 District Governor Elect Nominee Lori Karas and Tim Kelley spent the morning of May 21 on the clean up.
Fun Times Cleaning up Ipswich River Tim Kelley 2022-05-25 04:00:00Z 0

Come to Our Rotary Open House May 23

Posted by Jeanne Borawski on May 11, 2022
Annual Open House:  Monday May 23, 5:30 to 7:30 pm.  RCTV, 557 Main Street, Reading.
Want to give back to the community but not sure where to start?
Want to expand your social circle but not sure how to meet new neighbors?
Have a local business and want to build your network?
Join Reading Rotary at our annual Open House.  Drinks and appetizers will be provided.  Mingle with great neighbors and learn how we have friends while serving others.
This event is FREE and open to the public but an RSVP is required for entry.  Email your RSVP to
Come to Our Rotary Open House May 23 Jeanne Borawski 2022-05-11 04:00:00Z 0

Service Above Self Scholarship

Posted by Michael Bonsey on May 10, 2022
High school seniors are invited to apply for Reading Rotary's Service Above Self Scholarship. 
Service Above Self Scholarships from Reading Rotary will be awarded to selected outstanding high school seniors who demonstrated the following:
• Leadership and volunteerism that personify Rotary’s motto of Service Above Self, whether in the school or other areas of the community.
• Consistent effort and commitment toward improving the quality of life for others.
• An awareness of and action toward raising awareness or addressing humanitarian needs in the immediate community or elsewhere in the world.
• A commitment to dedicating him- or herself to these ideals even into college and professional life.
• Interest in Interact and Rotary throughout high school.
Each scholarship will be for an amount up to $1,000 award to the selected candidate (the final number of candidates and scholarship amounts will be determined by the Club).  We hope that this scholarship will foster a lifelong association between Rotary International and the recipient!
Each applicant must complete the worksheet, below, and submit an essay addressing his/her leadership in demonstrating Service Above Self during their lives.  The essay must focus on those elements of service in the candidate’s background and not on GPA and courses of study.  Tailoring the essay to the qualifications listed above is strongly recommended.
Successful applicants are expected to participate in the following activities:
• Attend a future meeting of the Reading Rotary Club to present what you are doing in college and how you have embedded service into your future plans.
• Attend an event in July to receive your scholarship (if available).
• Participate in at least one service project for the Reading Rotary Club, your college, or a Rotary Club in the community in which you are studying.
• Make yourself available for public relations interviews.
• Maintain full-time, post-secondary academic studies with distinction, giving equal importance to all aspects of the Service Above Self Scholarship.
If you are awarded the Service Above Self Scholarship, you will receive your funds after the following documents have been provided to the Reading Rotary Club Scholarship Coordinator:
• Evidence that the student is enrolled in an institute of higher education
Please complete the application available here and sign the certification document.
Submit the completed application by email to no later than midnight on July 1, 2022. Applications received after that date will not be considered.  You may use this form or submit the information in a different format provided it is complete.
Service Above Self Scholarship Michael Bonsey 2022-05-10 04:00:00Z 0

Happy Mother's Day

Posted by Tim Kelley on May 08, 2022
Happy Mother's Day to all our Rotary mothers.  Enjoy the day!
Happy Mother's Day Tim Kelley 2022-05-08 04:00:00Z 0

Arbor Day Tree Project

Posted by Tim Kelley on May 07, 2022
This Arbor Day Reading Rotary distributed tree saplings to every 5th Grader in the Reading Public Schools.  This year’s tree is a hawthorn which is a lovely flowering tree.  Reading Rotary has been giving out trees annually to Reading students for over 30 years. Thanks to KC Latham for heading up this project.  It was great to return to this project after a pandemic caused hiatus.
Rotary partners with the Town's DPW to package and distribute hundreds of trees.  Rotary's sponsorship of this annual project is part of Reading's designation as a Tree City.
Arbor Day Tree Project Tim Kelley 2022-05-07 04:00:00Z 0

Samantha's Harvest Tasting Event

Posted by Tim Kelley on May 07, 2022
Samantha's Harvest is hosting a fundraising event.  It's a win-win.  Taste some beer and spirits and support a great cause.  May 21 from 1-4 pm at Bunratty Tavern.  
Many different brews to taste as usual when we meet at Bunratty Tavern!
This weeks special vendor highlight:  Lord Hobo Brewing Co
Bunratty Tavern is hosting this fun event!  Not only will there be great beers to sample there will also be a terrific raffle.  Enter for a chance to win a day or night for Reading's own Wee Irish Pub and other fun things!
Admission is $20 CASH AT THE DOOR ONLY AND YOU MUST BE 21 OR OLDER TO PARTICIPATE. It is always a fantastic day and we have missed you! We look forward to seeing you there - come anytime between 1 and 4pm on Saturday, May 21 at Bunratty Tavern, 620 Main Street, Reading!
Samantha's Harvest Tasting Event Tim Kelley 2022-05-07 04:00:00Z 0

District Wide Day of Service May 21

Posted by Tim Kelley on May 07, 2022
Our District is organizing a District Wide Day of Service on May 21 to clean up areas along the Ipswich River.  Two of the spots are in our immediate area of Reading and North Reading.  The Ipswich River's headwaters originate in Reading.
If you can help, please contact Tim Kelley.
Here are the details from Past District Governor Joan Arsenault on the area to be cleaned up in our area:
9am to 12pm Spring 2022 Rotary Club Ipswich River Landings Work Day:  approximate teams of 4 people per site.  The goal of this project will be to support our River Warden program by helping to prepare canoe/kayak landings on the Ipswich River for the paddling season via picking up trash, pruning and cutting back vegetation, and checking the condition of kiosks and signage at the following landings:
a. Woburn St., Wilmington and Mill St., Reading; and
b. Central St. landing and shopping Center, North Reading.
I'm looking for 4-6 people or more to help with some clean up.
District Wide Day of Service May 21 Tim Kelley 2022-05-07 04:00:00Z 0

Big Congrats to Jenn Rogers

Posted by Tim Kelley on May 02, 2022
Congratulations to Immediate Past President Jenniffer Rogers on her graduation from Southern New Hampshire University on Sunday.  Jenn graduated from college while working full-time in a new position with a new employer.  During the time she was in school she also served as our President during the COVID year.
What an accomplishment!
Pictured here is Jenniffer with son Nathan and husband Steve.
Big Congrats to Jenn Rogers Tim Kelley 2022-05-02 04:00:00Z 0

Musical Bingo for MS

Posted by Tim Kelley on Apr. 16, 2022
President John is also Captain of the Pep's Peddlers MS Bike Team.  They are hosting a fundraiser on May 13 from 7-11 pm at the Wakefield Elks.
Pep's Peddlers is on the top teams in Massachusetts raising money for multiple sclerosis.
Please consider supporting John and his team.  Tickets can be purchased here.  Plus this event is a blast!
Musical Bingo for MS Tim Kelley 2022-04-16 04:00:00Z 0

Patriots' Day:  No Meeting

Posted by Tim Kelley on Apr. 16, 2022
Reminder that there is no Rotary meeting on April 18.  Please feel free to use the time to run the Marathon or finish your taxes.
Patriots' Day: No Meeting Tim Kelley 2022-04-16 04:00:00Z 0
Rotary Readers in the Books Tim Kelley 2022-04-16 04:00:00Z 0

Sail for Epilepsy Program

Posted by Tim Kelley on Apr. 16, 2022
We had a fantastic program at our evening meeting on April 11.  Dr. Phil Haydon spoke on epilepsy awareness and his charity  Dr. Phil will be sailing across the Atlantic to the Azores then to Spain and Morocco among his stops.  A great turnout and inspirational.
Also attending were quite a few community members including new Town Manger Fidel Maltez, new Select Board Member Jackie McCarthy and new Director for Equity and Social Justice Dr. Sudeshna Chatterjee.
Thanks also to the staff at the Charles at Bunratty Tavern for an excellent evening.
Sail for Epilepsy Program Tim Kelley 2022-04-16 04:00:00Z 0

Sail for Epilepsy

Posted by Tim Kelley on Apr. 10, 2022
Our April 11 meeting is an Evening Meeting at the Charles starting at 6:00. We have a special speaker, Dr. Phil Haydon to speak on his Sail for Epilepsy charity.  Please note the starting time is 6:00 pm.  Apologies for any confusion.
Dr. Haydon is an internationally recognized neuroscientist with medically controlled post-traumatic epilepsy.  Phil has started the non-profit organization Sail For Epilepsy with a mission to inspire people with epilepsy to take One More Step towards achieving a fuller life, with the necessary safety measures in place. He plans to navigate the oceans of the world to:  inspire people with epilepsy; raise funds to support research for a cure; and promote awareness of epilepsy and educate the public.
This should be an excellent program.  For info or questions, please contact President John or Lisa Gibbs.
Sail for Epilepsy Tim Kelley 2022-04-10 04:00:00Z 0

Polar Plungers Make a Splash

Posted by Tim Kelley on Apr. 09, 2022
On Saturday, April 2, three Reading Rotarians joined hundreds of others in District 7930 to at the Polar Plunge to end Polio.  John Douglass, Mike Bonsey and Peter Majane all dunked at Long Beach on the Gloucester/Rockport line.  Also, there to support our Plungers were Allain Collins, Phil Stewart, Gina and Mike Nelson, Tim and Chris Kelley, Mike Collins and Laurie Douglass with two energetic dogs.
It was a lot of fun to participate in such a large event with so many Rotarians.  Kudos to Gloucester Rotary for organizing the event.  
Donations will continue to be gratefully accepted at this link.  Please be sure to designate "Polio Fund."
At last report from DG Terry, Reading was 5th in the District for money raised.  Thank you to John, Mike and Peter.  And thank you to all who have supported this fundraiser in any way.  The District goal is to raise $100,000.  Last count had the District total north of $40,000.00.  The Gates Foundation will double match all contributions.  Your $25 donation will result in $75 with the match to the Rotary Foundation.
Polar Plungers Make a Splash Tim Kelley 2022-04-09 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Readers Back in Person

Posted by Tim Kelley on Mar. 29, 2022
March is the month for our Rotary Readers project.  Rotary Readers is an annual literacy project where reading books and a backpack are given to each Reading Public Schools student in kindergarten.  This year approximately 300 literacy bags will be delivered by Rotarians to the five Reading elementary schools.  Rotarians also read to each Kindergarten class as part of Read Across America.  It was funt to be able to read in person this year after doing virtual reading in 2021.
This literacy project has been adapted from Rotary’s previous dictionary and thesaurus giveaways.  Reading teachers expressed their preference to have the younger students receive reading books.  Basic Education and Literacy is one of Rotary International's Areas of Focus.  This particular project was adapted from a Girl Scout Gold Award literacy project by Mary Kate Kelley, who is a Past President of RMHS Interact and one of its Founding Members.

Rotary Readers Back in Person Tim Kelley 2022-03-29 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Readers Project Upcoming

Posted by Tim Kelley on Mar. 11, 2022
We will soon be scheduling times to deliver literacy bags to Kindergarteners as part of our Rotary Readers project.  Rotary Readers is our annual project to provide reading books to students in the Reading Schools.  We provide two reading books in a Reading Rotary drawstring backpack.  Also, in the bag is literature about the importance of reading to children and information about Reading Rotary.
This past Wednesday this group gathered to assemble the book bags. Many hands made quick work and we had a blast.
Once we have the schedule from the schools, we will be looking for Rotarians to read to the Kindergarten classes.  Stay tuned.
Fun fact:  this literacy project was adapted from my daughter Mary Kate's Girl Scout Gold Award project, which was literacy bags for new mothers delivered to local hospitals.  
Rotary Readers Project Upcoming Tim Kelley 2022-03-11 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Responding to Ukraine Crisis

Posted by Tim Kelley on Mar. 08, 2022
From John Germ, Trustee of The Rotary Foundation:
As one of the world’s largest humanitarian organizations, Rotary has made peace the cornerstone of our global mission. We are deeply concerned about the Ukraine crisis and need your help.
Rotary is made up of people of action, especially in difficult times. In response to the deepening refugee crisis, The Rotary Foundation Trustees have decided to prioritize contributions made to the Disaster Response Fund until 30 April 2022 to support disaster response grants for districts affected by these events. These expedited disaster response grants can be used to supply water, food, medicine, shelter, and clothing.
Half a million people have fled Ukraine and are in dire need of emergency aid. The United Nations estimates that number of refugees could grow to as many as 5 million people displaced. Rotary clubs in Europe and around the world have stepped up their relief work, some working on the ground to help displaced families.
With your donation to our Disaster Response Fund, we can support communities and help rebuild lives during this tragic time.  You can donate to The Rotary Foundation's Disaster Response Fund for Ukraine here.
Rotary Responding to Ukraine Crisis Tim Kelley 2022-03-08 05:00:00Z 0

Election Results

Posted by John Douglass on Mar. 07, 2022
The results of our election for next year's Officers and Directors have been tabulated.
Thank you to all who volunteered your leadership and service!
Co-President, Sheila Clarke 
Immediate Past President and Co-President, John Douglass 
President Elect, Vacant
Vice President, Vacant
Secretary, Jeanne Borawski
Treasurer, Michael Bonsey 
Director, Patricia Calley 
Director, Lisa Gibbs 
Director, Timothy Kelley 
Director, Kathy Kinney 
Director, Jenniffer Rogers 
Director, Phil Stewart 
Election Results John Douglass 2022-03-07 05:00:00Z 0

Connor's Kindness Project

Posted by Tim Kelley on Mar. 07, 2022
We had an amazing presentation from Connor of Connor’s Kindness Project.  Connor, a 7th grader, started up this charity which provides care packages to children.  This year CKP plans on delivering 2000 packages filled with toys, games and other comfort items to kids in need.  To see such empathy and initiative from a person so young was so inspirational.
For more info about this amazing charity, check out its website.  CKP is also on Facebook and Instagram.
Pictured here are Catherine Barton Rossetti, Sharon Marrama and the Connor with Prez John. Check out CKP’s socials, website etc.
Connor's Kindness Project Tim Kelley 2022-03-07 05:00:00Z 0

Calling Polar Plungers

Posted by Tim Kelley on Feb. 28, 2022
Our District Polar Plunge is on April 2.  All members, friends and other brave souls who are willing to plunge into the icy Atlantic to raise money for Polio Eradication please contact President John.
Please mark your calendar and plan to come and support the Plungers on April 2.  We have reserved a motel room at the motel on Long Beach.
Calling Polar Plungers Tim Kelley 2022-02-28 05:00:00Z 0

Diana Kaine Passes

Posted by John Douglass on Feb. 26, 2022
Long time Rotarian Diana Kaine passed away peacefully at the Kaplan Family Hospice House in Danvers on February 22, 2022.  Diana was a 57-year resident of Reading.  Diana was one of the very first women to join Reading Rotary and was a very active volunteer in Town.  Diana was the longtime owner and Realtor of Kaine & Wentworth Real Estate. 
In addition to Rotary, Diana was a longtime member the Red Hat Society and Town Meeting.  She was an avid gardener and loved to cook.  Diana was the beloved wife of the late Edwin J. Kaine.  Devoted mother of Steven J. Kaine and his wife Leslie and Julie K. Porter all of Reading.  Loving grandmother of Emily Kaine and her husband Greg Sutherland of Vancouver, WA, Jonathan Kaine and his wife Tara of Portsmouth RI, and David Locke Porter of Somerville.  Loving great grandmother of Edwin J. Kaine. 
Diana Kaine Passes John Douglass 2022-02-26 05:00:00Z 0

Town Manager Maltez Visits Feb. 28

Posted by Tim Kelley on Feb. 25, 2022
New Town Manager Fidel Maltez will be the Speaker at our meeting on Monday, Feb. 28 at 5:30 pm at Fusilli's.  Please note the meeting time change from lunch to dinner.
Fidel has just begun his tenure in Reading in February.  His previous experience is with the City of Chelsea where he headed the public works department.
Please make every effort to attend.  Guests and the public are welcome.  Contact John Douglass with any questions.
Town Manager Maltez Visits Feb. 28 Tim Kelley 2022-02-25 05:00:00Z 0

Dinner Social at Austin

Posted by Tim Kelley on Feb. 04, 2022
We had a wonderful dinner meeting this Monday at Austin Prep.  Brenda Simblaris arranged Austin to host us and Dr. Bill Driscoll, Assistant Headmaster, was our speaker.
Dr. Driscoll gave us an impressive and inspiring picture of the mission and developments at AP.
We had a good turn out of Rotarians and several guests.
Thank you, Austin, Brenda and Bill for a great evening.
Dinner Social at Austin Tim Kelley 2022-02-04 05:00:00Z 0

DKJ Foundation Teams Up with Bruin Taylor Hall

Posted by Tim Kelley on Feb. 04, 2022
The David K. Johnson Foundation is teaming up with Taylor Hall and the Boston Bruins Foundation to spread awareness, take action, and raise necessary funds to find a cure for this disease through the #1of6Million campaign.
DKJ's campaign asks affected people to share their stories of how this disease has impacted their lives.  
You can also Nominate a Caregiver.  Show the caregiver in your life your appreciation by giving them the gift of a night out at TD Garden on the David K. Johnson Foundation and Boston Bruins Foundation.
Nominate them to be a winner of our raffle to win two tickets to a suite on April 2, 2022, at the Boston Bruins game!
DKJ Foundation Teams Up with Bruin Taylor Hall Tim Kelley 2022-02-04 05:00:00Z 0

Exciting Leadership News

Posted by Tim Kelley on Feb. 03, 2022
We are so pleased to announce that Sheila Clarke and John Douglass have volunteered to fill the roles of Co-President of Reading Rotary for the 2022-2023 year.
Sheila and John will partner to divide up the position of President, working with '22-'23 District Governor Alexander Falk.  The RI President will be Jennifer Jones of Canada and the Presidential Theme is Imagine Rotary.
An official election will be conducted soon.  If members have an interest in serving on the Board of Directors, please reach out to Sheila or John.  We have six Directors.  We are also looking for a President Elect (or Co-Presidents Elect) for 2023-24.
The Board meets monthly and Board members will have an expectation of leading on a committee and/or in other ways.
Congratulations and thank you to Sheila and John for offering your leadership!
Exciting Leadership News Tim Kelley 2022-02-03 05:00:00Z 0

Polar Plunge 2022

Posted by Tim Kelley on Feb. 03, 2022
The “Official” Polar Plunge has been scheduled for April 2nd and is being sponsored by the Gloucester Club.
Donations to this year’s Polar Plunge are being directly made through the donate button in MyRotary or through our Foundation Chair.  More to come from President John on how Reading will participate.
Currently, Reading is Number 4 in the District in donations.
Polar Plunge 2022 Tim Kelley 2022-02-03 05:00:00Z 0

Haggerty's Welcome Baby Girl

Posted by Tim Kelley on Feb. 03, 2022
Congratulations to Dick and Elaine Haggerty on the birth of a beautiful, new granddaughter, Harper Rose, on January 26.
Harper is the first child for Rich and Haley Haggerty.  Rich, as you likely know, is one of Reading's State Representatives.  His district covers Woburn and parts of Stoneham and Reading.
Haggerty's Welcome Baby Girl Tim Kelley 2022-02-03 05:00:00Z 0

Martin Luther King Day

Posted by Tim Kelley on Jan. 17, 2022
No meeting on January 17, 2022, for observance of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday.
Martin Luther King Day Tim Kelley 2022-01-17 05:00:00Z 0

Rotarians and Christmas Adopt-a-Family

Posted by Tim Kelley on Jan. 11, 2022
Each year Reading Rotary partners with the community for the Adopt-a-Family project for Thanksgiving and Christmas.  The Christmas distribution day was December 22.  Rotary works with the local organization ReadingCares and the Town to coordinate this long-standing community giving program.  Receiving families are matched anonymously with donor families and/or groups to provide meal and gifts at Christmas.  Donors drop off in the first shift, then recipient families pick up their food and gifts during a later shift. 
This year there were approximately 60 families in need and donor families/groups were matched to provide Christmas gifts and holiday meals to these families anonymously.  Reading Rotary’s efforts were coordinated by new Rotarian Adam Sandberg.
This is a truly inspirational and humbling event to see the community come together to help others.  The generosity of the donors is overwhelming as evidenced by the many smiling faces as well as some tears of thanks.  Reading Rotary is proud of and grateful for our partners ReadingCares and the Town of Reading in this community giving event.  A huge thank you to all the donor families and groups. Their generosity makes this all possible!  Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all!
Rotarians and Christmas Adopt-a-Family Tim Kelley 2022-01-11 05:00:00Z 0

Merry Christmas from Reading Rotary

Posted by Tim Kelley on Dec. 25, 2021
From President John Douglass and Reading Rotary, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year to all.
(Image credit: Evan Burrell)
Merry Christmas from Reading Rotary Tim Kelley 2021-12-25 05:00:00Z 0

DG Terry Presents End Polio Now Certificate

Posted by Tim Kelley on Dec. 03, 2021
District Governor Terry Curran visited our club this week to present a Certificate from the Rotary Foundation for our support of End Polio Now in the 2020-21 year.
Reading was one of only four clubs in District 7930 to receive this Certificate.  We were recognized for our continued support of the Rotary Foundation (Sustaining Member Contributions, etc.). 
Congrats to Past President Jenn Rogers and all Rotarians who continued to support the Rotary Foundation, especially during a pandemic year.
DG Terry Presents End Polio Now Certificate Tim Kelley 2021-12-03 05:00:00Z 0

Reading Rotary Sponsors REF's Festival of Trees

Posted by Tim Kelley on Dec. 03, 2021
Reading Education Foundation's Festival of Trees will be held December 4 (10 am to 8 pm) and December 5 (10 am to 4 pm) at Parker Middle School.
Reading Rotary is the Event Sponsor.  Please check it out this weekend.  (Unlike past years, Rotary will not be selling food, but there will be food trucks and other options outside.)
REF's annual holiday fundraiser is a great family event! Visitors will be delighted and inspired by a winter wonderland of decorated holiday trees that are raffled off to lucky winners!
Saturday evening activities consist of a special reading of Polar Express and a pajama party for kids among a forest of fun.  Masks will be required for all festival attendees.
Decorated trees are donated by local families, businesses, organizations, and schools. With a wide variety of sizes, shapes, and themes to choose from, there is something for everyone.
Reading Rotary Sponsors REF's Festival of Trees Tim Kelley 2021-12-03 05:00:00Z 0

Laurie Douglass Honored by Epilepsy Foundation

Posted by Susan Linn, Epilepsy Foundation of New England on Nov. 27, 2021
Laurie Douglass, MD was honored at Epilepsy Foundation New England’s (EFNE) 38th Annual Hope Gala. Dr. Douglass, Division Director of Pediatric Neurology and Director of Pediatric Epilepsy & EEG at Boston Medical Center, is known for her activism and dedication to ensuring that people living with epilepsy receive the care they need.  She is a pioneer in using technology to allow patients to access tele-health and tele-services.  Her commitment and resulting services were emulated by many during the pandemic, which forced patients and providers to develop comfort and skill in using technology to deliver care.  Dr. Douglass and her family members were past EFNE Volunteers of the Month, recognizing the many hours of service they contribute as volunteers to summer camps for children living with epilepsy.  “Laurie not only provides expert advice on managing campers’ health and safety, but rolls up her sleeves to play with children – taking the time to get to know each one,” said Camp Coordinator Sarah Specht. 
“Beyond her breakthrough thinking and practice, Laurie is known for her collaborative spirit. She ensures that patient care is paramount and brings people, institutions, and communities together behind a common vision.  It’s our honor to pay tribute to Laurie at the 2021 gala,” said Susan Linn, EFNE’s President and CEO. 
Laurie Douglass Honored by Epilepsy Foundation Susan Linn, Epilepsy Foundation of New England 2021-11-27 05:00:00Z 0

DG Terry Visits on Nov. 29

Posted by Tim Kelley on Nov. 26, 2021
District Governor Terry Curran will visit our meeting on Monday, November 29 to present a Certicate.  
Please attend if you can.
DG Terry Visits on Nov. 29 Tim Kelley 2021-11-26 05:00:00Z 0

Phil Stewart Coordinates Food Bank Run

Posted by Tim Kelley on Nov. 26, 2021
Phil Stewart, one of our new members, has taken over the role of coordinating the Food Bank Run.  Phil takes over this job from Art Hayden, who handled the scheduling for years.  
The Reading Food Pantry does a run for food into the Greater Boston Food Bank two or three times a month on Thursday mornings.  We need one driver with an SUV, truck or van and one helper.  We meet at Food Pantry at Old South Church at 10:15 am.  The trip usually is completed and unloaded by noon.
It is a great community service opportunity.  If you have questions or want to put yourself on the schedule, please contact Phil.
Phil Stewart Coordinates Food Bank Run Tim Kelley 2021-11-26 05:00:00Z 0

Thanksgiving Adopt-a-Family

Posted by Tim Kelley on Nov. 24, 2021
Each year Reading Rotary partners with the community for the Adopt-a-Family project for Thanksgiving and Christmas.  Rotary works with the local organization ReadingCares and the Town to coordinate this long-standing community giving program.  Receiving families are matched anonymously with donor families and/or groups to provide meals for Thanksgiving and meals and gifts at Christmas.  Donors drop off at the DPW garage in the first shift, then recipient families pick up during a later shift. 

Reading Rotary thanks one of our newest members, Adam Sandberg, for coordinating our work with Adopt-a-Family.  Along with Reading Cares and the Town of Reading, our goal is to make sure every family in town has a happy Thanksgiving.  Pictured here are Rotarians and other volunteers at the Thanksgiving Adopt-a-Family on November 22.
Thanksgiving Adopt-a-Family Tim Kelley 2021-11-24 05:00:00Z 0

Betsy Schneider is Our Hero

Posted by John Douglass on Nov. 01, 2021
Reading Rotary is pleased to announce that Betsy Schneider of ReadingCares will be honored as Hero for her service to our community.  Ms. Schneider will be honored as part of Rotary District 7930’s A Celebration of our Heroes on November 11 at Danversport Yacht Club starting at 5:30 pm.  Reading Rotary selected Ms. Schneider as a special person in our community who wakes up every morning and puts others before herself and dedicates her work to helping others in need, truly embodying the Rotary motto:  “Service above Self.”
Reading Rotary will present Betsy with a Paul Harris Fellow Award, one of the highest honors Rotary can give to an individual.  In addition to the recipient's recognition exemplifying the highest ideals of Rotary, Clubs or Rotarians recognize Paul Harris Fellows from donations made The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International which supports Rotary’s world-wide programs.  Paul Harris was the founder of Rotary International.
Betsy Schneider heads the volunteer organization ReadingCares.  A founding member, Betsy has developed Reading Cares from a concept to an active and depended on part of the Reading town community.

Betsy Schneider is Our Hero John Douglass 2021-11-01 04:00:00Z 0

All our Best to Art

Posted by Tim Kelley on Oct. 27, 2021
At our meeting last night, we wished Art Hayden a fond farewell.  Art has sold the Hayden homestead on King Street and will be relocating with Patty.
Art has been a Reading Rotarian since 1988.  He plans on joining a local Rotary Club when he settles into his new home.

Art has been our coordinator for the monthly Food Bank Runs, communicating with Bruce and Phyllis at the Reading Food Pantry and scheduling Rotarians to do the pick up at the Greater Boston Food Bank.
Art recently closed his long time printing business and we are sorely challenged in finding a replacement for all our club printing needs.
Thank you for all your years of service to Rotary and the community.
Best wishes to Art and Patty.  Please visit us when you're in the area.
All our Best to Art Tim Kelley 2021-10-27 04:00:00Z 0

Snack Shack Help Desperately Needed

Posted by Tim Kelley on Oct. 27, 2021
Please mark your calendars for Nov. 5 and (likely) Nov. 12 for Snack Shack events.  Brenda Simblaris has sent out a sign up for the first one.
Please sign up to help out.  It's a lot of fun and a great way for Rotary to be visible in the community.  
Please contact Brenda or reply to her Google form email to volunteer.  Spouses and family members are welcome and encouraged.  Thanks to these families who have volunteered their non-Rotarian members:  Kinney, Douglass, Collins, Gibbs!
Snack Shack Help Desperately Needed Tim Kelley 2021-10-27 04:00:00Z 0

Reading Rotary Gear

Posted by Tim Kelley on Oct. 27, 2021
We are re-ordering Reading Rotary polo shirts.  For newer members who did not receive on of the navy blue collared shirts from our last order (around 2018), the shirt cost will be paid by the club. (Members who have not received a navy polo, please return order form and indicate $0 for the polo in Amount column.)
In addition to the polo shirts we have the opportunity to order other clothing items with our embroidered club logo.  Cost to the member is noted on the order form.  They are offered at our cost.
The order form is here.  Please return it to Tim Kelley with payment (if any) to Reading Rotary.  (Deadline: Nov. 8.)
The entire catalog is linked in the order form and can be found here.  If you have questions, you can let Tim know.
Pictured is our Prez John modeling club apparel.
Reading Rotary Gear Tim Kelley 2021-10-27 04:00:00Z 0

Eagle Scout Service Projects

Posted by Tim Kelley on Oct. 18, 2021
President John Douglass recently presented two local Eagle Scout candidates with donation checks on behalf of Reading Rotary.  Pictured here are Ryan Segalla, President John and Wyatt Meyers.
Ryan's project is to replace and reconstruct a concrete path around the flagpole at the RMHS track.  Ryan is still accepting donations here.
Wyatt's project is the building of rolling storage tables for the Reading Food Pantry.  Donations toward Wyatt's project can be made here
Reading Rotary has a policy of donating $200 toward any approved Eagle Scout Project or Girl Scout Gold Award Project.
An Eagle Scout Project is an extensive service project which is organized, and managed by the Eagle Scout Candidate.  
Ryan and Wyatt are currently Life Scouts in Troop 702.  Troop 702 has been having their weekly meetings outside on the field at Wood End School since the start of the pandemic.
Eagle Scout Service Projects Tim Kelley 2021-10-18 04:00:00Z 0

No Meeting Monday, Oct. 11

Posted by Tim Kelley on Oct. 09, 2021
There is no meeting on Monday, October 11 in observation of the legal holiday.
There is a Board Meeting on Tuesday, October 12 at 5:30 at Oye's.  All members are welcome to attend.
Enjoy the day off!  And sign up for a shift for Snack Shack on October 15.
No Meeting Monday, Oct. 11 Tim Kelley 2021-10-09 04:00:00Z 0

Snack Shack Team and Rockets Remain Undefeated

Posted by Tim Kelley on Oct. 09, 2021
On Friday, October 8, Rotarians again took to the Snack Shack to provide the hungry gridiron fans with all the pizza, cheeseburgers, dogs, popcorn, candy, hot chocolate and Gatorade they could ask for.
The Rockets took on the Woburn Tanners, a contest of two undefeated teams.  RMHS prevailed 26-17.
It was another beautiful night for high school football.  TV 25 was on hand covering this big Middlesex League match up.
Reading is currently ranked 7 in EMass and has playoff aspirations.
Next home game is October 15 vs Arlington Spyponders.  Come by and see us and the Snack Shack.  (Volunteers welcome!)
Snack Shack Team and Rockets Remain Undefeated Tim Kelley 2021-10-09 04:00:00Z 0

Thanks to and from RFSF Committee

Posted by Tim Kelley on Oct. 08, 2021
The 2021 Reading Fall Street Faire is in the books and the RFSF Committee gathered for a social debriefing.  Thanks to Jeanne and Mike Borawaski for hosting the get together.
The Committee worked hard over a much abreviated schedule to plan the Faire this year.
As the final bills and numbers come in, there will be more info about how the event went from the the fundraising side.  However, considering the additional challenges we faced this year, and the public reaction, it was a rousing success.
We are so appreciative of all our sponsors, vendors, non-Rotarian volunteers and Rotarian volunteers.  The RFSF is a testament to Service Above Self.
What a crew!
Thanks to and from RFSF Committee Tim Kelley 2021-10-08 04:00:00Z 0

YMCA Ribbon Run 5K

Posted by Tim Kelley on Sep. 30, 2021
On October 17, the Burbank YMCA will hold its annual Laurel Kluge 5K Ribbon Run & Walk at 9:00 am.
Cancer touches nearly every life—either directly or through a relative or friend. October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and all proceeds from this fun, family-friendly fundraiser benefit PINK and Enhance Fitness at the YMCA—our outstanding free exercise and support programs dedicated to making life better for local cancer patients and survivors. 
The Burbank Y is asking our local businesses to help with support the LK5K with prizes and giveaways.  They are looking for great prizes that will range from $10 gift cards to cool gift baskets.  Donors will be recognized for these in-kind donations on race day! 
Here are ways you can help the Y:
Donate a prize for the race;
Provide items for race day bag (Coupons, Samples, Promo Items) (200 needed by 10/14);
Donate to help support the PINK and Enhance Fitness Program at the Burbank YMCA.  Please make checks out to the Burbank YMCA – LK5K.  Tax ID 04-2103551.
If you have questions, please contact John Feudo:
YMCA Ribbon Run 5K Tim Kelley 2021-09-30 04:00:00Z 0

Feudo is Samantha's Buddy

Posted by Tim Kelley on Sep. 22, 2021
On September 17, 2021, Samatha’s Harvest, a non-profit organization founded to provide support and raise awareness for individuals with Downs Syndrome, awarded the Samantha’s Buddy Award to John Feudo, Executive Director of the Burbank YMCA in Reading.  Samantha's Harvest was founded by Reading Rotarian Lisa Gibbs and husband Rob.
The Samantha’s Buddy Award was presented to John at the organization’s 20th Annual Golf Tournament held at Thomson Country Club in North Reading.  John was presented this Award in recognition for his providing an Internship to Samantha Gibbs at the YMCA and for going above and beyond in his support for Samantha and individuals with Downs Syndrome.  Samantha’s Harvest has goals of seeing people with Down syndrome are welcomed in their schools and community with a goal towards independence.  Samatha’s Harvest recognized John’s exceptional work towards these goals.
John is also a Reading Rotarian who most recently Co-Chaired the 2021 Reading Fall Street Faire Committee.
More information about Samantha's Harvest can be found here.
Feudo is Samantha's Buddy Tim Kelley 2021-09-22 04:00:00Z 0

Street Faire was Big Success

Posted by Tim Kelley on Sep. 20, 2021
On Sunday, September 12, 2021, Reading Rotary ran the first Reading Fall Street Faire since the beginning of the COVID-19 era.
Rotary worked closely with the Town of Reading in planning the event, including the Health Department, DPW, Facilities and Police and Fire Departments.
The weather cooperated as it was a beautiful, sunny day.  Crowds were estimated upwards of 8,000 attendees.
Street Faire was Big Success Tim Kelley 2021-09-20 04:00:00Z 0

Fun Times at the Snack Shack

Posted by Tim Kelley on Sep. 20, 2021
We have had two Snack Shack Friday nights so far this season.  The good news is that sales have been brisk.  The crowds have been quite large for the RMHS football's first two home games.
There is certain to be at least two more home games on the schedule:  October 8 and 15.  With the MIAA playoff scheme, Reading is likely to have at least one home playoff game and perhaps more.  We will not have confirmation of those until the week of the games in November.

Fun Times at the Snack Shack Tim Kelley 2021-09-20 04:00:00Z 0

Cornhole News at RFSF

Posted by Tim Kelley on Aug. 31, 2021
Are you Reading's number one Cornhole Player?  Now's the time to prove it at the Fall Street Faire.
$30 per player or team of two for $60.  Prize money will be awarded to the winners but nothing beats bragging rights.
New this year:  Sponsor Custom Logo Board. 
Have you ever wanted a personalized Cornhole Logo Board?  Your company (or you personally) can sponsor a board for $500.  A Cornhole Board will be painted with your logo or name and you get to keep it at the end of the tournament.  You get recognition during the tournament and your own personalized Custom Board.
Cornhole News at RFSF Tim Kelley 2021-08-31 04:00:00Z 0

Snack Shack News

Posted by Tim Kelley on Aug. 27, 2021
Starting September 10, Rotary will be staffing the Snack Shack for RMHS Football games.  Brenda Simblaris is scheduling the games.  You should have received an email from Brenda to sign up.  Please volunteer.
On August 21, a crew of Rotarians scrubbed clean the Snack Shack and spruced up the island in front.
In addition, the first two games are scheduled for September 10 and 17.  Those are the dates of the DKJ Golf Tournament and the Samantha's Harvest Golf Tournament.  Many regulars will be unavailable, so please drum up extra help if you can.
Snack Shack News Tim Kelley 2021-08-27 04:00:00Z 0

DG Terry's Visit

Posted by Tim Kelley on Aug. 27, 2021
On August 23, District Governor Terry Curran visited Reading Rotary along with DGE Alexander Falk and our AG Dom Rebello.  Terry spoke about the goings on in the District and her hopes for a new start coming out of pandemic times.
We were fortunate also to have Terry induct our two newest members, Nina Haddad and Pat Calley.  Terry also presented Tim Kelley with his Paul Harris Fellow plus 6.
Prez John has already installed four new members. In addition we have a new member application from Phil Stewart, who is sponsored by John.
DG Terry's Visit Tim Kelley 2021-08-27 04:00:00Z 0

Porchfest and More

Posted by Tim Kelley on Aug. 10, 2021
More local fun is on the calendar for the RFSF weekend.  The 3rd Annual Porchfest is Saturday, September 11 throughout Town.  Porchfest was started by the Reading 375 Committee and features local musicians or bands playing at various houses through Reading.  (Info can be found on their Facebook page.)
In addition, Jeanne Borawski is heading up a commemoration of the 9/11 attacks on the Town Common.  This year is the 20th anniversary.
Rotary is partnering with Porchfest in sponsoring an essay writing contest.  Three selected entrants will read their essays on the impact of those events on the common.  The detail are listed below:
9/11 20th Anniversary Commemoration
“Light in the Darkness”
Saturday, September 11, 2021
Town Common
Live music starts at 11AM
Commemoration Starts at 11:30 AM
The Community is invited to a commemoration of the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. We will honor the memories of those lost, the suffering of the family and friends they left behind, and the bravery and sacrifice of first responders that day. We will join together in hope for a more peaceful and just world.
Presented by the PorchFest Committee and the Reading Fall Street Faire.
Porchfest and More Tim Kelley 2021-08-10 04:00:00Z 0

Faire Planning in Full Swing

Posted by Tim Kelley on Aug. 10, 2021
The Reading Fall Street Faire is fast approaching and the planning is going fast and furious.
Please spread the news.  Sponsors, Vendors and Volunteers can be sign up on our RFSF website:
This is our biggest event and fundraiser.  If you or your business can Sponsor, please contact Jenn Rogers or check out the RFSF website.
And, of course, keep September 12 open to help out.
The RFSF Committee is meeting weekly on Wednesdays at 4.  John Feudo and Gregg Johnson are co-chairing.  
Faire Planning in Full Swing Tim Kelley 2021-08-10 04:00:00Z 0

Service Above Self Scholarships Awarded

Posted by Tim Kelley on Aug. 10, 2021
Reading Rotary recently awarded two Service Above Self Scholarship awards to two graduating seniors.  The recipients, Allison Wallace and Emma Lloyd, are are members of Reading Memorial High School Class of 2021.  
The scholarship recipients were chosen from among a list of applicants who demonstrated leadership and community service.
Scholarship Committee Mike Bonsey said:  "We are happy to be able to award these scholarships to two students who have distinguished themselves in  leadership and service in keeping with Rotary ideals.  Congratulations and best of luck to Emma and Allison."
Service Above Self Scholarships Awarded Tim Kelley 2021-08-10 04:00:00Z 0

Calling RFSF Sponsors!

Posted by Tim Kelley on Jul. 20, 2021
Reading Fall Street Faire needs sponsors.  If you or your business can sponsor, please contact Jenn Rogers.
Information about sponsorship and vendor sign ups are on our RFSF website:
Please share our posts on Facebook, email, etc.  We need members' help getting the word out.  If you have any leads on vendors, sponsors or anything else, please pass them along.  John Feudo and Gregg Johnson are co-chairing the RFSF Committee this year.
Remember the Reading Fall Street Faire is back on September 12.
Calling RFSF Sponsors! Tim Kelley 2021-07-20 04:00:00Z 0

Welcome our New Members

Posted by Tim Kelley on Jul. 20, 2021
Welcome to our new Rotarians inducted on July 12 at the Club Installation Celebration.  
Brenda Simblaris is joining a Corporate Member from Austin Prep.  Brenda is the Assistant Director of Admissions at Austin.  Brenda joins along with other AP members Sue Belanger and Dr. Jim Hickey.  Fun fact about Brenda is that she is married to Peter Simms of Simms Jewelry.  A little bird also told us that it is Brenda and Peter's Wedding Anniversary today.
Kathy Kinney was officially inducted on July 12, but she has been a member of Reading Rotary for over a year.  She joined just about the time the pandemic hit.  And it took us a while formally to induct her.  Kathy is on the Board of Directors.  Kathy has been very involved in volunteer activities in Reading.  Kathy coordinated our first Senior Sign project, from the parent side in 2020. 
Welcome, Brenda and Kathy.
Also, note that we have a new member application from Nadia Haddad, branch manger for Northern Bank in Reading.  We look forward to Nadia's induction coming soon.
Welcome our New Members Tim Kelley 2021-07-20 04:00:00Z 0

New Rotary Year Starting off Strong

Posted by Tim Kelley on Jul. 13, 2021
Our Club Installation Celebration was a fun time and great kick off to a new year.  John Douglass was installed as the once and present President.  DG Terry Curran was on hand to administer John's oath.  The celebration was held at the Horseshoe Grille outside in the tent.  The rains subsided and it was a lovely evening.
Joining John's Board of Directors are:  Treasurer Mike Bonsey, Directors Sheila Clarke, Gregg Johnson, Kathy Kinney, Mike Collins, Lisa Gibbs and Tim Kelley.
Dear Rotarians, the Club is in need of a Secretary and a President Elect.  Please consider whether you can help out with either positions.  John will also consider people sharing roles.
We had a large crowd of Rotarians, family and guests.
Another highlight of the evening was the inducting of two new members:  Kathy Kinney (who joined as COVID hit, so her installation was delayed) and Brenda Simblaris (joining as a Corporate Member from Austin Prep).  Please make sure to welcome them to our numbers.
Pictured here is District Governor Terry Curran with President John.
Congratulations, John, and thank you for volunteering your leadership!
New Rotary Year Starting off Strong Tim Kelley 2021-07-13 04:00:00Z 0

Shop the Readings

Posted by Tim Kelley on Jul. 06, 2021
Looking for a place that offers outdoor dining or a want to pick up a gift curbside?  Support our local businesses and find these options and more on the business directory at  Sign up for the Friday Preview text of local happenings and promotions by texting “ShopReadings” to 313131.  Be Loyal, Buy Local and Shop the Readings.  Thank you for your support!
For Rotarians or local businesses, the Chamber has lawn signs and posters for store windows that they are happy to share with any local businesses.  Folks can request those by emailing Lynn at  RNR Chamber is dropping them off over the next week or so.  Please help spread the word on this project, which is partially grant funded and aims to support local businesses.  
Shop the Readings Tim Kelley 2021-07-06 04:00:00Z 0

Save the Date:  Club Installation

Posted by Tim Kelley on Jun. 25, 2021
We will hold our Club Installation on July 12 at the Horseshoe Grille in North Reading.  John Douglass will be enthroned as our new Club President.  Tentative start time is 6 (time to be confirmed).
With the pandemic restrictions over, we hope to see a good crowd there to support our incoming Prez an Board.
You should have received an invite from Sheila.  Please respond. If you haven't received it, please contact Sheila.
Save the Date: Club Installation Tim Kelley 2021-06-25 04:00:00Z 0

Food Bank Help Needed

Posted by Tim Kelley on Jun. 25, 2021
Please let Art Hayden know if you can help out with any of the Food Bank Run dates he has sent out by email.
Food Bank Help Needed Tim Kelley 2021-06-25 04:00:00Z 0

RFSF Updates

Posted by Tim Kelley on Jun. 25, 2021
The Fall Street Faire committee met last Wednesday to start our accelerated planning of the Faire.  
Please be ready to step up and volunteer.  We have the following committees:  Sponsorship; Food; Marketing/Outreach; Entertainment; Public Relations; Children's Area; Amusements; Logistics; Registration and Website; and Volunteers.
We will be meeting bi-weekly until further notice.  When you are approached and asked to help, please have mercy on us and say yes.
You can direct questions to John Feudo, Gregg Johnson, Sheila Clarke, Jeanne Borawski or Tim Kelley.
Remember to save the date of September 12 for the Faire.
Please direct people to the website:  Online booth and sponsor registration will be up and running soon.  Jeanne has already been working on website updates.
Of note we are partnering with Porchfest on September 11 to provide support through our website and publicity and we are sponsoring a writing contest to be part of a commemoration on the Common on 9/11.
RFSF Updates Tim Kelley 2021-06-25 04:00:00Z 0

RFSF 2021 is On

Posted by Tim Kelley on Jun. 16, 2021
We have just received the green light from the Town so the Reading Fall Street Faire will be on Sunday, September 12.
John Feudo, Gregg Johnson and Sheila Clarke will be helming the crew and we will need a lot of help.  So please be ready to pitch in. 
We will need help in seeking sponsors, reaching out to vendors, coordinating various events.  Announcements will be forthcoming soon.
It will be a fast and furious summer planning it.
RFSF 2021 is On Tim Kelley 2021-06-16 04:00:00Z 0

In Person Meetings Restarting

Posted by Tim Kelley on Jun. 15, 2021
With the pandemic restrictions ending, we are restarting regular in person meetings.
A survey will be going out to membership to gauge people's preference for meeting times, dates, frequency, in person/hybrid/etc.
COVID-19 has presented a difficult time to maintain meeting continuity.  However, we have remained very active with our Service. 
Kudos to Jenn Rogers for captaining the ship during the most unique, challenging year.  Jenn has also started a new job and is in school full time to boot.
Please note our Calendar for our upcoming meetings.  Any comments or request regarding meetings before the survey goes out can be directed to Pres Elect John Douglass.
On July 21, we will have our new AG Domenic Ribello visiting.  
In Person Meetings Restarting Tim Kelley 2021-06-15 04:00:00Z 0

Meeting Postponed

Posted by Tim Kelley on May 18, 2021
This week's evening social meeting (5/19) is postponed due to scheduling issues.  It will be rescheduled.
Meeting Postponed Tim Kelley 2021-05-18 04:00:00Z 0

Snells Welcome Granddaughter

Posted by Tim Kelley on May 16, 2021
Congratulations to Brian and Linda Snell on becoming grandparents to Margaret Claire born May 14.  According to Linda, Mom Kate and baby are reportedly doing well.
2021 is looking up.
Snells Welcome Granddaughter Tim Kelley 2021-05-16 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Sponsors Senior Signs

Posted by Tim Kelley on May 07, 2021
In another year of Corona, RMHS Senior Class Parents and volunteers planted an array of lawn signs with each graduating Senior’s picture and the message “We Love Our Seniors Reading Memorial High School Class of 2021.”  The signs were arranged in front of the Town Hall and Town Hall Annex facing the Reading Common.  The display is sponsored by Reading Rotary.  The set up was spearheaded by Senior parent Mrs. Maria Casarano.  The signs were printed by Boyd’s Direct in Stoneham.
Rotarian Mike Collins, who chaired this project said:  “We are so happy to be able to provide these signs for the Seniors who have faced a lot of adversity this year.  It makes it worth our efforts to see so many people enjoying them.” 
Rotary Sponsors Senior Signs Tim Kelley 2021-05-07 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Readers' Thank You's

Posted by Tim Kelley on May 02, 2021
We have received lots of beautiful Thank You Notes from our Rotary Readers project.
Pictured here are a bunch from Birch Meadow School.
Can't wait for the next time we can do this project in person.
Rotary Readers' Thank You's Tim Kelley 2021-05-02 04:00:00Z 0

Food Bank Update

Posted by Tim Kelley on May 02, 2021
Art Hayden is looking for drivers and helpers for the Food Bank Run.  The Food Pantry now goes into the GBFB twice a month.  If you can help, please respond to Art.  If you did not receive an email from Art recently, please let Art or me know.
Shout out to Art for coordinating this important ongoing service project.
Food Bank Update Tim Kelley 2021-05-02 04:00:00Z 0

May Schedule

Posted by Tim Kelley on May 02, 2021
Please note the meeting schedule for May.  The schedule is updated on the website calendar and you can subscribe to it so that it automatically updates to your phone calendar.
Monday, May 3:  No Meeting
Monday, May  10:  In person meeting at Fusilli's.  Masking, social distancing, etc. are respectfully requested.
Monday, May 17:  No Meeting.
Wednesday, May 19:  In person Evening Social (weather permitting).  Tentative location:  Kelley house, deck & patio.  If rain is expected, meeting will be remote.
Monday, May 24:  Board Meeting (no lunch meeting).
Monday, May 31:  No meeting (Memorial Day).
Please mark your calendars and try to attend.  
May Schedule Tim Kelley 2021-05-02 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary "Adopting" Seniors

Posted by Tim Kelley on Apr. 26, 2021
Reading Rotary is pitching in with another project to help boost RMHS Graduating Seniors with the community Adopt a Senior project.  Parents of the Class of 2021 have organized this project to match enthusiastic community helpers with each Senior to give them some gifts and goodies over several weeks.  To make sure every Senior was included, the parents reached out to the community. 
Reading Rotary has adopted 10 Seniors.  Thanks to the following Rotarians for jumping in to help with these 10 individual Seniors:  Michael Bonsey; Lisa Gibbs; Jenniffer Rogers; John Douglass; Tim Kelley; Andrea Zoia; Brian Tobin; Pooja Parsons; and Kathy Kinney.
We are likewise impressed by the many community members who volunteered to help make this pandemic class feel a little more special.
Pictured here is Caroline showing off some of her new swag.
Rotary "Adopting" Seniors Tim Kelley 2021-04-26 04:00:00Z 0

Happy Readers

Posted by Tim Kelley on Apr. 06, 2021
We have had a such a great response from the elementary schools regarding our Rotary Readers books and backpacks delivered to all Reading Public Schools Kindergarteners and First Graders.  
We have had just two Rotarians send videos of them reading, so we can use more to send along to the schools.  Thanks John Douglass and Lisa Gibbs for your videos.
Please forward a video of you (or anyone else for that matter) reading a picture book for K or Grade 1 to me and I'll forward it to the schools.
Happy Readers Tim Kelley 2021-04-06 04:00:00Z 0

Successful First In Person Meeting

Posted by Tim Kelley on Apr. 06, 2021
For the first time in over a year, we held our first in person lunch meeting this Monday.  Thanks to Fusilli's for accommodating us with a private meeting room.  People were masked and distanced and many have received their vaccines.  We are testing out how receptive people are to meeting this way.  Please check the calendar for the schedule and whether we're meeting on Zoom on in person.
Our next meeting will be and Evening Social on April 14, the location to be determined. We are also working on doing this meeting as a hybrid, so people can participate both in person and remotely.
Successful First In Person Meeting Tim Kelley 2021-04-06 04:00:00Z 0

Senior Signs Update

Posted by Tim Kelley on Apr. 06, 2021
We have had an inspiring initial response to our fundraising effort for RMHS Senior Signs.  Since March 23, the community has donated over $2,300.00.  We are close to fully funding this project and there is time for people to donate, if they would still like to do so.
Here's the Paypal link or send a check to Reading Rotary Charitable Trust, PO Box 61, Reading, MA 01867.
We were so pleased how this project turned out last year, especially seeing so many students and their family and friends walking through the Town Hall lawn to find their sign.
We are again so delighted to head up this community project for the Class of 2021.  
A heartfelt thank you from Reading Rotary for the generosity of all those who have donated to support the Senior Class.
Senior Signs Update Tim Kelley 2021-04-06 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Readers Go Remote

Posted by Tim Kelley on Mar. 28, 2021
Rotary Readers is our annual literacy project where we give 2 reading books and a backpack to Reading Public Schools students in kindergarten and first grade.  Over 550 literacy bags were delivered by Rotarians to the five Reading elementary schools.  We delivered them to the school offices.  In non-pandemic times, we would schedule Rotarians to read to each class.  This year we are doing the reading virtually.
This literacy project has been adapted from our previous dictionary, then thesaurus giveaways.  We heard from teachers that they preferred to have the younger students receive reading books.
This is one of our most rewarding and fun projects to bring these bookbags into the classrooms.  Here's hoping that 2022 will allow us to get back into the schools to read.  (Mask up and stay safe, all!)
We are still looking for readers.  If you can record a video of yourself reading a book appropriate for K or Grade 1, please send it to Tim this week..
Rotary Readers Go Remote Tim Kelley 2021-03-28 04:00:00Z 0

Turning 100

Posted by Tim Kelley on Mar. 28, 2021
In 2023 Reading Rotary will be celebrating our 100th Anniversary.  Other Rotaries in District 7930 who will also marking their Centennial are:  Danvers, Newburyport, Marblehead, Gloucester; Ipswich, Medford, Somerville and Stoneham
District Governor Nominee Alexander Falk is organizing a meeting of these Clubs on Monday, March 29 at 7 pm via Zoom to begin discussions regarding a large joint celebration.
If interested in participating, let Jenn Rogers know for the Zoom info.  
Another note is that Reading needs a President for 2022-23.  This could be you at the helm during this momentous year.  Please feel free to discuss with Jenn, John Douglass, Mike Collins or any other Past President.  It's the best job in Rotary and something all Rotarians should experience (at least once).
Turning 100 Tim Kelley 2021-03-28 04:00:00Z 0

Next Meeting April 5

Posted by Tim Kelley on Mar. 28, 2021
Please note that our next meeting is scheduled for April 5.  You should have received an email evite from President Jenn.  Please make sure you respond to her.  If you have not received it, please contact Jenn.  If there is sufficient response, the meeting will be in person.  Location to be determined.
Please note there is not meeting on March 29.
Next Meeting April 5 Tim Kelley 2021-03-28 04:00:00Z 0

Raising Funds for RMHS Senior Signs

Posted by Tim Kelley on Mar. 22, 2021
Reading Rotary will again lead a community project to place a sea of signs in front of Town Hall for each RMHS Senior.  The pandemic has forced us all to adapt and graduating Class of 2021 has had to re-imagine the big events of their Senior year.  Last year, Rotary printed a sign for every Senior.  We will oversee the printing of sign for this year's Senior, too.  The costs have risen and all donations will be appreciated by Rotary and by these students.
Please consider making a donation to defray the cost.
Raising Funds for RMHS Senior Signs Tim Kelley 2021-03-22 04:00:00Z 0

Election Results

Posted by Tim Kelley on Feb. 15, 2021
The results of our recent election have been tabulated and certified.  Congratulations to next year's Officers and Directors!
President:  John Douglass
President Elect: Vacant
Vice President:  Vacant
Immediate Past President: Jenniffer Rogers
Secretary: David Traniello
Treasurer: Mike Bonsey
Directors: Lisa Gibbs; Mike Collins; Sheila Clarke; Kathy Kinney; Gregg Johnson; Tim Kelley.
Thanks to all who volunteered to serve in club leadership.  Special thanks to John for stepping into the President's role again.
Please note that we need a President Elect and a Vice President.  Volunteers for these roles are welcome.  Please don't be shy.
Election Results Tim Kelley 2021-02-15 05:00:00Z 0

Evening Social Feb. 17

Posted by Tim Kelley on Feb. 15, 2021
Please join us for our evening meeting this week, Wed., Feb. 17 at 6 pm on Zoom.
We will be featuring a speaker, Jennifer Cummings Hillery.  Jennifer is a Reading resident, who many likely know.  She belongs to Speaker Sisterhood, a public speaking club.
Jennifer will present on "Perfecting Your Elevator Pitch."  Elevator pitches are useful not just in the business setting for for any volunteer work.  Jennifer recently presented to the Melrose Chamber of Commerce.  Please attend and bring friends.
Evening Social Feb. 17 Tim Kelley 2021-02-15 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Foundation Gets Top Rating...Again!

Posted by Tim Kelley on Jan. 25, 2021
We are excited to start this new year with great news: The Rotary Foundation has been honored with Charity Navigator's Four Star rating for the 13th year in a row. 
"Your achievement and 4-star rating will enhance your organization’s fundraising and public relations efforts,” says Michael Thatcher, president and chief executive officer of Charity Navigator. "This exceptional designation sets the Foundation apart from its peers and demonstrates to the public its trustworthiness."
Rotary Foundation Gets Top Rating...Again! Tim Kelley 2021-01-25 05:00:00Z 0

District Newsletter

Posted by Tim Kelley on Jan. 19, 2021
You may have noticed that I am now the Editor of the Rotary District 7930 eBulletin.
This year, I joined the District Public Image Committee.  Andy Maddox of Rockport Rotary and I have taken on this role from Tracy Arabian.  Tracy was Editor for several years.  She stepped down because she will be the incoming President of the Gloucester club.
The District eBulletin is bi-weekly.  Please review to stay updated on District goings on.  I will greatly appreciate it!
I am not so rigid in sending out the Reading Rotary Nut, which is "periodic," or whenever we have enough content.  Please let me know if you have any news Rotary or not to be included.
District Newsletter Tim Kelley 2021-01-19 05:00:00Z 0


Posted by Tim Kelley on Jan. 11, 2021
Each year Reading Rotary partners with the community for the Adopt-a-Family project for Thanksgiving and Christmas.  Rotary works with the local organization ReadingCares and the Town to coordinate this long-standing community giving program.  Receiving families are matched anonymously with donor families and/or groups to provide meals for Thanksgiving and meals and gifts at Christmas.  Donor drop off in the first shift, then recipient families pick up their food and gifts during a later shift. 
There were approximately 60 families in need and donor families/groups were matched to provide Christmas gifts and holiday meals to these families anonymously.  Reading Rotary’s efforts were coordinated by Gregg Johnson and John Douglass.
This is a truly inspirational and humbling event to see the community come together to help others.  The generosity of the donors is overwhelming.
Thanks also to DPW employees, Reading Elder Services, RPD and all the other folks (especially the donors) who bring this together.  Service Above Self, indeed.
Adopt-a-Family Tim Kelley 2021-01-11 05:00:00Z 0

Happy Holidays from Reading Rotary

Posted by Tim Kelley on Dec. 21, 2020
Wishing a happy, healthy Holiday Season to all!
We will have no meeting the week of December 28.  Our next meeting will be on Zoom on January 4.
Some Club news.  We will be holding elections for our next Rotary year soon.  John Douglass will be reprising his role as Club President.  Thank you John for stepping up.  We are in need of a President Elect (to be President in year 2022-23).  In addition, if you are interested on serving on the Board of Directors or becoming more involved in the administration of the Club, please contact John Douglass, Jenn Rogers or any Board Member.  Rotary needs volunteers to lead.  Perhaps now is your time.
Adopt-a-Family is Tuesday, December 22.  We still need helpers for both shifts.  Please contact John Douglass if you can help, or show up at the DPW garage in the morning.
(Graphic credit:  Evan Burrell)
Happy Holidays from Reading Rotary Tim Kelley 2020-12-21 05:00:00Z 0

New Beginnings for Art

Posted by Tim Kelley on Dec. 21, 2020
Join us in congratulating Art Hayden on two recent milestones.  Number one, Art recently retired from his printing business.  Congrats and well wishes on this new chapter.  Enjoy yourself.
Number two, Art was recently married to his new bride, Patty.  Those of us who could make it to our Holiday Evening Meeting on Dec. 16 were lucky to meet Patty remotely.  Congrats to Art and Patty.  Here's to the happy couple!
New Beginnings for Art Tim Kelley 2020-12-21 05:00:00Z 0

RFSF Bingo Winner

Posted by Tim Kelley on Dec. 21, 2020
Congratulations to the Grand Prize winner of Reading Fall Street Faire Bingo, Laura DeMichele!
Laura was the lucky winner drawn from the qualifying entries.  The winner was eligible to receive $500 in gift cards to local businesses.  Laura generously donated $250 of her winnings to the Adopt-a-Family Program.  In addition, Laura opted to gift cards to the Tin Bucket, Pamplemousse and Whitelam Books.
Thanks to our sponsor for this event:  Northern Bank.
Thanks also to Lisa Egan and the Reading-North Reading Chamber of Commerce for running this promotion with us.  
RFSF Bingo Winner Tim Kelley 2020-12-21 05:00:00Z 0

Prez Jenn is Mrs. Claus

Posted by Tim Kelley on Dec. 21, 2020
On the Sunday after Thanksgiving, the Reading Chamber held a Santa Parade throughout Reading and North Reading.  Playing the part of Mrs. Claus and driving Santa in the parade in a sharp silver Corvette convertible was our own President Jenniffer Rogers.
The Parade was in place of the traditional Tree Lighting festivities run by the Chamber and was changed due the COVID-19 situation.
This was a fun kick off to the Christmas season with a tour through dozens of neighborhoods and hundreds of streets in Town.  Also in the parade were many Chamber member organizations flanked front and rear by Reading Police.
Congrats on a job well done, Mrs. Claus!
Prez Jenn is Mrs. Claus Tim Kelley 2020-12-21 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Shops Local

Posted by Tim Kelley on Dec. 21, 2020
Rotary District 7930 and Reading Rotary encourages our friends and neighbors to shop local this holiday season.  So many of our local businesses struggling to get through this rough 2020.  These same community partners are often the first to help Rotary and other community organizations with their fundraising and projects.  Please try to patronize your local business and enjoy this Christmas and Holiday Season.
Rotary Shops Local Tim Kelley 2020-12-21 05:00:00Z 0

Dementia Friendly Neighborly Notes

Posted by Tim Kelley on Nov. 10, 2020
In collaboration with the DKJ Foundation and Reading Elder and Human Services, Neighborly Notes is a message writing program that helps our community stay connected to our senior neighbors.  The program is easy, fun, and a great way for our seniors to feel connected to our community, especially during this time, when many older adults must remain socially isolated.
Are you a community organization, a youth looking for a service project, or just an individual who wants to give back to the community? Neighborly Notes is an easy, fun project that can make an immediate impact.

It’s Simple.  Write a note, drawing, quote, or simple message.  Get Creative! Tell them something about yourself, something you did, or a story you want to share. Be sure to let them know they are valued, not forgotten, and that they are an important part of our community.

Drop it in the designated mailbox located outside the Pleasant Street Center, no envelope required; or email it to  Your letter, note, message, or drawing will be delivered to a senior in our community.  
That’s it!
Dementia Friendly Neighborly Notes Tim Kelley 2020-11-10 05:00:00Z 0

Check for Dues Billing

Posted by Tim Kelley on Oct. 30, 2020
Please check your email for dues billing in a new format.  Treasurer Mike Bonsey recently sent out invoices.  Please check to see they are correct.  You can now pay your dues online.  Please check that out, too.  Kudos to Mike for putting this new system in place.  The Treasurer's job is a lot of work and often thankless.  Paying your bill online will make his job easier.
Thank you all!
Check for Dues Billing Tim Kelley 2020-10-30 04:00:00Z 0

Where's Rotary This Week?

Posted by Tim Kelley on Oct. 26, 2020
Where's Rotary This Week?  Oct. 29 - Nov. 19
Our third RFSF Event is coming.

Members of Reading Rotary will be popping up at various local businesses Oct. 29 - Nov. 19 to celebrate shopping local. The business locations will NOT be announced ahead of time, but will be heavily promoted on social media during and after each appearance. Rotary members will be distributing gift cards to the lucky shoppers/diners who are there to encourage them to come back and keep shopping and dining locally.
It's free to participate.  Rotary and our sponsors will cover the cost of the gift cards. 

If your business would like to be entered for a chance to host the Rotary and celebrate your customers, please email asap  
Business locations will be picked by lottery and business owners will be contacted to arrange a good time for Rotary to visit.
We are looking for sponsors! Your generous donation will allow us to purchase gift cards and run this event. For details on the benefits of sponsorship, please email us.
Thank you to our sponsors to date:  
Lee Kimball
Reading Cooperative Bank
Sheila Clarke & M&H Interiors
Jenn Rogers & Dracut Window & Doors
David Traniello, Esquire
Douglass, Edgerley & Bessom Funeral Home 
Sartell Electrical Services
Jeanne Borawski
Timothy J. Kelley, Attorney at Law
Where's Rotary This Week? Tim Kelley 2020-10-26 04:00:00Z 0

Today's Program

Posted by Tim Kelley on Oct. 05, 2020
At our meeting today we had a moving presentation from Stephanie Monticelli of Humans for Education.  They are a non-profit partnering with Rotary clubs in the Rochester, NY area and a club in Kenya.  The program provides schooling, hygiene and develops a local business so the Kenyan schools generate income to help fund these schools. 
Here is the recording for any who could not make today's meeting.
Today's Program Tim Kelley 2020-10-05 04:00:00Z 0

Where's Rotary Tonight?

Posted by Jeanne Borawski on Oct. 01, 2020

Where's Rotary This Week?

Every Thursday Evening

Oct. 29 – Nov. 19

As Reading BINGO wraps up, we’re not done celebrating our town and our wonderful local businesses. Mark your calendar for Thursday evenings from Oct. 29 – Nov. 19 and make it a point to be out and about in downtown Reading. You never know where Reading Rotary might pop up to say hi and hand out gift cards to encourage continued support of our local businesses! 

Want to see where we’ve been, what we’ve given away, and who the lucky winners are? Follow Reading Fall Street Faire on Facebook and Instagram!

Where's Rotary Tonight? Jeanne Borawski 2020-10-01 04:00:00Z 0

RFSF Classic Car Rally

Posted by Tim Kelley on Oct. 01, 2020
Sunday Oct. 4 at Noon
Kick off the reimagined 2020 Fall Street Faire on Sunday October 4 in Downtown Reading!  A series of thirty classic cars will be driving through the streets in a classic car rally. This is a great way to get outside, relax, and see living history as it drives down the street. You won’t want to miss it!  
The route goes from the Reading/Wakefield Rotary, up Salem Street, south on Main Street toward Stoneham, right on Haven St., onto High St., left onto Washington St., then continuing south on Main Street toward Stoneham. The rally will then reverse direction, heading back up Main Street north through Reading square again. The rally will then take a left onto Rt. 129 (Lowell St.), and a left on High St. toward the Train Depot. The rally will then head onto Washington Street to Main Street heading south. The rally ends on Ash Street headed to Wakefield.
Per COVID regulations:
Special thanks to the North Shore Old Car Club and Rotarian Ed Sartell.
The RFSF Classic Car Rally is sponsored by Sartell Electrical Service.
RFSF Classic Car Rally Tim Kelley 2020-10-01 04:00:00Z 0

RFSF Bingo

Posted by Jeanne Borawski on Oct. 01, 2020


Oct. 4 – 18


Click here to print your BINGO card!


Get ready for some fun, friendly competition Reading! From October 4 – October 18, 2020 your friends and neighbors will be racing around town playing Reading Fall Street Faire (RFSF) BINGO. If you check off enough boxes on your BINGO card, you can enter a drawing to win a $500 Reading Shopping Spree!

It’s easy and fun to play.

Step 1 – Get your Bingo Card

Beginning on October 4, you can print out your BINGO card using the link above or at the Reading Fall Street Faire Facebook Page. You may also pick up a Bingo Card at one of the following local businesses:


Northern Bank, 600 Main St.

Whitelam Books, 610 Main St.

Bunratty Tavern, 620 Main St

Reading Quick Stop, 519 Main St

Tin Bucket, 12 Woburn St

Fitness Within, 545 Main St.

Everything But The Dog, 2 Haven St.

Burbank YMCA, 36 Arthur B. Lord Dr.


Step 2 – Play RFSF Bingo

Every Bingo Card has 25 boxes.  You have until October 18 to fill in as many as you can. That’s only two weeks, so get moving! Challenges include such simple activities as “get a haircut,” “buy a hot beverage,” or “go out to eat.” Every time you complete a challenge, ask the merchant to sign the appropriate box on your BINGO card.

Step 3 – Get virtual

If you are on social media, give your favorite Reading business a shout out! Don’t forget to tag Reading Fall Street Faire and hashtag #RFSFBingo.

Step 4 – Enter to win a $500 Reading Spending Spree

There are 25 boxes on each Bingo Card. Once you’ve filled in AT LEAST 15 BOXES you can enter a drawing to win the Grand Prize – $500 in gift cards to the local business(es) of your choice.


To enter your Bingo Card for the grand prize drawing, snap a photo of your completed BINGO card with AT LEAST 15 BOXES signed and email the photo to You can also mail your BINGO card to Reading Rotary, Attn: RFSF Bingo, PO Box 61, Reading, MA 01867.

For the overachievers out there: Any resident who fills in EVERY BOX on their BINGO card will receive an Honorable Mention on the Reading Fall Street Faire website “BINGO Hall of Fame” and a shout out on social media recognizing you as the local hero you are!


Reading Fall Street Faire BINGO is brought to you by Reading Rotary Club and the Reading-North Reading Chamber of Commerce. We are grateful to our Sponsor Northern Bank.


Questions? Email us at Reading Rotary.


RFSF Bingo Jeanne Borawski 2020-10-01 04:00:00Z 0

Incredible Story from this Week's Speaker

Posted by Tim Kelley on Sep. 24, 2020
We had a very moving speaker at Monday's Zoom meeting, Patrick Kizehe, from an organization called Giving Refugees Hope in Uganda.  Patrick is from Congo but was forced to walk days with his family for refuge in Uganda.  Many from Congo are refugees in Congo.  Patrick was able to emigrate to Canada.  He spoke to us from Edmonton.  His organization is a recognized Canadian non-profit ( through which you can donate to refugees in Uganda.  He sought out Reading Rotary after searching us online and feeling we were like minded people devoted to service.
Incredible Story from this Week's Speaker Tim Kelley 2020-09-24 04:00:00Z 0

DG Betsy Visit

Posted by Tim Kelley on Sep. 24, 2020
Please note that District Governor Betsy Manzelli will be visiting our meeting on Monday, September 28.  This is a zoom meeting.  Please make every effort to sign on so we have a good showing.  See you then!
DG Betsy Visit Tim Kelley 2020-09-24 04:00:00Z 0

Regular Meeting Zoom Link

Posted by Tim Kelley on Sep. 14, 2020
Here's our meeting Zoom link.
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime
Meeting ID: 881 0878 1263
One tap mobile
+19292056099,,88108781263# US (New York)
+13017158592,,88108781263# US (Germantown)
Dial by your location
        +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
        +1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)
        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
        +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
        +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
        +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
Meeting ID: 881 0878 1263
Find your local number:
Regular Meeting Zoom Link Tim Kelley 2020-09-14 04:00:00Z 0

Updates from President Jenn

Posted by Jenniffer Rogers on Sep. 13, 2020
Over the past week, 768 white boards were distributed to 3 elementary schools in Reading. I got many replies for help to deliver and I appreciate that very much. Thank you to Brian, Tim, and John for making the rounds. 
We also received good news from the district that we were approved to spend $426 in PPE for our Police, Fire, and First Responders.
And lastly, MORE good news, Mike & I received the following note from our district past governor, Joan Arsenault:
Congratulations on your Club receiving the Rotary Citation with Platinum Distinction, for 2019-2020!!!!.  The Rotary Citation is the most significant award a Rotary club can achieve. An unbelievable accomplishment and during a year that was challenging for many Rotarians around the world!!  Your club demonstrated a commitment to achieve your goals, which ultimately helps strengthen Rotary and shape our future.
I want to thank John Fuedo for hosting us last week. I enjoyed seeing many of you at the evening social.
We have a lunch meeting this Monday, 9/14 @ 12:15 via ZOOM. Please order lunch from Professors Market by 1:30PM.
Samantha's Harvest is holding their Annual Golf Tournament next Friday 9/18. Good luck to all the golfers. Check in with Lisa to see if she could use any more volunteers. Good luck Lisa!
Updates from President Jenn Jenniffer Rogers 2020-09-13 04:00:00Z 0

Africa Certified Polio Free

Posted by Tim Kelley on Aug. 27, 2020
There is exciting news in Rotary's campaign to End Polio.  The WHO has certified the entirety of Africa Polio Free.
From Time magazine:
It was Rotary, an international nonprofit service organization, that kicked off the polio endgame in 1988 with the launch of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI). That program aimed to leverage the power of Rotary’s 35,000 clubs and 1.22 million members in 200 countries and territories worldwide to make polio only the second human disease—after smallpox—to be pushed over the brink of extinction. The job was made easier by the partners Rotary immediately attracted: the WHO, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and UNICEF. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation joined in 2007, followed by Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, just last year. The 32-year initiative has depended on volunteer workers and charitable donations, which together have produced an army of 20 million field workers administering vaccines to over 2.5 billion children at a cost of $17 billion.
All Rotarians should be immensely proud of this tremendous milestone.  Our annual giving as Sustaining Members and participation in and sponsorship of our District's Polar Plunge have played an important part in this accomplishment.
Africa Certified Polio Free Tim Kelley 2020-08-27 04:00:00Z 0

Audit in Process

Posted by Tim Kelley on Aug. 27, 2020
Past President Mike Collins is in the process of performing an audit on the Rotary accounts.  Report on the completed audit is expected to be available to the club in September.
Audit in Process Tim Kelley 2020-08-27 04:00:00Z 0

Supporting Local Restaurants

Posted by Tim Kelley on Aug. 10, 2020
At today's meeting (August 10), we continued supporting local restaurants.  We ordered take out from Christopher's for our Zoom meeting.
Other restaurants we've patronized in July & August were:  The Green Tomato, Last Corner, Professor's Market and Christopher's (again).  Suggestions for other local establishments are welcome.  Let President Jenn know.
Supporting Local Restaurants Tim Kelley 2020-08-10 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Green Thumb

Posted by Tim Kelley on Aug. 03, 2020
Congrats to KC Latham and crew for a Second Place Award for our Rotary Adopt an Island located at Reading High by the Snack Shack.  The Award also came with gift certificates for $30 to Calareso's.  Thanks to the Garden Club for running this beautiful program in town.
Rotary Green Thumb Tim Kelley 2020-08-03 04:00:00Z 0

Sign Up for a Committee

Posted by Tim Kelley on Aug. 03, 2020
Reading Rotary has the following subcommittees.  If you can help out with one or more, please contact its Chair.
Foundation Committee, Chair Mike Bonsey.
Public Image, Chair Tim Kelley.
Membership, Chair Lisa Gibbs.
Donations, Chair David Traniello.
Reading Fall Street Faire, Co-Chairs John Feudo, Gregg Johnson and Sheila Clarke.
Food Bank, Coordinator Art Hayden.
Speakers, contact John Douglass.
Sign Up for a Committee Tim Kelley 2020-08-03 04:00:00Z 0

Congrats, Grads!

Posted by Tim Kelley on Jul. 27, 2020
Congratulations to RMHS Class of '20, who at long last were able to hold their Commencement on Sunday, July 26.  It was a beautiful night, with a stunning sunset.  (Photo credit:  Sharon Collins).
Among the happy graduates are Rotarian children:  Griffin Collins, Mike's son; Samantha Gibbs, Lisa's daughter; Trevor Kinney, brand new member Kathy Kinney's son. (Let me know if I missed anyone.)
The logistics were a tremendous undertaking, with social distancing, masks, staggered arrivals and departing, frequent swapping out of microphones, and RMHS Principal Kate Boynton coordinating with the Board of Health, Police and Fire.
Senior Class President Maura Drummey's speech specifically acknowledged Rotary's creating the Senior sign display on the Town Hall lawn as a highlight of the community coming together to rally around this class during the pandemic.
Since they missed out on so much during the shutdown, it was great to see this special group celebrating this milestone in a totally unique ceremony.
Congrats, Grads! Tim Kelley 2020-07-27 04:00:00Z 0

2020 Fall Street Faire is a-Changing

Posted by Tim Kelley on Jul. 22, 2020
Due to COVID-19, the Reading Fall Street Faire cannot be held as it has traditionally with a large crowd in the Downtown.  Reading Rotary is looking instead to hold a series of satellite events to replace the one day RFSF.
We also understand that many groups have likewise cancelled events this year.  We are reaching out to other local groups and community partners if they would like to hold some pandemic appropriate event as part of a fall community celebration in Reading.  Rotary is working on plans including a Car Show, Drive-in Movie, Cornhole Tournament and 5K race type activity.  We’re looking for other ideas that can be done with socially distancing or can be virtual.
If your organization is interested in participating in or partnering with us for a fall community celebration, please contact us.  If you have had to cancel a fundraising event, this may also be a way for you to fundraise for your organization.
Your event would be your own.  We offer that we can help with support and publicity as part of a fall celebration for the Town.
Thank you for all you do for the Reading Community and we look forward to less complicated times.
2020 Fall Street Faire is a-Changing Tim Kelley 2020-07-22 04:00:00Z 0

Grab Lunch and Zoom In

Posted by Tim Kelley on Jul. 17, 2020
Please note that our meeting schedule for next week has changed.  We will meet for lunch on Monday, July 20 (12:15 pm).  This is a change from the previously scheduled evening meeting for Wednesday.
We are going to patronize Christopher's for lunch.  Please order takeout and come to the Zoom meeting.  (You gotta pick it up, of course.)  Last week we ordered takeout from Last Corner.  This is an initiative to patronize local businesses, many that were shut down during the pandemic.
Hope to see a big crowd online.  Stay well all!
Here's the Zoom link.
Grab Lunch and Zoom In Tim Kelley 2020-07-17 04:00:00Z 0

Welcome to Prez Jenn!

Posted by Tim Kelley on Jul. 17, 2020
Reading Rotary recently installed its new officers and directors in a hybrid live/remote meeting on June 26.  Outgoing Past President Mike Collins hosted the live, socially distanced Installation in his yard. In accordance with its by-laws, the service club elects new leadership annually. Jenniffer Rogers was sworn in as President for the 2020-2021 Rotary Year, John Douglass was sworn in as President-Elect with Michael Bonsey as Treasurer and David Traniello as Secretary.  In addition, the club’s 2020-2021 Board of Directors include Sheila Clarke, Lisa Gibbs, KC Latham, Tim Kelley, Ed Sartell and Brian Snell.  President Jenn, who serves a Business Development Manager at Northern Bank on the corner of Main and Haven Streets, said “I am excited to offer my leadership to Rotary after the club has welcomed me so warmly to Reading.  I look forward to working alongside our Rotarians and volunteers in serving the community.”
The Rotary International Theme for 2020-21 is Rotary Opens Doors. Rotary International President Holger Knaack noted that the theme asks Rotarians to create opportunities that strengthen their leadership, help put service ideas into action, and improve the lives of those in need.
Rotary is an international organization dedicated to high ethics and community service.  Rotarians are all volunteers working to contribute to their communities.  Reading Rotary runs the Reading Fall Street Faire (which is being re-imagined due to COVID-19) and the Snack Shack, supports Adopt-a-Family and many local organizations. Rotary’s motto is “Service Above Self.”  The pandemic has caused Rotary to move its meetings online to Zoom for now.  Rotary, now more than ever, needs service minded community members to join.  The public is invited to join Rotary at any of their virtual meetings.
Welcome to Prez Jenn! Tim Kelley 2020-07-17 04:00:00Z 0
Reading Reading the Declaration Tim Kelley 2020-07-17 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Sponsors Y Gala

Posted by Tim Kelley on Jun. 11, 2020
Reading Rotary recently donated $2,500 to the Burbank YMCA to support their COVID-19 relief efforts which include providing emergency child care, groceries, meals and much more to area families.
In the first 3 months of the COVID-19 crisis, the Greater Boston YMCA provided free emergency child care across 12 sites to nearly 400 children of essential workers from 132 companies for a total of 133,570 hours of safe and nurturing care. And, along with its partners, delivered over 960,000 grab and go and prepared meals to children and adults and 46,243 bags of groceries, feeding a family of 4 for 3 days and seniors for a week, across 59 locations. 
Area Y's came together to hold the Together We Care Virtual Gala on June 6 and raised over $200,000 to support their vital community programs.  
We are pleased and proud to partner with and sponsor the Y.
Rotary Sponsors Y Gala Tim Kelley 2020-06-11 04:00:00Z 0
RI on Tolerance Tim Kelley 2020-06-02 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Sponsors Y Virtual Gala

Posted by Tim Kelley on Jun. 01, 2020
Reading Rotary is proud to be a Leader Sponsor for Greater Boston YMCA's Together We Care Virtual Gala taking place on Saturday, June 6 at 7 PM.  

In response to COVID-19/Coronavirus, the YMCA of Greater Boston recently closed all of its branches for fitness and aquatics and reopened them as "Emergency Child Care Centers" (ECC) for the children of parents who are essential workers - healthcare providers, first responders, police and firefighters and others.

The YMCA of Greater Boston is also working with the City of Boston to prevent hunger by providing two meals a day throughout Boston in partnership with others. 

This Virtual Gala is a fundraiser to make sure that the Y is able to continue to provide this support to the Greater Boston Community as we respond to and recover from the pandemic.

Unlike a typical in-person gala, and in light of the current stay at home orders due to the COVID-19 threat, this will be a live-streamed event. You can join from the comfort of your own home.

The event will consist of a silent auction, live auction, chances to win some great raffle prizes, and an engaging hour-long program. The Y will share the impact that it has had on the Greater Boston Community during this time while they inspire hope for the continued work we can do together during this crisis. All funds raised from the event will go towards the YMCA of Greater Boston's COVID-19 response and recovery efforts.

The silent auction will open on Wednesday, May 27 at 12:00 pm.

The virtual gala will begin streaming the pre-show at 6:30 PM and officially begin the program at 7:00 PM on Saturday, June 6. Think of the pre-show as the time the doors open for an event with some pre-show entertainment and engagement, with the actual event beginning at 7:00 PM.

It is necessary to register for this event in order to participate in the auctions or make donations through this campaign. It's free to register and attend the virtual gala.

Register for the event! 

Rotary Sponsors Y Virtual Gala Tim Kelley 2020-06-01 04:00:00Z 0

Dr. Douglass Touts Rotary's Message

Posted by Tim Kelley on May 26, 2020
I'm sure you all know that John Douglass' better half, Laurie, is a medical doctor practicing pediatric neurology at Boston Medical Center.   BMC has a publication, The BMC News, which reaches thousands of workers and patients associated with the hospital.   In a recent article about Palliative Care at BMC, Laurie was quoted comparing the mission of the hospital and Rotary:
"BMC starts with a great foundation. Pretty much everyone who works here does so for the mission. The [Rotary Club’s] motto is, ‘service above self,’ and I think that's BMC. It’s very easy to be inspired by each other because the next story is better than the one you just heard. But our colleagues don't do it for the glory. They really do it for the good."
Laurie Douglass, MD, pediatric neurology.
Thank you, Dr. Laurie, and your medical provider colleagues, for all your selfless service during this public health emergency.
Dr. Douglass Touts Rotary's Message Tim Kelley 2020-05-26 04:00:00Z 0

Studs for Scrubs

Posted by Tim Kelley on May 16, 2020
Reading Rotary has made a gift of stud earrings to health care workers at the Residence at Pearl Street.  This initiative is part of their recent emphasis on supporting and recognizing essential workers during the pandemic.
The earrings are made by Stat Studs ( a jewelry business in Reading, run by Paul Vultaggio.  They have created a COVID-19 response program.  This campaign is specifically for the nurses and health care workers on the front line fighting the COVID-19 crisis. It is a way to give back to those who are putting their own lives at risk to save those who are in dire need.
The Residence at Pearl Street had been hosting Rotary meetings at their location before the pandemic.  Rotary President Mike Collins said of this campaign:  “We saw this gift to the workers at Pearl Street to be a way to say that the community appreciates all their service to our vulnerable seniors.”
Studs for Scrubs Tim Kelley 2020-05-16 04:00:00Z 0

Laurie Cav Passes

Posted by Tim Kelley
It is with sadness that I have to announce that long-time Rotarian Laurie Cavagnaro passed away on May 9, 2020.  Laurie is a Past President of Reading Rotary.  She was 74.
Laurie was retired and split her time between Reading, Hampton Beach and Boca Raton.  She had been the Customer Service Manager at RMLD for many years.  Since retirement, she has been an Honorary Reading Rotarian.  
Laurie was full of life, loved to talk and make close friends.  She loved Rotary and was very active in the Reading Community for many years, including the Chamber, Town Meeting and St. Agnes Church in addition to Rotary.
Laurie leaves her very close family, including husband Bob, daughters Chris Kelley (Tim) and Lori Foley (Ken) and grandchildren Betsy, Mary Kate and TJ Kelley and Robert, Allison, Emily and Julia Foley, in addition extended family and numerous dear friends.
Laurie planted the seeds of Rotary in our family.  Husband Bob would bartend at our annual Auction, Chris, Lori and Ken help organize and run the Auction for years.  Her grandchildren help found and run the RMHS Interact Club and were pressed into service at many Rotary events.  Not only was Laurie my mother-in-law, she was my Rotary Sponsor.  Rotary is a family affair in the Cavagnaro-Kelley-Foley clan due largely to her.
Arrangements are through Douglass, Edgerly & Bessom Funeral Home.  A memorial service will be held at a later date to be determined.  Donations in Laurie's memory may be made to DJK Foundation or Reading Rotary Charitable Trust.
Laurie Cav Passes Tim Kelley 2020-05-12 04:00:00Z 0

Last Push for Polar Plunge

Posted by Tim Kelley
Two last minute requests regarding the Polar Plunge.
1.  If you have not already, please consider donating to our team.  We're lagging behind previous year's donations.  Remember donations go to the Rotary Foundation and may be credited toward Paul Harris Fellow points.  And the Gates Foundation is matching donations 2:1.
2.  Please attend the Plunge if you can.  It's a great event to see so many Rotarians outside Reading.  I normally attend, but due to a funeral, I can't this year.  Please support Reading's Plungers.  Mike Bonsey's highlight from last year was lunch at Woodman's afterward.
The Plunge is at 11.  Parking is at Good Harbor parking lot with shuttles to Long Beach.
Last Push for Polar Plunge Tim Kelley 2020-02-27 05:00:00Z 0

REF Musical Bingo

One of our community partners, Reading Education Foundation, is hosting Musical Bingo on Friday, March 6 from 7-11 pm at the Wakefield Elks.  Musical Bingo is a lot of fun.  The Kelleys are going, so if you're interested, you can let Tim know.  Or you can reserve your table directly through REF.
Rotary has been the Sponsor of REF's Festival of Trees and is credited on their website as one of only three Sponsors, so it would be great to have a good Rotary turnout for this event.  See their flyer above.  You can also find details on REF's Facebook.
REF Musical Bingo Tim Kelley 2020-01-22 05:00:00Z 0

Polar Plunge on Leap Day

The Polar Plunge will be held on February 29.  We have 3 Rotarians registered so far.  It's not too late to sign up.
Please spread the word, plunge and donate to this exhilarating but freezing cause.
Polio eradication has been Rotary International's signature global initiative for many years and with the final push and partnership with the Gates Foundation, we have the opportunity to get over the goal line finally.  Remember that your donation is matched 2 to 1 by Bill and Melinda Gates.  A $100 donation becomes $300.
I also encourage all, even if you're not plunging, to attend the event.  The energy and enjoyment of so many Rotarians (yes, even beyond Reading) will inspire you.
Polar Plunge on Leap Day Tim Kelley 2020-01-08 05:00:00Z 0

Membership Drive

WE NEED YOU!!!!!!!!!
Save The Date for our Annual Rotary Membership Drive
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
5:30 - 7:30pm
RCTV Studios, 557 Main Street, Reading
Spread the Word! 
Share on Social Media and Bring a Friend! 
Drinks, Appetizers, Camaraderie, Inductions, Prizes
Please make sure to attend.  We have 3 new applicants for membership:  Gabe Moraga;  Andrea Evans Zoia; and Jeanne Borawski.  Without objection, they will be inducted as part of our meeting on January 15.
Membership Drive Tim Kelley 2020-01-08 05:00:00Z 0

Savio is Unsung Hero

Posted by Tim Kelley on Nov. 21, 2019
Reading Rotary is pleased to announce that RPD Patrolman David Savio is the recipient of the Club's 2019 Unsung Hero Award. Officer Savio was honored as part of Rotary District 7930’s Unsung Hero Awards Night at its Foundation Diner held on November 7 at Andover Country Club.  Reading Rotary selected Patrolman Savio as a special person in our community who wakes up every morning and puts others before himself and dedicates his work to helping others in need, truly embodying the Rotary motto: “Service above Self.”
Reading Rotary presented Patrolman Savio with a Paul Harris Fellowship Award, one of the highest honors Rotary can give to an individual.  In addition to the recipient's recognition exemplifying the highest ideals of Rotary, Clubs or Rotarians recognize Paul Harris Fellows from donations made The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International which supports Rotary’s world-wide programs.  Paul Harris was the founder of Rotary International.
Patrolman Savio exemplifies the core values of duty, honor and selfless service.  He has served the Reading community for 25 years and has been recognized countless times by the community for his support and dedication.  Serving as Safety Officer, Officer Savio was awarded the AAA Gold Award for traffic safety and the MADD (Mother’s Against Drunk Driving) Officer of the Year Award.  He has been awarded 4 Commendations from the RPD for distinction in service, including saving the life of a man trapped under a car in 2009.  In addition, Officer Savio is a Field Training Officer and has been featured in an educational documentary entitled “Behind Blue Lights.”  In his spare time, Officer Savio is also an active supporter of “Sean’s Ride” for MIT Officer Sean Collier who was killed in the Boston Marathon bombings and an active member of the Road Dawgs Motorcycle Club which supports active and retired law enforcement. 
Also honored at the Foundation Dinner was Cpl. Micaila Britto, USMC Ret.  Cpl. Britto is medically retired from the armed forces due to injuries she received in service.  She currently serves as Director of Veterans Services in Raynham.  Rotary District 7930, which funding from Clubs including Reading, donated funds for a Great Dane service dog for Micaila.  Rabbit, the service dog, allows Micaila to be more mobile and assist her with balance.  Rabbit was trained at the Service Dog Project, Inc in Ipswich. (
Savio is Unsung Hero Tim Kelley 2019-11-21 05:00:00Z 0

David Gardner on Polio

Posted by Tim Kelley on Nov. 05, 2019
It's always wonderful when our dear friend David Gardner visits our club.  Dave, of course, is a Past District Governor from the Stoneham Club.  At this week's meeting, Dave gave an update on the District 7030 and RI's Polio progress and the Polar Plunge in February 2020 on Leap Day.  Rotary International is working hard with partners like Bill and Melinda Gates to Eradicate Polio, which will be a huge milestone for all Rotary and all humanity.
All brave Plungers (and Virtual Plungers) are called to Long Beach on Feb. 29.  The Gates Foundation continues the 2:1 match for donations.  The District hopes to go over the one million dollar mark in fundraising for Polio this year.  Fundraising is very streamlined with the mobile app.
Thank you, Dave!
David Gardner on Polio Tim Kelley 2019-11-05 05:00:00Z 0

Camille Anthony Clock Dedication

Posted by Tim Kelley on Nov. 05, 2019
Great News!  The fundraising goal has been met for the Service is Timeless Fund for a clock in memory of Camille Anthony.  On November 29 at 12 noon there will be a dedication of the clock.  Please come down to celebrate Camille and the great coming together of our community!
Camille Anthony Clock Dedication Tim Kelley 2019-11-05 05:00:00Z 0

Unsung Hero: RPD Patrolman David Savio

Posted by Tim Kelley on Nov. 05, 2019
Rotary will honor Reading Police Department Patrolman David Savio as an Unsung Hero as part of the District Foundation Dinner, an Evening to Celebrate Heroes in our Community on November 7 at Andover Country Club.
Patrolman David Savio exemplifies the core values of duty, honor and selfless service.  He has served the Reading community for 25 years and has been recognized countless times by the community for his support and dedication.  Serving as Safety Officer, Officer Savio was awarded the AAA Gold Award for traffic safety and the MADD (Mother’s Against Drunk Driving) Officer of the Year Award.  He has been awarded 4 Commendations from the RPD for distinction in service, including saving the life of a man trapped under a car in 2009.  In addition, Officer Savio is a Field Training Officer and has been featured in an educational documentary entitled “Behind Blue Lights.”  In his spare time, Officer Savio is also an active supporter of “Sean’s Ride” for MIT Officer Sean Collier who was killed in the Boston Marathon bombings and an active member of the Road Dawgs Motorcycle Club which supports active and retired law enforcement. 
Reading Rotary is pleased to honor Patrolman Savio and to award him a Paul Harris Fellow Recognition.
Unsung Hero: RPD Patrolman David Savio Tim Kelley 2019-11-05 05:00:00Z 0

44th Annual Thanksgiving Football Luncheon

Posted by Jenniffer Rogers on Nov. 02, 2019
story thumbnail
The Reading Rotary Club will host the 44th Annual Thanksgiving Football Luncheon to celebrate a tradition of working hard and playing hard. The celebration includes athletes from both Stoneham & Reading High Schools. To RSVP, please email 
44th Annual Thanksgiving Football Luncheon Jenniffer Rogers 2019-11-02 04:00:00Z 0

Adopt A Family

Posted by Tim Kelley on Oct. 28, 2019
Adopt a Family sign ups are due October 30 for Thanksgiving and Christmas.  Adopt a Family is a program where families in need are provided with meals at Thanksgiving and gifts and meals at Christmas.  
Adopt a Family is coordinated by Reading Rotary and ReadingCares.  If you are interested in donating or you or someone you know qualifies to be a recipient, you can find the information here on the Town's website.
The distribution days are November 26 and December 19 at the DPW garage.
Adopt A Family Tim Kelley 2019-10-28 04:00:00Z 0

Fall Street Faire Returns Sep. 8

Posted by Tim Kelley on Jun. 27, 2019
The Reading Fall Street Faire is coming on September 8, from noon to 5 pm.  Any vendors or community groups who would like to have a booth, please register here.  
Any businesses interested in becoming a sponsor, please see our info please contact Jenniffer Rogers.
Fall Street Faire Returns Sep. 8 Tim Kelley 2019-06-27 04:00:00Z 0

Taste of Stanley Cup

Posted by Priscilla Gottwald on Jun. 11, 2019
Make it a Bruins pre-game feast at the Taste of Metro North June 12
Do yourself a favor and skip the cooking on Game No. 7 Wednesday night. Share the Stanley Cup Final hockey pre-game excitement with neighbors and friends at the Hawkes Field House at Reading High, 62 Oakland Road, on June 12 from 6 to 8:20 pm – game time! The Rotary Club of Reading in collaboration with Reading 375 is presenting the Taste of Metro North (Taste) just in time for the final game.
Local restaurants Fuddruckers, Biltmore & Main, Kelly’s Roast Beef, Laurie’s 909, Harrows, Zucca, Maya Indian, Santoro’s, 110 Grill, Residence at Pearl, Chili’s. Christopher’s and many more will be on hand to serve you selections from their menus at this popular event that many look forward to each year.
Events featuring local artists, musicians, architect unique to Reading and fun community gatherings including the Taste have been ongoing since May 31 to celebrate Reading’s 375th anniversary. If you haven’t yet gotten your Commemorative anniversary Tshirts, they are available at Reading Trophy and RCTV Studios.
“We are excited to share Reading’s pride in its rich history and unique community spirit by continuing this popular event,” said Rotary President Tim Kelley. “We expect upwards of 400 people and many of Reading’s and surrounding towns’ restaurants.“
“We welcome returning guests and look forward to offering a night of fun and delight to those who have not had the opportunity to attend previously,” said Chair Michael Bonsey. “We expect hundreds of people who will not only enjoy the food, but also share in the anniversary celebration and the added pride in Bruins hockey.”
Tickets for the Taste are $25 ($30 at the door) or $60 for a family of two adults and children under 18 ($70 at the door). Purchase your tickets online at to save money at the door.
For further details, go to
The Rotary Club is a civic organization dedicated to giving back to the community. Proceeds from this event will be donated to Rotary causes.
Taste of Stanley Cup Priscilla Gottwald 2019-06-11 04:00:00Z 0

Calling Sophs  and Juniors

Posted by Tim Kelley on Mar. 13, 2019
Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) is Rotary International’s leadership training program for young people.  Rotary District 7930 has a long-running annual program for high school students. Sophomores and juniors are invited to attend a weekend long event, where they learn leadership and life skills including goal setting, cultural understanding, problem solving, communication, public speaking, networking, community building, low and high ropes challenges, team building and more!
Reading Rotary will sponsor up to 5 students to participate.  We have had a history of sending lots of students who have loved RYLA, the leadership skills they brought back and the friends they made.
Applications must be completed and returned to Reading Rotary President Tim Kelley, 1 Pleasant St., Suite 5, Reading, MA 01867 by April 1.  Please contact Tim by email or at 781-942-9838 with any questions.  
For additional information see the District 7930 RYLA page.
Calling Sophs and Juniors Tim Kelley 2019-03-13 04:00:00Z 0

Snow Day Today

Posted by Tim Kelley on Mar. 04, 2019
No Rotary meeting today (March 4) due to the winter storm.  Please be careful in the snow and check on your neighbors.
Snow Day Today Tim Kelley 2019-03-04 05:00:00Z 0

Making a Splash

Posted by Tim Kelley on Feb. 11, 2019
It was a beautifully sunny but brutally cold and windy day at Long Beach this past Saturday for the 2019 Polar Plunge.  Rotarian Plungers were Mike Bonsey, Gregg Johnson and KC Latham.  Plungers from Interact were TJ Kelley, Kyle Dumas and Mike McHugh.
District 7030 has set a high bar with a goal of raising $125,000 this year for polio eradication.   Polio is the signature cause of Rotary International.  The Gates Foundation has partnered with Rotary and has committed to matching donations 2 to 1, that is Gates will contribute $2 for every $1 we raise.  Rotary has the opportunity be the major mover in eradicating only the second disease in history.  We're close, but not quite there yet.
Our club is as of now is 7th in the District with $3,050 raised.  Our neighbor Wakefield has raised over $9K.  Great job, Wakefield.
Here's our Team link for donations.  Please spread the word and let's see how much we can raise to this vitally important cause.
Making a Splash Tim Kelley 2019-02-11 05:00:00Z 0

Lucky Number 93

Posted by Tim Kelley on Feb. 07, 2019
Tim Kelley and Bobbie Botticelli were on hand at the Residence at Pearl for Ron Winslow's suprise 93rd Birthday Party on February 2.  Ron's family pulled off quite a feat to surprise Ron, who is as sharp as ever.  Ron has been a Rotarian for over 60 years and was Club President about 50 years ago.  The Winslow Family had a fly swatter themed cake.  Ron was the business manager for Reading Public Schools and he and wife, Doris, ran Winslow's store on lower Haven Street for years.
Happy Birthday, Ron!
Lucky Number 93 Tim Kelley 2019-02-07 05:00:00Z 0

Support our Plungers

Posted by Tim Kelley on Jan. 07, 2019
The District Polar Plunge is coming fast and furious.  If you are brave enough, you can join our Team of Plungers.  Fear not, if you cannot see yourself to go in the cold water, you can still help!  Here are ways you can support the effort:  Donate; Sign up to be a virtual plunger; come to Long Beach on the day of the Plunge to show your support.  
So far we have the following committed Plungers:  KC, Gregg, Mike B and TJ.
Here is the link to Team Reading.  Please donate and/or pass the link along.  Share in social media or email the link out.
Support our Plungers Tim Kelley 2019-01-07 05:00:00Z 0
A Big Thank You From an Adopted Family Tim Kelley 2019-01-07 05:00:00Z 0

Joint Thanksgiving Meeting

Posted by Tim Kelley on Dec. 02, 2018
A big thank you goes out to President Dennis O'Hara and Stoneham Rotary for hosting a wonderful joint meeting for our 43rd annual luncheon on November 20.  Featured were the captains for the Reading and Stoneham high school football teams and the coaches and athletic directors.  IN attendance with officials from both towns the cheerleading captains and Interact club.  RMHS won a tight match on Thanksgiving Day in OT.  Stoneham, however, went on to the Division 6 Super Bowl in Gillette Stadium on December 1 and overpowered Old Rochester for the Division Super Bowl.  Congrats, Spartans!
Joint Thanksgiving Meeting Tim Kelley 2018-12-02 05:00:00Z 0

Adopt a Family:  Thanksgiving

Posted by Tim Kelley on Dec. 02, 2018
On November 20, Rotarians gathered at the DPW garage for the Adopt a Family Program.  The Program matches families in financial need to be matched with donors of a Thanksgiving meal.  Reading Rotary partners with Reading Cares and the Town to run this great program.  Special thanks to Gregg Johnson and Brian Snell for working to coordinate the details before the drop off/pick up day.  The Adopt a Family drop off/pick up day for Christmas is December 20.
Adopt a Family: Thanksgiving Tim Kelley 2018-12-02 05:00:00Z 0

Note November Calendar

Posted by Tim Kelley on Oct. 24, 2018
Please note that we made some changes to our November schedule.  Due to Thanksgiving, we will have a Joint Meeting with Stoneham and will switch our Evening Social to the Nov. 28.  See our Calendar for details.
Note November Calendar Tim Kelley 2018-10-24 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Support Another Eagle Project

Posted by Tim Kelley on Oct. 24, 2018
At this week's meeting, BSA Scout Thomas Walsh presented about his Eagle Scout Service Project.  Thomas will be leading a crew to place reflective bands on utility poles near fire hydrants.  The bands will show Reading Firefighters the distance to a nearby hydrant easily; the bands are especially needed when snow buries the fireplugs.  Eagle Scout is the highest rank in BSA Scouts and requires advancing through the 6 lower ranks, earning at least 21 Merit Badges, holding leadership positions in the Troop, performing community service and planning and overseeing a major community service project.
Rotary supported this project with a $200 donation.  Congratulations, Thomas, on an impressive presentation and project.
Rotary Support Another Eagle Project Tim Kelley 2018-10-24 04:00:00Z 0

McNamara is Unsung Hero

Posted by Tim Kelley on Oct. 24, 2018
Reading Rotary is pleased to announce that Erica McNamara, Director of Reading Coalition Against Substance Abuse (RCASA), is the recipient of the Club's first Unsung Hero Award. Ms. McNamara will be honored as part of Rotary District 7930’s first Unsung Hero Awards Night to be held on November 8 from 6:00 to 9:30 pm at the Four Points Sheraton in Wakefield.  Reading Rotary selected Erica as special person in our community who wakes up every morning and puts others before herself and dedicates her work to helping others in need, truly embodying the Rotary motto:  “Service above Self.”
Reading Rotary will present Erica with a Paul Harris Fellowship Award, one of the highest honors Rotary can give to an individual.  In addition to the recipient's recognition exemplifying the highest ideals of Rotary, Clubs or Rotarians recognize Paul Harris Fellows from donations made The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International which supports Rotary’s world-wide programs.  Paul Harris was the founder of Rotary International.
Erica serves as the Director RCASA.  RCASA mobilizes community partners, residents and youth to build collaborative approaches and reduce youth substance abuse. RCASA offers educational programs for residents in Substance Abuse Prevention and has been a model of for creating substance awareness and programs.  Erica has been Director of RCASA since its inception and is recognized by her peers as exceptional in her field.
For those interested in joining in honoring Erica McNamara, please contact Reading Rotary President Tim Kelley at 781-942-9838 or or through the Reading Rotary website:
McNamara is Unsung Hero Tim Kelley 2018-10-24 04:00:00Z 0

Adopt a Family for the Holidays

Posted by Tim Kelley on Oct. 17, 2018
Reading Rotary is once again partnering with ReadingCares and the Town to run the Adopt-a-Family Program for Thanksgiving and Christmas.  
For over 30 years Reading's Adopt-a-Family Program has anonymously matched donors with recipient families for Thanksgiving meals and Christmas meals and gifts.  
If you would like to participate in this program as a donor or are in need or know someone in need, please visit our Adopt-a-Family page where there is more information and details regarding this wonderful holiday giving program.
Questions may also be directed to or by calling 781-942-6680.
Adopt a Family for the Holidays Tim Kelley 2018-10-17 04:00:00Z 0

Next Meeting: Evening Social on 10/17

Posted by Tim Kelley on Oct. 10, 2018
Note our next meeting will be Wed., Oct. 17 from 5:30 to 7:30 pm at Bunratty Tavern.  Come by, drop in or stay for the whole time and mingle with us!  (No Monday meeting on Oct. 15, per our normal schedule.)
Next Meeting: Evening Social on 10/17 Tim Kelley 2018-10-10 04:00:00Z 0

Note Meeting Schedule this Week.

Posted by Tim Kelley on Sep. 16, 2018
Rotarians are reminded there is no Monday luncheon meeting this week (9/17).
We will have our monthly Evening Social Meeting on Wed., Sept. 19 from 5:30-7:30 at Bunratty Tavern.  Please come by!  You are encouraged to bring friends, family, partners, etc.  The public is welcome.  We provide a light buffet dinner. Cash bar.
Our next Monday meeting will be Sept. 24 at The Residence at Pearl Street.  DG Bob Wood will be making his Official Visit.
Note Meeting Schedule this Week. Tim Kelley 2018-09-16 04:00:00Z 0

Eagle Scout TJ

Posted by Tim Kelley on Sep. 16, 2018
On Sunday, TJ Kelley celebrated his Eagle Scout Court of Honor.  TJ is in Troop 702 out of the Old South Church in Reading.  TJ is also the President of the RMHS Interact Club and son of President Tim.
At the Court of Honor, Tim presented a certificate on behalf of Reading Rotary to honor TJ"s achievement.  Reading Rotary has an informal partnership with Scouting; this partnership was created by Past DG David Gardner in recognition of the common purposes of Rotary and Scouting, community service and strong ethics.
TJ has also been active with RYLA, as a participant and on the planning team.  Pictured here is TJ with Keith and Christina Harris, Rotarians and RYLA veterans.
Eagle Scout TJ Tim Kelley 2018-09-16 04:00:00Z 0

Many Thanks to Go Around for the Faire

Posted by Priscilla Gottwald on Sep. 13, 2018
Last Sunday was a great day in Reading at the celebration of the 10th Annual Fall Street Faire. The Rotary Club of Reading, along with loyal volunteers coordinated a special day with plenty of entertainment and activities to keep attendees happy.
“To bring an event of this magnitude to fruition takes a village – not only the dedication of the Rotarians and volunteers, but also the participation of hundreds of vendors and the financial support of our sponsors,” said Event Co-Chair Gregg Johnson.
Event Co-Chair Sheila Clarke echoed Johnson’s praise for the sponsors. 
This year’s gold sponsors were Beacon Consulting and CTA, Eastern Bank, Lahey Health, Northern Bank, Pediatric Dental Associates, Salem Five and Sartell Electric. Davis, Clark & Latham Insurance, Hallmark Health, Horseshoe Grille, RCTV, Spurr Financial and Xfinity were silver sponsors. Douglass, Edgerley & Bessom Funeral Home, Honda Gallery, Leader Bank, Residence at Pearl and the YMCA were bronze sponsors.
“Key to the success of the most popular event in Reading lies with our sponsors, vendors, volunteers and the thousands of you who come for a day of enjoyment and family-oriented fun,” said Clarke. “Thank you to all who take part in this feel-good event.”
Many Thanks to Go Around for the Faire Priscilla Gottwald 2018-09-13 04:00:00Z 0

New Lunch Location

Posted by Tim Kelley on Sep. 08, 2018
We are moving our location for Luncheon Meetings.  We will be meeting at The Residence at Pearl Street, 75 Pearl St., Reading.  The Residence is an assisted living facility, located in the former Pearl Street School.  Thank you to The Residence for offering us the meeting space.
We want to thank the Reading Public Schools for hosting our lunch meetings for the past several years.  Thank you, RPS and Superintendent Doherty for giving us a home. 
RPS has moved some programs and office space, which makes that conference room not longer open to us as of September.  The School Committee Meetings have also been moved from the conference room to the RMHS Pat Schettini Library.
Hopefully this move will meat we'll see more of Ron Winslow, who lives at The Residence.
New Lunch Location Tim Kelley 2018-09-08 04:00:00Z 0

Social Meeting back at Bunratty's

Posted by Tim Kelley on Aug. 26, 2018
On Wednesday evening, August 22, we had our monthly Social Meeting at Bunratty Tavern.  We returned to Bunratty's after a few months at other locales.  It was a good turnout of Rotarians, family and friends and a great time was had by all who attended.  Thanks to Lisa Gibbs for organizing and to Eilish and Bunratty's staff for their hospitality.
Social Meeting back at Bunratty's Tim Kelley 2018-08-26 04:00:00Z 0

Register for RFSF Road Race

Posted by Priscilla Gottwald on Aug. 26, 2018

The Ninth Annual Fall Street 5k Race will take place at Washington Park, 100 Washington Street, at 8 am on September 9. The race takes place before the Fall Street Faire festivities, which begin at noon.
Lori Haverty of Tread on Linden Street, Tread on the Mill on High Street and their new studio Tread on East in Winchester opening in September, has been involved in planning the race since it joined the activities of the Fall Street Faire in its second year. Lori is coordinating the race sponsored by Salem Five.  
“I am happy to be back at the helm planning a family race at the Street Faire and happy to welcome Salem Five as the road race gold sponsor. We are looking forward to families running together to make the race an annual family-friendly community event,” said Haverty. “While we hope for a cool September morning, this event is rain or shine. Besides, running in the rain is fun!” 
The 5k race has played a popular role in the Faire since 2010 and is a great way for friends and neighbors to get together for some fun and friendly competition after the summer recess. The course for the race is moderate, not only approachable for casual runners, but also a great speed challenge for the pros. Children are encouraged to run with their families. The course starts at Washington Park and winds through some of Reading's most beautiful neighborhoods, including Hillcrest Avenue, Oak Street, Walnut Street and Summer Avenue.
There will be a brief awards ceremony at Washington Park following the race. The times to beat are 15:57 for males and 19:40 for females.
Bib numbers and registration packages will be available at Tread on the Mill, 13 High Street, in the back of the lot behind Square Liquors, on Friday, September 7, from 2-4 pm, or Saturday, September 8, from 10:15 am to noon or at Washington Park on the day of the race at 7:30 am. The first 200 registrants will receive race T-shirts, so register early!
 “Prizes for our race winners will be given out during the ceremony, but, don’t leave yet! You will want to stay for food, drinks, kids’ activities, live music, a chili cook-off, antique car show and so much more at the 9th Annual Fall Street Faire from noon to five,” added Lori.
Cost to participate is $25 registering in advance online; day of race registration $30 cash or check only. There are no refunds. Runners should arrive at Washington Park at 7:45 for a prompt 8 o’clock start. Register online at
Register for RFSF Road Race Priscilla Gottwald 2018-08-26 04:00:00Z 0

Cornhole at the RFSF

Posted by Priscilla Gottwald on Aug. 26, 2018
Just when you thought the Street Faire had something for everyone, the Rotary Club has found something else!  Bring your tossing talents and your competitive friends to the First Annual Corn Hole Tournament at the Reading Fall Street Faire on September 9. Check in at the corner of High and Green Streets any time from noon to 5.
“Cornhole has become a popular game in the region over the last few years,” said Event Co-Chair Sheila Clarke. “It is a lawn game where players take turns throwing bags of corn or beans at a raised platform with a hole in the far end.”
“Grab a friend for a fun day at the Reading Fall Street Faire, the most popular event in Reading,” added Co-Chair Gregg Johnson. “The Cornhole Classic is a double elimination style tournament with official scoring and brackets. There will be first, second and third place gift card prizes, but it’s really about Town bragging rights!”
The players to register by August 24 will get free entrance to the Patriots’ Tailgate event – a $10 value.  Go to the Faire’s website at and direct any questions about the event to
Cornhole at the RFSF Priscilla Gottwald 2018-08-26 04:00:00Z 0

RFSF Gold Sponsors

Posted by Priscilla Gottwald on Aug. 10, 2018
The Rotary Club of Reading has secured early gold sponsor commitments from local businesses for the Tenth Annual Reading Fall Street Faire on Sunday, September 9, from noon to 5 pm.
Event Chair Sheila Clarke gives credit to Street Faire sponsors, acknowledging that they are the core of the success of putting on an event of this size. This year’s early gold sponsor commitments are from Beacon Consulting and CTA Construction, Lahey Health, Pediatric Dental Associates, Salem Five and Sartell Electric.
RFSF Gold Sponsors Priscilla Gottwald 2018-08-10 04:00:00Z 0

RFSF Seeks Volunteers

Posted by Priscilla Gottwald on Aug. 10, 2018
The Reading Fall Street Faire on September 9 from noon to 5 is Reading’s biggest event of the year and relies on the help of many volunteers to put it all together.
RFSF Seeks Volunteers Priscilla Gottwald 2018-08-10 04:00:00Z 0

Save the Date for RFSF

Posted by Priscilla Gottwald on Aug. 08, 2018
Reading Rotary will present the Tenth Annual Reading Fall Street Faire on Sunday, September 9, from noon to 5 pm.  
Event Chair Sheila Clarke has put Rotarians to work gathering sponsors, securing vendors, attracting entertainment, getting publicity and enticing volunteers to offer this adventure to the public. The Faire has become an anticipated and popular event each fall, with estimates of up to 15,000 people attending.
“The Rotary Club is very excited about continuing this affair,” said Clarke. “We had a successful year last year when the Rotary Club took over managing the event after being supported by the Town committees for the previous eight years. A perfect match for Rotary’s mission of service above self, we anticipate another marvelous event. Profits will be re-invested into the community and other Rotary charitable causes.”
Clarke went on to say, “The Reading Fall Street Faire would not be possible without the generosity of sponsors.” 
Early gold sponsor commitments have come from Beacon Consulting & CTA Construction, Lahey Health/Winchester Hospital, Pediatric Dental Associates and Salem Five. Silver sponsors are Hallmark Health, Comcast, Spurr Financial Services, and Davis, Clark & Latham Insurance. Patron sponsors are The Residence at Pearl, Leader Bank, Burbank YMCA and Douglass, Ederley & Bessom.
This family-friendly event is a great way to re-acquaint with friends, neighbors, local politicians, local businesses and opportunities after the summer recess. It will feature two stages, live entertainment, music, food, food trucks, children’s activities and more. A 5K road race open to children and adults under the direction of Lori Haverty of Tread will take place at 8:30 am before the Faire activities.
Those interested in sponsorship, volunteering, reserving a space as a vendor or running in the 5K race can register at Vendors are placed on a first-come, first-served basis. Register early to secure a prime spot and before the August 21 deadline to avoid a late fee.​
Save the Date for RFSF Priscilla Gottwald 2018-08-08 04:00:00Z 0

Jams for Jake

Posted by Tim Kelley on Aug. 03, 2018
Jams for Jake is Saturday, August 4 at Symonds Field (behind the Burbank Ice Rink).  We are a Sponsor.  Please stop by and check it out.  This is a music festival to build awareness of the problem of opioid abuse.  The BeatHeart Foundation who runs this event and others to create awareness and  provide resources to those effected by the blight of the opioid crisis.  The event runs from 11 am to 8 pm.
Above is a screenshot of BeatHeart Foundation's Facebook post thanking Rotary for our support.
Jams for Jake Tim Kelley 2018-08-03 04:00:00Z 0

Sustaining Members, Check your Points

Posted by Tim Kelley on Jul. 31, 2018
Recently a few members have asked about how many "points" they have, meaning how much have they contributed to the Rotary Foundation as a Sustaining Member.  
A Sustaining Member contributes $100 annually to the Rotary Foundation.  We invoice a voluntary amount of $25 per quarter for Sustaining Member Contribution.  If you contribute $100 Reading Rotary will match your annual $100 contribution to the Foundation. 

Paul Harris Fellow recognition is extended to any individual who contributes, outright or cumulatively (or in whose name is contributed), $1,000 or more to the Annual Fund or PolioPlus or as sponsorship of a portion of a Foundation grant.  Your dollar contribution accumulates recognition points which are tracked in My Rotary.
Through your My Rotary account, you can view your Donor History Report which includes your personal contribution history, recognition amount and available Foundation recognition points. Once you log in, click Manage then Club and District Administration then Reports.  You can also request a copy of your Donor History Report from the Foundation at   Instructions to create a My Rotary Account are here.
Sustaining Members, Check your Points Tim Kelley 2018-07-31 04:00:00Z 0

Fall Street Faire Fast Approaching

Posted by Tim Kelley on Jul. 23, 2018
Preparations for the Reading Rotary's 2nd and the 10th Annual Reading Fall Street Faire are furiously underway.  
If you or someone you know wants to be a Sponsor the event, here is the link to info.
If you you or someone you know wants to get a booth, that link is here.
Please block out the day of the Faire (Sept. 9) and we will need all hands on deck to help.
Spread the word!
Fall Street Faire Fast Approaching Tim Kelley 2018-07-23 04:00:00Z 0

Supporting Another Eagle Project

Posted by Tim Kelley on Jul. 23, 2018
BSA Scout Kevin Yatsuhashi visited our meeting today to tell us about his planned Eagle Scout Project to install a lighted flag pole at the Reading Library.  Kevin will manage the planning and execution of this project with the assistance of Scout and community volunteers.  Reading Rotary is supporting his project with a $200 donation.  Kevin is a Scout with Troop 728 in Reading.
Rotary District 7930 has been emphasizing a partnership with Scouting, both BSA and Girl Scouts because of our similar values of community service and high ethical standards.  We will support an Eagle or Gold Award Project in with $200 per project up to $1000 per year.  
Supporting Another Eagle Project Tim Kelley 2018-07-23 04:00:00Z 0

Fun Time at Salem 5

Posted by Tim Kelley on Jul. 20, 2018
We mixed up our monthly Social Meeting this month and held it on Thursday July 19 from 2-5.  Shelley Murray and Salem Five Bank hosted us at their Small Business Day at the Walkers Brook Branch.  The highlight was the return of our own Brian Snell, who looked great.  
In addition, Salem Five had many professionals available to discuss services for small businesses, from loans to investments to retirement accounts to payroll services.  Other highlights were the lobster rolls from Laurie's 909 and a visit from Past President Mirela.
Thanks again to Shelley and Salem Five.
Fun Time at Salem 5 Tim Kelley 2018-07-20 04:00:00Z 0

Doherty Receives Superintendents' Award

Posted by Tim Kelley on Jul. 19, 2018
On Thursday, July 12th, Superintendent of Reading Public Schools and Rotarian Dr. John Doherty was awarded the Dr. Christos Daoulas award at the M.A.S.S. (Massachusetts Association of School Superintendents) Summer Executive Institute in Falmouth.  This award was named after the late Dr. Christos Daoulas, former longtime Superintendent of Schools in Dracut and for years called the "Dean" of Massachusetts Superintendents for his decades of service.  The award is presented to a superintendent who has provided outstanding leadership and services to the superintendency, including the use of written and spoken word, where Superintendent Daoulas excelled.  John is the 22nd Superintendent to receive the award in the 25 years that it has been in existence. For receiving this award, John will address the Superintendents at the M.A.S.S. Winter Conference which will be held in January.
Congratulations at being recognized for this special acknowledgment by your peers, John!
Doherty Receives Superintendents' Award Tim Kelley 2018-07-19 04:00:00Z 0
President Tim's Installation Address Tim Kelley 2018-07-13 04:00:00Z 0

Interact made a Big Splash

Posted by Tim Kelley on Jun. 18, 2018
The RMHS Interact Club ran their Dunk Tank at Friends and Family Day on Saturday.  They did a great job and raised funds for their projects.  TJ Kelley and Pat Freeman deserve hazard pay for being the only two dunkees.  They were great sports.  Also, staffing their booth were Kathryn, Jess and Ava.
Interact is the high school age Rotary club.  Reading Rotary sponsors Interact Clubs at both RMHS and Austin Prep.  RMHS's club is in its 8th year.  Austin Prep is starting their 2nd year. 
Interact made a Big Splash Tim Kelley 2018-06-18 04:00:00Z 0

Town Day

Posted by Tim Kelley on Jun. 18, 2018
We had a great day at the Lion's Friends and Family Day (a/k/a Town Day) this past Saturday.  Our cotton candy was a big hit.  There was a steady line for it all day long.  Thanks to all the Rotarians who came out and family members, too.  Special kudos to Owen Collins and Maxwell and Harrison Clarke who made and distributed cotton candy.  Cotton candy making is a sticky business and they were great sports and great help.  Rotarians who came to enjoy the day and help out were:  Gregg, Mike B., Mike C., Dick, Dave T., Kathi, Brian T., Don W., Lisa and Tim.  We also distributed Rotary tote bags and literature about the Club.
The weather was perfect.  It was a super community event, a great opportunity to come together for our Reading community.  Great job to our friends at the Lions Club!
Town Day Tim Kelley 2018-06-18 04:00:00Z 0

Hats Off to Veterans on Memorial Day Weekend

Posted by Tim Kelley on May 27, 2018
To all Rotarians, family members, friends and community members everywhere who have given the ultimate sacrifice in defense of our Country, we thank you this Memorial Day weekend.  We were proud to participate with other Rotarians across the District to serve at the New England Center and Home for Veterans this past week.
Take this Memorial Day to Remember and thank a Veteran.
Hats Off to Veterans on Memorial Day Weekend Tim Kelley 2018-05-27 04:00:00Z 0

Reading is off to RYLA

Posted by Tim Kelley on May 11, 2018
Reading will be well represented at RYLA again this year.  The District RYLA weekend starts today at a new camp, Camp Glen Brook in Marlborough, NH. 
Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) is Rotary International’s leadership training program for young people.  Rotary District 7930 has a long-running annual program for high school students. Sophomores and juniors are invited to attend a weekend long event, where they learn leadership and life skills including goal setting, cultural understanding, problem solving, communication, public speaking, networking, community building, low and high ropes challenges, team building and more!
Our club is sponsoring four juniors and sophomores.  Students are from RMHS and Austin Prep.  We also have four (or five?) youths who will be staffing the weekend.
Pictured here are Reading RYLA participants waiting to board a bus to camp.  (They are taking a charter bus to NH, not the Logan Express, fyi.)
Reading is off to RYLA Tim Kelley 2018-05-11 04:00:00Z 0

Brian Visits Summit

Posted by Tim Kelley on May 11, 2018
President Brian attended the Multi District Summit at Bretton Woods this past weekend.  Here he is with our friend Eric Evans of the North Reading Club (and Assistant DG).
Thanks, Brian, for representing Reading!
Brian Visits Summit Tim Kelley 2018-05-11 04:00:00Z 0

Global Grant Project in Zambia

Posted by Tim Kelley on May 11, 2018
Bob Gravino, an Ipswich Rotarian, was our Speaker this past Monday.  Bob presented information about an exciting Global Grant project in Zambia, Africa.  The project, Healthy Kids/Brighter Future., is in Lusaka, Zambia.  In this project, Rotary has worked to develop an innovative model of school based healthcare, which improves the health and learning of school children by dramatically improving their access to healthcare.  Selected teachers are trained as health workers and work to connect schools to the national health system.  Ipswich Rotary is taking the lead to raise commitments of $60,000 from Rotary Clubs, which will yield, when matched in the Rotary grant matching funds to yield $200,000 in funds for the project.  
In three years of Health Kids/Brighter Future health centers have reported a dramatic increase in visits to health care workers which has caused a 44% reduction in disease incidence, 48% increase in de-worming and vitamin A coverage and 22% improvement in student knowledge of health.
To become a full partner in this project, our Club or any other will need to donate $1,050.00 (which covers the $1,000.00 contribution and processing fee to the Foundation).
Thannks to Bob for coming and sharing such an inspirational project.  Mike Bonsey is interested in visiting this project in the future.  Any other takers?
Global Grant Project in Zambia Tim Kelley 2018-05-11 04:00:00Z 0

REF Gala

Posted by Tim Kelley on Apr. 19, 2018
All are invited to attend Reading Education Foundation's Imagination Celebration on April 28 from 7:30-11:00 pm.  It will be held at the Lee Kimball Design Studio, located at 606 Main Street, Suite 3003, Reading.
The Reading Education Foundation (REF), a non-profit foundation, is committed to supporting innovation and excellence in the Reading Public Schools.
Its goal is to enhance and increase educational opportunities for all Reading students by providing funds for projects that go beyond the scope of traditional classroom learning.
REF, formerly the Reading Technology & Education Foundation, was founded in 2001 in response to a need for technology in the Reading public schools. During its first decade, REF granted over $300,000 to the schools in the form of smart boards, laptops, teacher training, etc. Thanks to the generosity of this community, REF technology grants have supported every public school in Reading and reached every child in the district.

In 2011, REF expanded its mission in response to the economic crisis that is having a detrimental impact on public schools. The Board determined that widening the mission was vital for supporting excellence in our schools. REF is committed to providing grants for innovative programs and teacher training that help our students develop skills in creativity, collaboration, communication, and empathy, so important for success in our world today. “We intend to fulfill the research and development role within the Reading school district,” explains Debbie Boschetti, co-founder of the Foundation. “We will make every effort to fund cutting-edge programs and teacher training for Reading schools to ensure 21st century success for our students.”
Rotary has been a community partner with and sponsor of REF.  All Rotarians and community members are invited to attend the Imagination Celebration.  Tickets are available online.
If you cannot make the event on April 28, you can support REF through its Online Auction starting on April 23.
REF Gala Tim Kelley 2018-04-19 04:00:00Z 0

Serving at Rosie's Place

Posted by Tim Kelley on Apr. 18, 2018
Today, the RMHS Interact Club took time from their April Vacation to prepare and serve lunch at Rosie's Place in Boston's South End.  Rosie's Place is a women's shelter which provides a safe and nurturing environment to help poor and homeless women maintain their dignity, seek opportunity and find security.  Rosie's Place provides meals and shelter and helps 12,000 women a year with wide ranging support including housing, and education services.  Rosie's Place was founded in 1974 as the first women's shelter in the United States.
Rosie's Place has a volunteer program for community organization who donate the cost of the meal and also prepare, serve and clean up.  This also offers the opportunity for our members to interact with the clients of Rosie's.  This day they served 160 meals.  Reading Rotary sponsored Interact's trip today. 
Also, helping with the meal were chaperones, Superintendent John Doherty and recently appointed Assistant Superintendent Christine Kelley.
Thanks to all the Interact Club members for their service today!
Serving at Rosie's Place Tim Kelley 2018-04-18 04:00:00Z 0

Paul Harris Nominations

Posted by Tim Kelley on Apr. 17, 2018
As has been the Club practice, we will be accepting nominations for a Club awarded Paul Harris Fellow.  We are looking for a person or persons who embody the Rotary ethics of community service and high professional ethics.  We are looking to award a PHF to a community member committed to service.  If you have any ideas, please pass them along to the PHF Committee (Brian Snell, Tim Kelley and Bobbie Botticelli) by April 25.
We intend to present the Club awarded Paul Harris at our Club Installation Dinner in June.  Please also note that many Rotarians have a lot of Foundations points and you may be able to award a PHF with your already accumulated points.  Also, if you want to honor someone and don't have accumulate points, you can make a donation of $1,000 to the Foundation and name that individual a Paul Harris Fellow.
Each Rotarian's PHF points can be viewed by logging into My Rotary then going to your Profile and Donor History Report.
If you have questions, please ask one of us on the PHF Committee.
Paul Harris Nominations Tim Kelley 2018-04-17 04:00:00Z 0

Help for Eagle Scout Project Requested

Posted by Tim Kelley on Apr. 17, 2018
In furtherance of Rotary's initiative to partner with Scouting (Boys & Girls), we have the opportunity to help Colin Murphy, an Eagle Scout Candidate from Troop 702.  Colin's Eagle Scout Service Project is a blanket and towel drive for Y2Y, a homeless shelter in Harvard Square for young adults.  Y2Y Harvard Square, a young adult overnight shelter, employs a model to provide a safe and affirming environment for young adults experiencing homelessness.  Y2Y guests have opportunities to collaborate with service providers, other youth experiencing homelessness, and volunteers to create sustainable pathways out of homelessness and develop skills for long-term success. Y2Y provides opportunities for both guests and volunteers to become the next generation’s leading advocates for youth-driven solutions to homelessness.
Y2Y's most pressing needs are new or gently used blankets and towels.  This drive will run through April 28.  Any donations may be dropped with Tim Kelley or contact Colin for details or drop locations.

Help for Eagle Scout Project Requested Tim Kelley 2018-04-17 04:00:00Z 0

Week of Service May 21-25

Posted by Tim Kelley on Apr. 04, 2018
Our Club will participate in the Service Week Project that the District will hold on May 21-25.  Our efforts will be in the area of serving lunch at the New England Center and Home for Veterans in Boston on May 21, 2018.  Only twelve (12) people may travel into Boston on that day.  Volunteers must be available from 10:00-2:00.  We will meet at the RMHS and car pool in from there.  We should return by 2:00.  Whether people volunteer to serve lunch that day or not, the club is also holding an underwear drive for the residents at the Veteran’s Home.  Contributions of underwear, both men’s and women’s, were due at our May 14th meeting.  Alternatively, Maureen Hanifan has offered to take cash contributions and she will make a bulk purchase.  
Please take note that we will NOT have our regular luncheon meeting on May 21.
Week of Service May 21-25 Tim Kelley 2018-04-04 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI) April 28

Posted by Tim Kelley on Apr. 04, 2018
The Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI) is a multi-district, grassroots leadership development program of member districts organized into regional divisions in various parts of the world.
RLI seeks to have Rotary Clubs in its member districts identify those Rotarians who appear to have the potential for future club leadership (not necessarily as club presidents) and provide those so identified with a quality education in Rotary knowledge and leadership skills so important in voluntary organizations.
RLI will take place on Saturday, April 28 from 7:30-3:30 at the Four Points Sheraton in Wakefield.  All Rotarians are encouraged to consider attending, especially if you are undertaking a leadership position (Officer, Director, Chair).
Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI) April 28 Tim Kelley 2018-04-04 04:00:00Z 0

Jane Burns of Reading Elder Services

Posted by Brian Snell on Apr. 02, 2018
Jane Burns from Reading Elder Services was our Speaker this week.  She spoke about Reading becoming Dementia Friendly.  The initiative has been spearheaded by the Council on Aging and the DKJ Foundation.  To date, a leadership team has been installed.  Jane spoke about How the initiative began in the UK and then to Minnesota.  Massachusetts has been making strides in this effort since 2015 to the point that Governor Baker has encouraged every municipality in the Commonwealth to become either Dementia or Age friendly.
Jane Burns of Reading Elder Services Brian Snell 2018-04-02 04:00:00Z 0

District Wide Events Coming Up

Posted by Tim Kelley on Mar. 26, 2018
As shown on our Calendar, there are several District events on the near horizon. 
The District Assembly is on April 19 at the Four Points Sheraton in Wakefield.  
Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI) is on Sat., April 28 from 7:30-3:30 at the Four Points Sheraton.
The Rotary Summit is a multi District event from May 4 through May 6.  It is held at the Mount Washington Hotel.  
The Rotary International Convention is in Toronto, June 23-27.  This is the closest geographically the RI convention will be for some time.  This may be your best opportunity to attend one.
District Wide Events Coming Up Tim Kelley 2018-03-26 04:00:00Z 0

2018 Taste Well Received

Posted by Tim Kelley on Mar. 19, 2018
Despite the weather conspiring against us, the Taste of Metro North went off well, thanks to our team of Rotarians, the restaurants who were so flexible to be able to make or snow date and the many guests who attended.  There was plenty of food and a great opportunity to socialized.
Singers from RMHS serenaded guests as they arrived and we were also treated to a middle school instrumental quartet.
Thanks to the school custodians and staff for their yeoman's work in set up and break down.
Photographs by Bruce Hilliard.
2018 Taste Well Received Tim Kelley 2018-03-19 04:00:00Z 0
Breaking News: Taste is Postponed to March 15 Snow Date Tim Kelley 2018-03-12 04:00:00Z 0

Thank you from Eagle Scout

Posted by Tim Kelley on Mar. 12, 2018
Eagle Scout Bryan Doucette updated us on his Eagle Scout Community Service Project which we supported with a donation.  Bryan completed his project of revitalizing the trail and signage at the Pinevale Conservation Area.  This area runs from Washington Park through the woods behind Minot and Main Streets.  Bryan has completed his Eagle Scout requirements and invited us to his Court of Honor to be held on April 7.  
Congratulations on this achievement, Bryan!
Thank you from Eagle Scout Tim Kelley 2018-03-12 04:00:00Z 0

Pearl Street School Reunion

Posted by Tim Kelley on Mar. 12, 2018
Our speaker today was Stacy Blakeslee from the Residence at Pearl Street.  She and the Residence are planning a Pearl Street School Reunion on May 19.  The Residence at Pearl Street is an Assisted Living facility which was formerly the Pearl Street School.  Pearl Street School was closed around 1982 and was sold and converted into its current beautiful senior living facility around 1995.
Any former students, teachers, staff, local history buffs, curious residents or those otherwise interested in this Reunion Party, contact Stacy at the Residence.  Their phone number is 781-944-9200. 
Pearl Street School Reunion Tim Kelley 2018-03-12 04:00:00Z 0

Board Meeting Postponed

Posted by Tim Kelley on Mar. 12, 2018
The Board Meeting scheduled for Tues., Mar. 13 is postponed due to the impending winter storm.  
Tentative date of rescheduled Board Meeting is March 20 at 5:30-7:00 pm.
Board Meeting Postponed Tim Kelley 2018-03-12 04:00:00Z 0
Calling all Members for TOMN Tim Kelley 2018-03-12 04:00:00Z 0

World Peace Dinner

Posted by Tim Kelley on Mar. 08, 2018
District 7930 held its World Peace and Understanding Dinner and Showcase on February 28.  It was organized to help education Rotarians on the issues of addition and to build a network of collaboration between Rotary, government and service organizations who provide programs aimed at prevention treatment and recovery.
Reading was represented by both Rotarians and members of the RMHS and Austin Interact Clubs.
World Peace Dinner Tim Kelley 2018-03-08 05:00:00Z 0

All Hands on Deck for TOMN

Posted by Tim Kelley on Mar. 08, 2018
Fellow Rotarians and Friends,
The great news we have 22 restaurants confirmed the Taste of Metro North on March 14.  Now we need to make sure we have attendees registered.
We need your to help with the following three things to make this event successful:
1. Go on line to and sign up, remember its more money at the door and double money for Rotarians, if Gregg catches you.
2. Tell your family, friends and neighbors to sign up.  We were so successful with a great Club effort getting the restaurants on board. We would hate to have a poor turnout for them and Rotary.  
3. Sign up to help us make this a successful event.  Contact Gregg Johnson to fill a volunteer slot.
a. We need help setting up from 3:30-5:00
b. We need help at registration for 2 shifts: 5:00-6:00 & 6:00-7:00
c. We will need some help breaking down between 7:00-8:00.  
It’s great to have plenty volunteers so that everyone will get a chance to walk around and sample the food.
As always, thanks for you anticipated participation and help.
All Hands on Deck for TOMN Tim Kelley 2018-03-08 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Recognizes Eagle Scouts

Posted by Tim Kelley on Mar. 08, 2018
On Sunday, March 4, Reading Rotarian John Halsey presented three Boy Scouts from Troop 728 in Reading with Certificates in honor of their achieving the rank of Eagle Scout.  Troop 728 held an Eagle Court of Honor for Michael Flynn, Nick Nastri and Andrew Yatsuhashi at St. Agnes Parish Center.  Eagle Scout is the highest rank in Boy Scouts of America and requires the Scout to to earn at least 21 Merit Badges, pass through all lower ranks and complete a public service project.  District Governor David Gardner has made Rotary's association with Scouting to be a priority as both organizations have similar community service focuses.  John Halsey, an Eagle Scout himself, is part of District 7930 initiative to work with Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts. 
Congratulations to Michael, Nick and Andrew for this excellent achievement.
Rotary Recognizes Eagle Scouts Tim Kelley 2018-03-08 05:00:00Z 0

President Brian is Father of the Bride

Posted by Tim Kelley on Jan. 08, 2018
A hearty congratulations to Brian Snell who's daughter Kate was married this past weekend.  Best Rotary wishes to Brian and Linda Snell and the new Stephen and Kate Philips.
Pictured here is Brian walking Kate down the aisle.
President Brian is Father of the Bride Tim Kelley 2018-01-08 05:00:00Z 0

Christmas Adopt-a-Family

Posted by Tim Kelley on Dec. 22, 2017
Dec. 21 was the Drop Off and Distribution Day for Adopt-a-Family.  Rotary with Reading Cares coordinates this community giving program.  There were approximately 60 families in need and donor families/groups were matched to provide Christmas gifts and holiday meals to these families anonymously.  Special thanks to President Brian for coordinating Reading Rotary's efforts.  
This is a truly inspirational and humbling event to see the community come together to help others.  The generosity of the donors is overwhelming.
Thanks also to DPW employees, Reading Elder Services, RPD and all the other folks (especially the donors) who bring this together.  Service Above Self, indeed.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays all!
Christmas Adopt-a-Family Tim Kelley 2017-12-22 05:00:00Z 0

Welcome, New Members!

Posted by Tim Kelley on Dec. 22, 2017
One Dec. 20, at our monthly Evening Social Meeting, we inducted three new Rotarians to our club.  Bob MacDonald (sponsor John Douglass and Mike Collins), John Bogosian (sponsor Lisa Gibbs) and Fred Reilly (sponsor Brian Tobin) were each installed into membership by Steve Chuha.  The induction took place at Bunratty Tavern with around 40 members and guests there.  Members, please make it a point to introduce yourself and welcome them aboard.
Picture here are President Brian Snell, Bob MacDonald, John Douglass, John Bogosian, Lisa Gibbs, Fred Reilly and Brian Tobin.
Welcome, New Members! Tim Kelley 2017-12-22 05:00:00Z 0

Christmas Adopt-a-Family Reminder

Posted by Tim Kelley on Dec. 19, 2017
Reminder that Adopt-a-Family is on Thursday December 21, 2017.  Shifts are 7:30-9:45 and 9:45-12:00.  Brian is still looking for volunteers.  This takes place at the DPW Garage.
Christmas Adopt-a-Family Reminder Tim Kelley 2017-12-19 05:00:00Z 0

Football Lunch with Stoneham

Posted on Dec. 04, 2017
Thanks to all who made the Annual Joint Reading-Stoneham Thanksgiving Luncheon come together.  President Brian did fantastic job pulling everything together and presiding over the luncheon.  It's great to see representatives from both communities at this annual event.  
Football Lunch with Stoneham TJK 2017-12-04 05:00:00Z 0

Next Evening Meeting is Dec. 20

Posted by Tim Kelley on Dec. 04, 2017
Our next Evening Social Meeting is December 20 at Bunratty's.  Please keep inviting friends and others who may be a good addition to Rotary.   Spouses and family are welcome, too!
Next Evening Meeting is Dec. 20 Tim Kelley 2017-12-04 05:00:00Z 0

Another Merry Festival of Trees

Posted by Tim Kelley on Dec. 04, 2017
Reading Education Foundation held another super successful Festival of Trees at Parker Middle School on December 2-3.  We had a very good turnout of Rotarians to volunteer with selling refreshments.  We donated the sales of our cotton candy and candy in the amount of approximately $600.  Congrats to REF for putting on another great community event and raising funds to support Reading Public Schools.
Another Merry Festival of Trees Tim Kelley 2017-12-04 05:00:00Z 0

Joint Football Luncheon

Posted by Tim Kelley on Nov. 20, 2017
Our Annual Joint Football Luncheon is Monday, Nov. 20 at St. Agnes Parish Center.  Please arrive at Noon.  Also note there is limited parking in the Church lot.  You may park in the lot behind the former Reading Gymnastic Academy, along Woburn Street or Temple Street.
Joint Football Luncheon Tim Kelley 2017-11-20 05:00:00Z 0

Service Project for Homeless Vets

Posted by Tim Kelley on Nov. 07, 2017
At Monday's meeting we did a service project for Homeless Veterans.  We make care packages consisting of new pairs of socks and cards from Wood End School students thanking them for their service.  We also included personal notes of thanks from Rotarians.  Shout out to President Brian Snell and Lisa Gibbs for planning and coordinating.  Thanks also to Target for the donation of socks and bags.  The cards from the children were great.  
This was a great way to start off the week, to focus on giving a little something back to those who have given so much for us.
Service Project for Homeless Vets Tim Kelley 2017-11-07 05:00:00Z 0

Reading 375 Trivia Night

Posted by Tim Kelley on Nov. 06, 2017
Reading 375 is holding a Trivia Night fundraiser on November 17 at 7 at RCTV.  Tables of 6 are available for $150.  Tim would like to get a Rotary table together.  If you are interested, please let Tim know.  If we have enough takers we could field a second table, subject to availability.
Reading 375 Trivia Night Tim Kelley 2017-11-06 05:00:00Z 0


Posted by Tim Kelley on Nov. 03, 2017
EMARC is holding their annual gala on Monday, Nov. 13 at the Peabody Marriott.  Reading Rotary is supporting EMARC by buying  table.  If you would like to attend, please contact Brian Snell to reserve a place.  Please let Brian know by Wed., Nov. 8.  We would love to have a full Rotary contingent there.
EMARC Gala Tim Kelley 2017-11-03 04:00:00Z 0

Jams for Jake postponed

Posted by Tim Kelley on Oct. 30, 2017
The Jams for Jake event that we are sponsoring was postponed from October 29 to November 12.  James for Jake is an organization working with RCASA (Reading Coalition Against Substance Abuse) to raise awareness of opioid substance abuse.  Mark you calendars.
Jams for Jake postponed Tim Kelley 2017-10-30 04:00:00Z 0

District Governor Visit

Posted by Tim Kelley on Oct. 30, 2017
It was great to have our District Governor David Gardner at our meeting last week.  As you know Dave has often visited us and patronized our events as his home club is Stoneham.  
District Governor Visit Tim Kelley 2017-10-30 04:00:00Z 0

RFSF Committee:  Thanks to All!

Posted by Priscilla Gottwald on Sep. 18, 2017
The 2017 Street Faire Committee wishes to thank all those who helped make this year’s Faire a tremendous success.
Event Chair Sheila Clarke credits the overwhelming attendance, organization and collaboration to the many volunteers, sponsors, Committee members, Rotarians, town departments, local newspapers,  cable TV and attendees who made it possible.
“I have said this before,” said Clarke, “but it really does take a village to make an event of this magnitude the enormous accomplish-ment that we have all achieved. The ‘village’ of Reading has that special combination of dedication, community spirit and support from its residents, businesses, town employees, local media and volunteers who collaborated for this special day. The Street Faire is a celebration of all of us!”
“All the hard work and preparation paid off and we look forward to bringing you a spectacular celebration next year for our 10th anniversary.”
(Pictured here the first Reading Fall Street Faire Committee on the Jumbotron slide show.)
RFSF Committee: Thanks to All! Priscilla Gottwald 2017-09-18 04:00:00Z 0

Club Leadership

Posted on Sep. 18, 2017
Reading Rotary does so much good in the community.  We are becoming bigger in prominence in the town with the great success of the Reading Fall Street Faire, Snack Shack and Taste of Metro North.  However, we are in need of Rotarians for the roles of President Elect and Vice President.  If we do not have succession to our current leadership, the Club's future is in jeopardy.  Please consider the possibility of stepping up to offer your gifts of leadership to the Club.  We all know we do Rotary because we are committed to service, but you can raise your profile in the community, especially in light of the Street Faire's great success.
The Club has been well organized and we just need people to sit in the big chair.  There is plenty of Club help to make your presidency successful.
Club Leadership TJK 2017-09-18 04:00:00Z 0

Final RFSF Press Release

Posted by Priscilla Gottwald on Sep. 07, 2017
Kick-off breakfast and Fall Street Faire are Sunday, Once Upon a Time Saturday night – Sartell sponsors billboard advertising for all to see
Reading, MA, September 7, 2017 – Countdown is on for the Fall Street Faire on Sunday, September 10, with the kick-off breakfast at 8:30 at Washington Park where the 5k race registration takes place. Pediatric Dental Associates (PDA) Group is sponsoring the breakfast, free to the public. Faire activities are from noon to 5 pm. Once Upon a Time is on Saturday evening from 6:30-9 and Sartell Electric is telling the world about the Faire via digital billboard.
“It’s important that the Faire grow each year, not only in attendance, but also with new creative events. We have also grown our advertising in a big way,” said Event Chair Sheila Clarke. “A special thank you to Sartell Electric of Reading who is sponsoring digital advertising about the Faire on the billboard near Jordan’s Furniture. This is seen by thousands traveling Routes 128 and 95 daily.”
“And finally,” said Clarke, “We want to remind you about this year’s Once Upon a Time event that will honor volunteers and former volunteers, Street Faire gold and silver sponsors, Reading residents and businesses,  and those who make Reading a great place to live and work,” said Clarke. “We hope none of you will be modest about attending this event to honor those who have done so much for the Town, including you, over the years.”
“It takes a village and dedication to bring many Town projects to fruition.  This celebration is a culmination of many people’s efforts. Reminisce with old friends and new acquaintances to kick off the next day!” Sheila added.
Once Upon a Time will take place at Lee Kimball at 606 Main Street, Suite 3003, in the Northern Bank building on Saturday, September 9 from 6:30-9 pm. Tickets are $50 and include food, beer and wine. Tickets can be purchased at
Final RFSF Press Release Priscilla Gottwald 2017-09-07 04:00:00Z 0

Silver Sponsors: Beacon, CTA, Eastern Bank, RCTV

Posted by Priscilla Gottwald on Sep. 05, 2017
Beacon Consulting, CTA Construction, Eastern Bank and RCTV are silver sponsors at the Faire
Beacon Consulting, CTA Construction, Eastern Bank and RCTV are adding more silver to the excitement of the Reading Fall Street Faire on Sunday, September 10, from noon to 5 pm.  
“The Street Faire Sponsor Committee continues to do an outstanding job in securing silver sponsors from not only Reading, but also other communities,” said Event Chair Sheila Clarke.
Beacon, CTA, Eastern and RCTV join other silver sponsors Hallmark Health; Lee Kimball; Douglass, Edgerley & Bessom Funeral Home and Davis, Clark & Latham Insurance Agency and gold sponsors   Spurr Financial, Northern Bank, Lahey Health, Salem Five and Pediatric Dental Associates Group (PDA) in their support of the Faire.                                           
Beacon Consulting Group Inc. is a national consulting firm providing a wide range of consulting services to financial, real estate,  architectural, government, surety and insurance companies.  They have offices in Massachusetts, New York and California.  
Dennis O’Neill is president and owner of Beacon.  A native of Medford, he established the company in New York City in 2003 and returned to Massachusetts to open additional offices in Medford and later in California.  
“Although Beacon has expanded into a national consulting practice, we still depend upon the local businesses in the community in order to deliver the high-quality service our clients demand,” said O’Neill. “The Rotary Club and the Reading Fall Street Faire promote this type of collaboration.”
In his spare time, Dennis coaches youth sports and along with Pat Tompkins of CTA, he is co-founder of the Middlesex Multisport Athletic Club, which promotes amateur athletics, road races and triathlons in the community. 
Dennis and Pat have also partnered to utilize their entrepreneurial skills in establishing Beacon Films, a film production company. To date they have produced Fairhaven which premiered at the Tribeca Film Festival and Manhattan Romance, which was screened at the New York, New Orleans and New Hampshire Film Festivals.
“Producing films is very similar to the construction industry – you start with a plan and idea and work with numerous parties and a budget to create the end product,” said O’Neill.
 A proponent of community involvement, Dennis is very pleased to be a sponsor of the Reading Fall Street Faire and extends many thanks to all involved in coordinating this great event. Dennis resides in Reading with his wife Laura and three children.  For more information about Beacon Consulting click here.
CTA Construction is a full-service construction management firm specializing in municipal construction. Located in Waltham, CTA is owned by Reading resident Pat Tompkins.  CTA has completed local projects at Wakefield Municipal Light Department on North Ave in Wakefield, the Woburn High School football stadium and athletic complex, as well as the Marshall Simonds Middle School and the Memorial Elementary School, both located on Winn St. in Burlington.   CTA is also currently constructing the new Hurld-Wyman Elementary School on Wyman St. in Woburn.  More information can be found at
Pat is a member of the Town of Reading Building Committee and he currently serves on the Board of Directors of EMARC.  Pat and his wife Marianne are involved in multiple community and charitable endeavors. They have three children in the Reading Public School System. 
Pat is co-founder with Dennis O’Neill of the Middlesex Multisport Athletic Club and Beacon Films.
“As long-time residents, we have been regulars at the Town Faire for the past nine years.  It’s a great community event where we catch up with friends old and new.  We wanted to thank the Rotary Club for stepping up and taking over the Faire and we are proud to be sponsors,” said Pat and Marianne.
CTA and Beacon Consulting are co-sponsors of the Tailgate Party.
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